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Same here, but only slightly. I actually didn't like Like An Everflowing Stream that much when I first got it but it slowly grew on me.
See, I told ya:cool: Come to think of it , almost any album can grow on you if you listen to it repeatedly. Hence, it's possible that you'll learn to like utter shit if you force yourself on it too much. Just food for thought.
Somehow it never seems to work for me the other way aroind. Albums I've grown tired of will permanently(relatively speaking) remain tedious.
Swedish death metal recorded at Sunlight I would place over the first Carnage.

God Macabre-the winterlong.
Grave-you'll never see,into the grave
Necrophobic-the nocturnal silence
Entombed-left hand path

Death metal recorded at Sunlight that I would place over Carnage.

Amorphis-the karelian isthmus
Darkthrone-soulside journey
Good move. The 'stickied' section is most often overlooked as compared to the regular threads section. I also think "Recommendations Thread" is too vague. We have separate threads for each genre anyway.
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