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Because I don't give a shit about Carcass. I've heard it all before and didn't think much of it.
I've heard Reek Of Putrefaction - Heartwork and the early stuff is crappy enough to be considered Grindcore.
I never said Necroticism was Grindcore you fuck. Besides 1992 isn't exact early for Carcass. I don't know why you're telling me shit everyone already knows as if I didn't.
im talking about an industrial behemoth (new) without the vocals with late burzum interludes. any suggestions? and they cant be a gothenburg influenced band. i dont want anything to do with that melodeth shit.
Erik said:
listen again then mate

I fucking will, I didn't say I wasn't going to. I said I don't care to, which means not right now, but when I feel like finding more music. I already know that I'll probably like Necroticism, but I don't care much because I have a shitload of new music to listen to right now.
i dont mean to be an ass but that wasnt really good. im not a fan of black metal with CLEAN production. does anyone know any jazz influenced industiral technical thrash metal?
i know that sounds hard to find but i just wanna hear something different cause metal bands today all the same. metalcore is basically screamo on steriods. i HATE melodis death metal WITH A PASSION. i hate black metal with clean production. i find most power metal and pogressiv metal boring and cheesy. so i want to find a band this day in age that sounds nothing like the other bands.
Erik said:
"We don't need new styles; we don't need "progress"; we do need music that has some idea of what it wants to communicate, and can make that experience meaningful."

thats whats wrong with the metal now.
I just recently got into the black metal scene (every Satanist should at least give it a chance), and I'm looking for more wholesome, goat sacrificing, vomit-spewing, blackest-of-black metal.

I enjoy Amon Amarth, Bal-Sahoth, Behemoth, Burzum, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, and Leviathan. I also enjoy older bands like Emperor and Mayhem, so don't be afraid to recommend those, either.
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