Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

:) true, I forgot about COBTV! And I guess the song will leak somewhen near the end of december, anyway :lol:

I try to stay clear of the leaks, at least until the real release date. I have many times thought that once I've preordered and paid for the album I shouldn't wait more than others that aren't even going to pay, but I always try to stay away from them.

Great to finally get the tracklisting and cover a/w, and the trailer - I think it looks like a pretty cool video. Hope they start the
pre-ordering soon :D

Indeed, I want to preorder now! Can't wait to have it "awaiting delivery" on my Levykauppa page :lol: Same goes for the singles or whatever that they release.
Huh... and agian i guess i'm the onlyone who is disappointed about cover :) And no "bodom" song :confused: that's disappointment to me too. Trailer is too shor to tell something about the whole song so i hope music will be better! and everything so far reminds me something about new In Flames. By the way i love BASS sound !!!
I try to stay clear of the leaks, at least until the real release date. I have many times thought that once I've preordered and paid for the album I shouldn't wait more than others that aren't even going to pay, but I always try to stay away from them.
I know myself, I won't be able to stay away from the leak, anyway - I'm not very patient in terms of new stuff from my favourite bands, I never can wait till the CD arrives :( So I don't even try to hold myself back :lol:
wow so whoever guessed yellow/brown for the cover art was right, I'm really surprised by it. I don't like it too much but i will give them that it is pretty unique and odd. the titles are actually pretty weird (some even kinda complex) and some a bit dumb but cob songs have always been that way. I'm trying to get the trailer to load up now, this album will hopefully rule!

edit: wow so the trailer loaded and I gotta be honest I was not digging that song until it started. the intro seemed kinda melodic and almost pop-ish and while the synth sounded really cool the riff was just typical chugga chugga; hopefully the rest of the album keeps that synth but gets more technical and black metal-ish like they said in a couple interviews. Either way I'm still excited because considering thats the single and the music video is trendy I don't think it'll dictate the sound of the rest of the album; gotta have their pop single (not crying sellouts, most bands have at least one more melodic and catchy song on the album; just the way it is).
Its like riffing from BD with no real tonal center.

Yea, sounds VERY much like all the riffing in BD. And to me, that's bad. I almost hate that album, all the riffing sounds generic and boring to me. Guitar sound itself is not to my tastes on that album. But Alexi has said that this song ain't a typical bodom -song.

But on this album.
Cover looks nice! Although I dislike a bit these "HD sharp" covers (BD and this). The older are bit more 'mysterious', if u know what I mean.

If all the other songs sound more like shovel knockout, I will be more than happy! Heaven, here I come!
Cover artwork is actually pretty cool, and songtitles aren't as bad as I would have guessed. Northpole Throwdown sounds like a smackdown move or something though.
Not a huge fan of the cover. I think the people in the tree are kinda weird, and not so sure what's up with the city in the background. Don't like the font either. But whatever, it's just the cover.
Meh, not what i was expecting tbh. After hearing the 'Shovel Knockout' samples i almost knew i was expecting to much.
Can't say i particularly care about album art and there's nothing there to start making me care. Titles seem to be in the same vein as the Blooddrunk titles.
The short sample from 'WIWI? ' seems to start sounding almost like a 'Pendulum' song then into a riff which sounds very similar to 'Blooddrunk'. Not impressed.
Hopefully the rest of the album provides something more interesting.
I really like the "Northpole Throwdown" title. It reminds me of "Northern Comfort" which I relate to Vikings and all that :lol: as far as the album cover goes... meh not so impressed :erk:
yeah.. maybe cover idea is'nt that bad but i dont like that hd computer graphics too. And i wanted bodom song bad all those efforts thinking future "bodom" songs. :( But all the other song titles are'nt bad just like all since HCDR.
i know it's too short sample to judge but what you guys think about bass? i think it's more hearable purer etc. i love it.
Definitely like the cover.
The songtitles....some of them are pretty cool. I really like Northpole Throwdown. Shovel Knockout sounds somewhat lame to me but, well, as long as the song is good. (Plus the songs might change my mind completely)
i know it's too short sample to judge but what you guys think about bass? i think it's more hearable purer etc. i love it.

It sounds good.

The guitar tone is so fuckin amazing, though. I hate hate hated the production on Blooddrunk. I feel like some of the songs on that album would sound 50x better if they sounded like now.
Album cover looks cool! I love the sample we got, both riffs are fuckin sweet! My only issue at the moment is a couple song titles but looks like it won't matter because the music will be awesome.
Sounds like they've gone back to using the Lee Jackson? Tone sounds way better.