Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

"Mun mielestä tuo soolo kuulostaa siltä että Laiho on jurrissa vetaissut puoliläpällä jonkun omituisen rävellyksen narulle ja hohotellut perään että on niin vammainen juttu että se jätetään levylle."

"Mun mielestä tuo on "porno soolo". Siinä mielessä, että siitä tulee mielikuva, miten läski, ruma, viiksekäs Gunther hyväksikäyttää nuoren Tatjana 18:n kaikkia reikiä ja laskee creampiet ränniin ja sitten kaiken lisäksi vähempiosainen pilipalisti haluaa osingoille myös ja suorittaa niin kovasti tarpeitansa vaativan aktin jälkiliukkaiden perään, koska näin on aiemminkin ollut tapana. Gunther ja pilipalisti läpsäyttävät high fiven ja naureskelevat kassit tyhjinä ja Tatjana tuntee olonsa halvaksi lutkaksi, mikä hän mahdollisesti onkin."

Oh my god :lol::lol::lol:

I think Youtube has made that kind of stuff worthless to buy.

There are always collectors.
Yeah, and the DVD could be worse. The way it is (if the info is correct) actually makes a ton more logical sense than the DVD that came with Blooddrunk.

I think Youtube has made that kind of stuff worthless to buy.

By the same rationale, the Internet made music CDs worthless to buy *shrug*.
Yeah honestly I'll buy that. I love DVD quality live shows and things (hell I used to collect COB bootleg live dvd's and had about 40 shows from 1998-2006 when I became too busy to keep up the hobby) so that's perfect for me. The Blooddrunk dvd was very disappointing as it was so bare bones and just the album in HD but even if it's a small making of, having the video in HD quality + making of + live songs is great. That's more than a lot of bands put out these days and while I'd do more (I'm a dvd extra junkie, if my band gets signed to a bigger label someday I'll definitely be putting a badass dvd edition of the CD out) it's definitely a step up.

Also it's a great business decision for them due to having all those different aspects will attract a lot of people to the more expensive version and that Rockhouse excerpt will obviously alert more fans (or potential people wanting to play guitar and be OMGALEXI) to the dvd's and increase revenue with no advertising costs. Fuckin great idea that works for everyone in the end. With a single as catchy and simple and pop as WIWI and a dvd with such brilliant selling aspects like this someone is definitely stepping up the marketing for the band; as if they weren't huge enough now this will definitely make them even bigger.
I think Youtube has made that kind of stuff worthless to buy.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Ok, I wasn't going to say anything about speculating beyond the point of healthy fandom, because when that bothers me, I can just stop reading and anything said wouldn't change your mind anyway.

But this? Like Crzy_Aus said, you might as well argue that you shouldn't buy any albums because you can just find them online for free. Yeah, that's a real good way to support the bands you love and to make sure that they keep writing music for a living.

Look, if you don't want the DVD, just don't buy it. Other people might want to.
Yeah, and the DVD could be worse. The way it is (if the info is correct) actually makes a ton more logical sense than the DVD that came with Blooddrunk.
This, hard. Blooddrunk's DVD was a joke. This DVD on the other hand actually has a couple things that I'd watch. I mean, we haven't had professional live footage of them since the sloppy CRY DVD, :ill: so even if it's two songs that's kinda nice. Its not a packed DVD by any means, but whatever. I'll buy it.
I'll buy it as I am a collector, but Joonas does have a point.

The internet has made this kind of thing useless. And I don't mean for free either. You can still buy this type of thing and download it from internet. Good quality and no ripping to CPU later anyways, which ALOT of people do these days now that iPods and everything else like an iPod has to be on CPU first and then transfered over to the MP3 player.

If I were not a collector of cd's and merch I would much rather buy it online and D/L it. Music or video.

But D/L-ing it for free is a no-no.
I'll buy it as I am a collector, but Joonas does have a point.

The internet has made this kind of thing useless. And I don't mean for free either. You can still buy this type of thing and download it from internet. Good quality and no ripping to CPU later anyways, which ALOT of people do these days now that iPods and everything else like an iPod has to be on CPU first and then transfered over to the MP3 player.

If I were not a collector of cd's and merch I would much rather buy it online and D/L it. Music or video.

But D/L-ing it for free is a no-no.

I disagree as unless someone uploads a straight dvd rip of something, I don't download it. I'm so into quality now that any form of ripping aside from maybe turning a 9 gb dvd into a 4 gb dvd (still bad in my book) is a no go. Sometimes people do upload album dvd's onto torrent sites like that but still it's better to have the actual dvd I personally think (though the amount of people uploading the full rips is increasing on certain dedicated metal websites which is good in terms of not decimating the quality of it). Watching it on youtube is fucking terrible and just like I wouldn't want a 96kbs rip of the album for my first listen, I wouldn't use that for a dvd. Either way I'll still buy it so I can have the dvd and album in full 100% lossless quality; downloading it is just like you kinda said, so I can have it while I'm waiting for my main copy.
I disagree as unless someone uploads a straight dvd rip of something, I don't download it. I'm so into quality now that any form of ripping aside from maybe turning a 9 gb dvd into a 4 gb dvd (still bad in my book) is a no go. Sometimes people do upload album dvd's onto torrent sites like that but still it's better to have the actual dvd I personally think (though the amount of people uploading the full rips is increasing on certain dedicated metal websites which is good in terms of not decimating the quality of it). Watching it on youtube is fucking terrible and just like I wouldn't want a 96kbs rip of the album for my first listen, I wouldn't use that for a dvd. Either way I'll still buy it so I can have the dvd and album in full 100% lossless quality; downloading it is just like you kinda said, so I can have it while I'm waiting for my main copy.

I'm not talking about some shitty quality rip here.

I'm saying if the label sold a D/L online that included just the audio tracks or just whats on the dvd, people could pay to D/L that straight to CPU instead of buying the cd/dvd. It wouldn't be shit quality. Same quality as cd just a D/L instead of cd. Then you can transfer the audio to an iPod or tranfer the dvd to ..... an iPod and watch it.

Then all the crazy collectors would buy the cd/dvd and pay for the D/L just to have more CoB stuff.

That's what I was getting at.
I thought the Bloddrunk dvd was ok.

It was great for me.

At work my CPU won't play a normal cd, but it will play dvd's. So I can just pop that sucker in and listen to it. Needless to say it gets a lot of play time at my job as nothing else will really work...unless it is a dvd.
At work my CPU won't play a normal cd, but it will play dvd's.

Well, that is... weird.

Then again, you could always rip stuff at home and put it on a flash-drive or something.
Are you fucking kidding me?

Yeah, that's a real good way to support the bands you love and to make sure that they keep writing music for a living.

You're an idiot. The last time I checked this thread was about THE NEW ALBUM, not an extra DVD. It's like you're accusing me of not buying the Reaper bobblehead. I've understood bands are about albums, not extras. Why should I spend my little money to make Universal Music rich? What do I get from that in return?

Look, if you don't want the DVD, just don't buy it. Other people might want to.

Never said it's wrong to buy anything. I'd buy beers for the band, and I'd pay hundreds and hundreds of euros to hear the new album just once in advance, but I'm not paying a penny for extras I don't need.

I bought my first mp3 player a month ago, carried a portable CD player with me all the way until then. So maybe I'm not the right target for such accusals. But I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and pretend I buy CD's because I want to support the bands. I'm not a charity maker, I just want the CD's. :) Of course if the band's existence depended on it, I would pay. I would also pay for some bands to make original music again and not commercial after becoming famous.
Ofcourse every loyal fan will buy CD of band which he's into. It's the feeling actually owning an album - piece of art. But internet is great in that way that i can explore more bands and try if i like it or not, otherwise i should spend much money for shits.
Exclusive to EMP this limited box set, which includes next to the new album as CD & DVD version a photobook with 60 pages and a Children Of Bodom wall clock!
