Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

The main reason why I try to buy CD's instead of buying them from Itunes is because I can load them into Adobe Audition then pitch shift them to whatever tuning my guitar is in at the time (My real amp is @ friends house so I only use virtual amps). Even though my main guitar isn't a floyd i've got thicker strings on it so it sounds bad if I tune up 2 a song in E for example & same if I tune lower.

Most of the songs I own have been bought from itunes though only because i've made the decision to buy the song/album late at night either too tired/drunk to go out and buy it in stores haha.
The main reason why I try to buy CD's instead of buying them from Itunes is because I can load them into Adobe Audition then pitch shift them to whatever tuning my guitar is in at the time (My real amp is @ friends house so I only use virtual amps). Even though my main guitar isn't a floyd i've got thicker strings on it so it sounds bad if I tune up 2 a song in E for example & same if I tune lower.

Most of the songs I own have been bought from itunes though only because i've made the decision to buy the song/album late at night either too tired/drunk to go out and buy it in stores haha.

There's a program called BestPractice which allows you to do the same thing with mp3 files (plus slowing down, speeding up, all that shit), I do that with a bunch of my mp3's to play along to them or see what songs would sound like in other tunings (usually my own recordings) and it works pretty well except a few songs it can't render.
I hope the single version will have better quality, cause in the solo its pitching although its a great version ! maybe vocals bit louder..
I hate everything about the song except the chorus melody. They played it in radio today when I was at gym. That's what it takes to make a radio song, it has to be 1) irritating, and 2) simple. And sometimes (but very rarely) 3) have something good about it, in this case the chorus. But I don't like this. Let the album be better.
"Children Of Bodom
Our new single "Was It Worth It?" will be made available for streaming starting tomorrow (Thursday, January 13) at noon EST (5:00 PM GMT) via our Facebook!"

Well, I hope this version is 10x better than the radio one.
In the beginning i kinda disliked the song. But it has grown on me intensively, and i really like it as a party song. The intro is Fuckin' awesome, the chours is goooood, and it has one hell of an atmosphere :D
This album better not suck, Alexi, I know you read this stuff, you can read English. Same goes for you Janne. I can listen to your first 4 albums straight through from start to finish, i can't do that with these albums. Feels bad man.
I really like WIWI, aside from the horrible vocals I've heard thus far, hopefully tomorrow brings a better quality version. The solos, though lame kinda fade into the background...making them even weaker, but atleast they dont detract from the song.

That said, I have really high hopes for the rest of the album.
I hate everything about the song except the chorus melody. They played it in radio today when I was at gym. That's what it takes to make a radio song, it has to be 1) irritating, and 2) simple. And sometimes (but very rarely) 3) have something good about it, in this case the chorus. But I don't like this. Let the album be better.

wow... shut the fuck up you have no clue about that business and should stay away from it like charli should stay away from plugins. you're not that ultimate alternative guy who is superior because he sees the "beauty" of music and the "ugliness" of radio songs. make up bodom stories but dont start to talk about your view of the music industry. Please.
The radio edits or wat? If you just mean the songs: Closed minded violin dickhead :loco:

Shaddup, you've got a giant phallic symbol in the signature. Overcompensating much? :wave:

Trying to find a good song on radio is like trying to find good food at McDonald's.
That was a joke but its interesting that you see a dick in that sandworm, pretty interesting :lol:
getting easily offended these days? And there is not ''the radio'' nowadays, there isnt just one station.


you got some shitty german lyrics in your sig.. u being hitla? and a satisfied woman...never saw that in real life?