Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Well crystal clear and fact we don't know, but they've said countless times (even before WIWI was out) that WIWI IS really simple and out of their style and all, so I would think it's pretty safe to expect a different vibe from the rest of the album.
I figured it'd be the most commercial of the songs, I'm honestly surprised that people are hating on it so much. I don't mind commercial songs/pop-ish catchy metal as long as they do it WELL which I think they did on this song; great atmosphere, good riffs, good arrangement, great hooks etc plus it flows well and feels organic instead of thrown together. With the idea of the mix and then the other songs in terms of the samples we've seen from COBTV and such I really think the album will be great. It has that big dark atmosphere from the earlier records along with the really aggressive vocals and from what they've said it should end up pretty technical and dark. Obviously the radio single is trying to really break out into that market and overall it'll be more conservatively composed to hit major markets but i still think it'll kick ass. It's funny to see the people usually defending the hell out of CoB no matter what totally ripping on them; I thought I'd be really bummed out but I'm actually really pumped for this album after the single.
Soon it s time to get the album out. Can't wait! First is Was it worth it? which is the most simple and maybe less heavy track of the 9 tracks we have... Like said, can't wait to have the whole album out...

Looks like they had to rush in to calm the situation. The confusion over how simple and radio friendly WIWI sounds did not escape their eyes. I know the rest will be better.

We can hope, right?
In all honesty, I don't mind the song, but something less commercial for the rest of the album would be nice.
I don't really care for the way the vocals are on the track, but it could have been a poor rip I was listening to. (And it's probably been discussed to death already...)
Looks like they had to rush in to calm the situation.

I guess someone's actually reading this forum :lol: Well, at least they'll know better than to release the shittiest song for promotion in the future. Assuming of course that it IS the worst song of the album and they aren't just desperate to cover it all up.

I'm honestly surprised that people are hating on it so much. I don't mind commercial songs/pop-ish catchy metal as long as they do it WELL which I think they did on this song; great atmosphere, good riffs, good arrangement, great hooks etc plus it flows well and feels organic instead of thrown together.

Well, apparently some people do mind :p I also pretty much disagree on that whole second part of the statement aside from the hooks.

EDIT: Well shit, the stupid vocal effect is still there, and so is the shitty guitar tone. If anything, Epi's rip probably sounded more attractive than what they posted on FB :lol:
That and not telling you it was even on the page anywhere... If you're gonna make ppl post it on thier page, post it on yours... NOT under some tab, ppl dont pay attention to those tabs most of the time anyway...
Yea, google "children of bodom was it worth it vocal" and see what ppl have to say about it...

Utter crap. Just about ruins what is otherwise a nice song~! :(

I crammed the two pictures together. Made a crappy job of it, but one should get the idea.
How they are part of a bigger picture is actually pretty cool.
Now I want to know how the full picture looks like. Probably just filling up the gaps, but it would be awesome to see.

And I guess people on their facebook are a bit less positive as well now. but after the 20-odd spins, I'm liking it. A nice single. Now to wait for the album with the 8 Bodomesque tracks.