Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

They still have to send out promo copies to all review magazines. But where normally the reviewer gets it a good month or more before the release, they might send those out a lot later.
Either way, the unwritten rule is that reviews can go up 10 days before the release (is what labels are saying) but some pop up earlier. But now they might send the promos 14 days before the release, making a leak come out this close to the release as well.

You can never stop leaks, but you can try to prevent it for as long as possible.
It appears Alexi has been hospitalized back in US due to his ulcer which he suffers from. Think he's had it some years, too much whiskey burned a hole in his stomach. He shouldn't play with it since it can even prove fatal at worst.

I think he should spend this free time under some pro health care supervision... touring and drinking and breaking bones and not eating and sleeping etc doesn't sound too healthy. Of course that's the exaggerated 'image' we get from the outside and can't see behind the scenes... even stress can create an ulcer, but it's more likely down to diet.
Heavy drinking's never good. Someone who suffers from a stomach ulcer and still drinks is only making it worse. So yeah, Alexi needs to work on the drinking problem if he wants to live beyond 50.
It sucks when you grow up and come to realization of your mortality and start thinking how fucking many cigarettes you've smoken in your life and how many times got drunk and what cause it has on the health. What can you do, just try to fix what's possible.

Plus drinking makes you fucking stupid. It caused brain damage, it makes you fucking stupid and forgetful..

I've realized that too. Even in a light hangover you can still thrive in everyday matters but the best edge is gone. Just like boxers get brain damage so do drinkers. That's if you exceed the healthy amount of drinks. How much permanent damage it does is hard to evaluate.
I've realized that too. Especially in hangover.. you can still thrive in everyday matters but the best edge is gone. Just like boxers get brain damage so do drinkers. That's if you exceed the healthy amount of drinks. How much permanent damage it does is hard to evaluate.

And yet noone is perfect, so it's unavoidable. But it's best that such indulgence is practiced in moderation to avoid lasting damages.
It appears Alexi has been hospitalized back in US due to his ulcer which he suffers from. Think he's had it some years, too much whiskey burned a hole in his stomach. He shouldn't play with it since it can even prove fatal at worst.

I think he should spend this free time under some pro health care supervision... touring and drinking and breaking bones and not eating and sleeping etc doesn't sound too healthy. Of course that's the exaggerated 'image' we get from the outside and can't see behind the scenes... even stress can create an ulcer, but it's more likely down to diet.

are you kidding me man?

is there any more news about this?
To be honest, I've been wondering when the long-term effects of his heavy drinking were going to show up. I'm sure he doesn't get hardcore plastered every freakin' day, but it seems to happen on a fairly regular basis. Smoking a lot doesn't help, either. Unfortunately, this is one of the consequences of not taking care of yourself. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for Alexi. He's said he's been trying to cut back on the drinking, and we can only pray he takes it seriously at this point.
I think it's disrespectful and absurd to make judgment calls and assumptions about the personal life and decisions of someone you don't even know.

That said, I hope he recovers soon.
We shouldn't make assumptions to the cause of his illness. We don't have a lot of information; it could be totally unrelated and like someone else said basically; it isn't anyone's place to judge another; especially someone we don't know. A lot of people drink heavily and smoke. I feel its blown out of proportion sometimes. If he is ill I hope he recovers quickly and doesn't suffer.
I think it's disrespectful and absurd to make judgment calls and assumptions about the personal life and decisions of someone you don't even know.

That said, I hope he recovers soon.

Why are you trying to shut your eyes from reality to say what pleases the band? It's very simple: the human body is not made for this rock star life. If it required it I'd be alright passing one show for him having a year break from touring and concentrate on health and writing music without the label's strict deadlines. It made me sick seeing the videos of him playing with a broken shoulder and trying to sing with destroyed lungs. The label should've called it quits, they're putting money before Alexi's health. He was too prideful to say no and they simply had to wait until Alexi is not able to do it anymore. Living a life like that, how the hell are you supposed to not drink, not smoke, do sports, eat healthy etc... From what I've seen they've been squeezing everything out of Alexi just to get as much money as possible, and that goes to new album deadlines as well. Of course it's up to Alexi to be on top of things, but the ride has seemed pretty rough.
Have you ever considered maybe he and the band WANTED to play? you guys are fucking ridiculous, let people make their own decisions, this is why things are supposed to be private. if someone makes a decision which is unhealthy or you don't agree with you don't need to say how you're right like you're a mom and start digging into their personal and business life like you actually know the situation (note when I talked about the marketing thing I didn't say I knew for a fact and was just voicing an opinion on a style of promotion); they obviously have reasons for what they do and healthy or not people are going to do what they are going to do and you'll just have to live with that because as much as you may obsess over them YOU ARE NOT THEM. Wish people a speedy recovery, help if people ask for it but don't pretend you're above anyone else and just say "oh it's just my opinion blah blah blah" when you're acting like you know what's best for others and come off as a high and mighty jerkoff who's obsessively and sickly getting into someone elses business.

I've played a show when i was sick with food poisoning and puked multiple times but I didn't care because despite the room being only half full, I knew there were fans there to see my band play and I didn't want to cancel and let them down when they support my passion. I've played with a fucked up wrist, food poisoning, had to take a shitload of pepto and immodium when i had a stomach bug, sick many times, a fucked up leg etc. I've never canceled a show in my life (probably played about 80 which is nothing compared to a touring band) and I admire those who stick it out and bite the bullet for what they love and have nothing but disdain for those who give up or don't do something that they claim to love because it "seems hard or uncomfortable". If your life is so pathetic that you need to judge and gossip about the lifestyles of others then that's pretty fucking pathetic.

That said if the story is true I hope he gets better soon and is able to continue doing what he wants to do. Medical issues are a real bummer (especially internal because it's hard to gauge what they are while an external issue is pretty easy to diagnose) and I wouldn't wish ill health on anybody.
you guys are fucking ridiculous

this is why things are supposed to be private

you don't need to say how you're right like you're a mom and start digging into their personal and business life

you're acting like you know what's best for others and come off as a high and mighty jerkoff who's obsessively and sickly getting into someone elses business

Chill the fuck down. It was more like a friend's advice. I don't see what's bad about stating the obvious. You're just presenting a completely different perspective, but remember this is I do think it's admirable Alexi would go to the gates of hell for this band, but knowing his life style and their strict timetables, it's bound to be messy sometimes.
They made 3 song videos for Blooddrunk, I'm sure there will be another one (or even two) for this album. Maybe the opening track?
Well fuck.
I hope he has a good and speedy recovery.
Also, if it is really necessary, they might want to consider cancelling the (beginning of the) tour. Health >>>>> touring.
And yes, music and touring is Alexi's life, but he needs to be in good health to actually live his life.

It would suck for us as well, (I literally bought my ticket yesterday. And while 13 May is quite some time away, you wouldn't want to take any risks) but it isn't as important
Weird, this news seems to be 4 days old already and still is the only source? First of all I'd like to know if it's actually true!

If yes, I'm very sorry for him and really wish he's getting better soon. Having to stay in hospital sucks, whatever the reason.