Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Exciting. I used google translator for this, gonna read it now:

When we the last week our copy of the new throw CHILDREN OF BODOM "Relentless Reckless Forever" agreed the excitement was big. If we were, nevertheless, one of few Zines internationally as first her personal disc of the new Longplayers before himself lie had. What may we expect? Have COB returned again to her roots or do remain they popigerem " ares You Dead Yet? " Image faithfully? A simple pressure on the Play button of our Jukebox would have also done it speculations about speculations, besides, a simple pressure on the Play button ours would have it.

Not My Funeral
The first song begins and we feel here something that to ourselves acts. Close sounds cuddle up to our auricles and we feel restored immediately in 2003. "Sixpounder", the classic of the " Hate crew Deathroll " releases in new form, with crisp guitars and usual bodom'schen sound pattern with keyboard priming coat.
Natürlcih proves his Solis still to Wildchild Alexi that he on it has and defends his call as a new Santana.

Shovel Knockout

Bang! Fully in the knob. Puts the title out it or can one really imagine himself like it must feel if one with a shovel drübergescheuert agrees? Track Two comes sombre angestapft and Henkka lets the bass shake. After a short time bleckt the baby his teeth and proves that his innocent appearance is deceptive. The children from Espoo combining her typical sound with thick Thrash to elements.

Roundtrip to Hell and Back

Fans of " ares You Dead Yet? " come with this round flight to the hell completely at her expense and will feel in the time the " chaos of Ridden Years " restored.

Pussyfoot Miss Suicide

Here as with Shovel knockout a lot of place leaves for Thrashen. Corige loans and a lot Breakdowns join to it. A song old-venerable without exception him with which refine audible new sound CHILDREN was filled up. If the cervical musculature smudges, here can be boozed!

Relentless Reckless Forever

The title track likewise turns out Thrashmonster and the boys seem to have found new toys. A rapid number which joins perfectly on this new album. Klaro, title track just ;)


A quite old COB Reviling celebrates here likewise his revival, namely playing of citations, sound samples or similar from films. Enterprise does this "schirche" song since with such a one, and the track proves that one not after the appearance should judge. If one becomes engrossed in the way with the Alexi his song steers parallels come to a " Living Dead Beat" on, but of course with the new, harder guitars and never too meddlesomely active stand-in's bass percussion technology.

Cry of the Nihilist

What is there to this to say "Nothing"? Comes in "Relentless, Reckless Forever" and turns out also again Gekloppe. In addition there comes an almost already hard sounding like rock background and again the song without only one thought on boredom is over arises.

Was It Worth It?

This number circulated already to begin with on the Internet and one could do his picture wiedergeborenen CHILDREN OF BODOM to himself. The new sound is very good here to experience and the track is nearly already totgespielt, and beside the complete power work has lost to shine. Still a successful number with Mitgröhl guarantor!

Northpole Throwdown

Last (more officially) Sharp on the menu is this raw piece of meat! The Throwdown is served bloody raw, and is refined with guitars Soli, Keyboardinterludes and Drum attacks.

Result: If dias new Flagschiff from March in our harbours starts the fans will have her joy. Classical Old-School style with modern AYDY? To elements stands men very good and "Relentless Reckless Forever" a brilliant coalescence puts there. Hardcore Groupies as well as COB young wild boars will have equally her joy. The extensive sea of the Melodic Death Metals is fully with fishing, however, with this disc, finally, the nature gets again rare species gives!
OMG !! Though my German is crap, it seems like the reviewer liked it !! Alot ! And OMFG that 2nd pic ! I defo gotta try n get that out on A4 n laminate it !
Okay. Sounds really positive again.
My German is okay-ish, but with the help of Google Translate, I think I get the point.
Sounds like all aspects of Bodom (minus the early works) are there.
I'm a bit sceptical about the amount of thrash, but I guess it can be used for a lot of things. HCDR was claimed to be thrashy, but I disagree. As long as there are enough melodies in there, I'm fine.
Full review to be expected mid February, as I expected.
I do am pretty much really excited.

Just crossing my fingers that they do get to play in CpH
At least that's near the beginning of the tour. I'm going to the second to last show. Always risky. Especially risky with CoB. Especially very risky with the current (possible) situation.
Thanks ALOT Mocobhc!!! We'd really appreciate a translation. I can read a little German but if that's from Austria it might have strange words and anyway it was too hard to understand.
Fuck. It's completely impossible to understand. Only things worth mentioning I picked up was Not My Funeral resembles Sixpounder and there's a movie sample before Ugly. Unfortunately I spotted the term "thrash" more times than I wanted. :( "Raw piece of meat" and "guitars and drums and keyboards" don't tell shit! I liked the phrase "after a short time the baby shows his teeth and proves that his innocent appearance is deceptive" about SKO.
Is everyone here German?

The promos have been sent, then. Where was that interview published? I'm smelling leaks on the way now. Can't fucking wait.
^It's been posted today.

Fuck. It's completely impossible to understand. Only things worth mentioning I picked up was Not My Funeral resembles Sixpounder and there's a movie sample before Ugly. Unfortunately I spotted the term "thrash" more times than I wanted. :( "Raw piece of meat" and "guitars and drums and keyboards" don't tell shit! I liked the phrase "after a short time the baby shows his teeth and proves that his innocent appearance is deceptive" about SKO.

Translator wasn't too bad this time, but I can try to help a bit with the really weird passages. Still terrible translator English, but faster than I would have been alone ;)

Exciting. I used google translator for this, gonna read it now:

When we received our copy of the new CHILDREN OF BODOM album "Relentless Reckless Forever" the excitement was big, since we were one of few international Zines which received an actual promo disc of the new Longplayers. What may we expect? Have COB returned to their roots or will they remain "ares You Dead Yet? " Image? Speculations over speculations, when a simple pressure on the Play button would have done it as well...

Not My Funeral
The first song begins and we feel something's growing here. Familiar sounds cuddle up to our auricles and we feel restored immediately back to 2003. "Sixpounder", the classic of the " Hate crew Deathroll " released in new form, with crispy guitars and the well-known bodom sound pattern with a keyboard priming coat.
Wildchild Alexi proves that he still knows his solos and he defends his image as the new Santana.

Shovel Knockout

Bang! Fully in the knob. Is it just the title, or can one really imagine how it must feel to get slammed with a shovel? Track Two comes along grimly and Henkka lets the bass shake. After a short time the baby shows his teeth and proves that his innocent appearance is deceptive. The children from Espoo combine their typical sound with thick Thrash elements.

Roundtrip to Hell and Back

Fans of " ares You Dead Yet? " get their money's worth with this roundtrip through hell, and will feel relegated back to " chaos of Ridden Years " times.

Pussyfoot Miss Suicide

Here as with Shovel knockout a lot of place leaves for Thrashen. Metalcore loans and a lot Breakdowns join to it. A venerable song filled up with the new and fresh Children sound. Grease your cervical musculature, here you may headbang a hell of a lot!

Relentless Reckless Forever

The title track turns out to be another Thrashmonster and the boys seem to have found a new toy. A rapid number which joins perfectly on this new album. What do you expect from the title track ;)


A quite old COB tradition celebrates its revival, the citating of sound samples or similar from movies. THis *ugly* song begins with such a citation, and the track proves that one should not judge only by the looks. If one gets engrossed in the way how Alexi navigates his vocals, you get reminded of " Living Dead Beat" , but of course with the new, harder guitars and never too intrusive usage of doublebass.

Cry of the Nihilist

What is there to say to this piece of "Nothing"? Comes along "Relentless, Reckless Forever" and also turns out as a punch. In addition there comes an almost hard rock sounding background and again the song ends without the slightest feeling of boredom.

Was It Worth It?

This number circulated already on the Internet and one could get an image of the reborn CHILDREN OF BODOM. The new sound is very good to experience here, although the track is already played to often and loses some of its glamour in comparison to the rest of the album. Still a successful number with sing-along guarantee!

Northpole Throwdown

Last (official) part the of menu is this raw piece of meat! The Throwdown is served bloody raw, and is refined with guitars Soli, Keyboard interludes and Drum attacks.

Result: WHen the new flagschip hits the stores in march, the fans will have their fun. Classical Old-School style with modern AYDY? elements sits them well and "Relentless Reckless Forever" is a brilliant fusion. Hardcore fans as well as new COB fans will have equally fun. The extensive sea of Melodic Death Metal is full of fish, however, with this disc, finally a new rare species is added again!
Sooo, the reviewer is not the best ever nor does he use an easy German that could make my work easier nor is my German as good as I'd like it to be, but here you go people, my take at the translation, for those who can't wait until mocobhc does hers (which will be 3453453453245 times better than mine).

EDIT: FUCK! I was too slow :lol: Well, since I did it I'll leave it here in case something is clearer than in hers (which I really doubt, but anyways).

:: We've listened for you: CHILDREN OF BODOM "Relentless Reckless Forever"

Finally new material from the children of the lake Bodom! Fans have waited a long time, but guitar god Alexi Laiho and the finns are back: in their former shape and fresh!

CHILDREN OF BODOM - Relentless Reckless Forever
Release Date: 4. March 2011

01. Not My Funeral
02. Shovel Knockout
03. Roundtrip To Hell And Back
04. Pussyfoot Miss Suicide
05. Relentless, Reckless Forever
06. Ugly
07. Cry Of The Nihilist
08. Was It Worth It?
09. Northpole Throwdown
10. Party All The Time (EDDIE MURPHY Cover)

When we received our copy of RRF last week we were very excited. We were one of the first international magazines that got the new album. What should we expect? Are COB back to their roots or following their "popier"? image a la AYDY? We could speculate forever, but a simple press of the play button does it...

01. Not My Funeral
The first song starts and we notice they've really got something going.Familiar sounds come to our ears and we feel like we're back on 2003. "Sixpounder", the classic from "HCD", in new shape, with crispy guitars and the usual Bodom sound (scheme) with background keys.
As expected Alexi's solos are there stating his case as the new Santana.

02. Shovel Knockout
Bang! Straight to the head. Does the song make it clear or would you want to try yourself how it feels to be hit in the head with a shovel? The second track starts gloomily and then Henkka's bass kicks in. But soon the song uneashes its real self. The children from Espoo combine their typical sound with powerful thrash elements.

03. Roundtrip To Hell And Back
AYDY? fans go into this flight to hell at their own expense and find themselves back in the CRY era.

04. Pussyfoot Miss Suicide
Like in SKO here there's plenty of place for thrash here. For this ¿"core loans"? and dozens of breakdowns come together. A consistent old-style song filled with the evident fresh and new COB sound. Get those neck muscles ready, you're going to need them.

05. Relentless, Reckless Forever
The titletrack turns out to be a thrash monster and the kid seem to have found a new toy (I guess as in WE will really like this song, just that not a great metaphor). A fast-paced track that fits perfectly in the new album. Couldn't be otherwise, it's the title-track ;)

06. Ugly
An old COB tradition finds its way back here, namely the use of movie quotes. Beginnen tut dieser "schirche" Song nämlich mit solch Einem (can't translate that part, please germans!), and the song shows that one should not make judgements based on appearance. Dive into the music and the way Alexi works the song comes parallel with LDB, but of course with the new, harder guitar sound and the never obtrusive/always on place double bass.

07. Cry Of The Nihilist

I don't really undestand what he said about this one, but I think something about it being a "filler" and not having much to say about. Wait for mocobhc's translation on this one, sorry.

08. Was It Worth It?
This song has been around the internet for some time already and one can make a picture of the "reborn COB" from it. You can experience the new sound quite good, in which by the time the song is almost finished (can't get the last part) . A successful song nevertheless, with (also no idea) Mitgröhl-Garant).

09. Northpole Throwdown
Last (official) point of the listening session is this raw piece of meat (as in raw song I guess). The throwdown is served bloody-raw, and refined with guitar solos, key interludes and drum attack (powerful drums?).

10. Party All The Time (EDDIE MURPHY Cover)
This bonus Track speaks for itself. COB have proved they write the most brilliant metal cover songs and this EDDIE MURPHY song is no different. Perhaps it soon finds its way into another Compilation a la "SITC".

Conclusion: When we finally get it in March, fans are really going to enjoy it. Old school COB with modern AYDY? touches? People likes those elements and RRF represents a great fusion. Diehard fans as well as new fans will really enjoy it. The wide sea of melodic death metal is full of fish but with this we get a rare species finally back! (shitty metaphores please?)
"The titletrack turns out to be a thrash monster"
and more thrash in the preview..
hmm, now I really need to hear a new song fully to know what they think is thrash.
Got back my exitement now about this album, for sure.

Especially want to hear Roundtrip To Hell And Back and Cry Of The Nihilist for some reason. =) This could be quite good.. Decided to order the album now atleast.

But is a little concerned about the breakdown and "drum attacks" and the disturbing amount of thrash that the reviewer seems to have picked up.

Even though we all're getting more and more used to it after parts of AYDY and ofcourse BD.