Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

@kilon: yep, he says they were one of the first few to get it. Maybe they've done that, send it to trustworthy mags only first and then a couple weeks before the release date they send it to the rest, so there's no time for a leak earlier than a week before the release at the most.

Awww Jose, sorry :lol: It's been still worth your effort, yours is definitely better to read since you put it in decent English, while I only tried to fix the worst translator parts. You did a great work there, you learned a lot already :kickass:

Haha thanks, still waaaay to go with it, but I tried my best =) Although there were a couple things I couldn't understand tho :guh:

Children of COB........I liked your translation. Very good English version that i could make sense out of.

It was not for nothing. Thank you.

Thanks to all who can translate all the non US mags for us English speaking folk.

You're wellcome, glad I could contribute for once :)
I like how you are actually saying the song is shitty before having even heard a second of it.

Of course I can't know yet, but IF the "reviewer" or whatever is right, and song is even slightly metalcore-ish, or has breakdowns it's 100% surely shit.
Isn't the best they can do the random voice saying: 'this is a promo copy, not for sale bla bla bla' every 30 seconds or something?
They can leak that, but it's super annoying.
A lot of labels do that, it's pretty common. It's retarded though, and some medias, like IMPERIUMI give zero points to any album which has those "voice overs".
I do it daily too but no luck. One month till review? The album will probably be out already.

You have to realize that the official release date is March 8th. No way that they post reviews earlier because there is a possible leak. that's just stupid. February 24th is a perfect date for a review.
It's never much earlier than 2 weeks before the official release date.
I disagree with you,albums can be leaked now days
Yes of course they CAN be leaked, but whoever leaks it is most likely in huge fucking trouble :) Not that I complain of a leak, not at all. Years ago they couldn't trace who leaked their albums, but now they can so..And on top of that the labels are starting to be very careful to prevent any possible leak. Reality is though, if the album that is leaked is good, it will most likely boost the sales.
Some people aren't satisfied with hearing 2-3 songs before the album is released, they want to hear everything before they buy it. But many bands have started to stream their whole albums 1-2 weeks prior to release as well, pretty sweet. Too bad most of them do it on MySpace with SHIT quality -.-
Isn't the best they can do the random voice saying: 'this is a promo copy, not for sale bla bla bla' every 30 seconds or something?
They can leak that, but it's super annoying.

get out of your cave!

well but IMO the voice over thing is the best protection. Alestorm's was pretty good and reviewers who give zero points for albums with voiceovers have small dicks.
The day COBHC uses shitty nothing-but-open-e-string metalcore breakdowns will be the day pigs fucking fly.

You can still take back what you said :)