Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Sorry to let you down, but it's still grayed out for me even when I'm logged in on my account. :ill:

I mean, I can pre-order it just fine, but there's still no samples.
Sorry to let you down, but it's still grayed out for me even when I'm logged in on my account. :ill:

I mean, I can pre-order it just fine, but there's still no samples.
Scroll all the way down, in the lower-right corner, is the country set to Canada? if it is, you should just have to be signed in, with an account linked to the Canadian iTunes store. If you have that, you can preview the album. I'm a 100% sure about this.

EDIT: If it doesn't work still, when you are logged in, search for Children of Bodom, and in the song list that will be like ''Songs 1-60'' or whatever, check in that list if you can preview the songs. The play button is on the left side of the bars.
Scroll all the way down, in the lower-right corner, is the country set to Canada? if it is, you should just have to be signed in, with an account linked to the Canadian iTunes store. If you have that, you can preview the album. I'm a 100% sure about this.

I will try one more time with this info...
I made sure it was set to Canada. In fact, I even bought the pre-order in hopes that it would unveil the samples. No such luck. There's no songs from RRF in the main song list either. Damn.
One of the fucking weirdest Bodom songs, but oh my fucking god it rocks so fucking much as well! Alexi you twat, i want to come up with stuff like that!
Jonas: FUCK YOU! Clean out your ears or go listen to something else!

Edit: Third listen, so much fucking better than most of the song since Follow The Reaper!
Weak song on COB standards. Now waiting for the other songs with dimmening hope.

I literally don't understand how you are thinking now (this is not a bashing), but can't you hear all the awesome stuff going on? I hear the classic oldschool keyboard ''punch'' sound or whatever you should call it (about 2:15 into Downfall if you don't understand what I mean) and it's just so fucking awesome. The keyboard in the verses is also very ''mystical'' and I don't see how you could not like it. Then we have the solo, what's not to at least LIKE about it? Vocals, vast improvement from Was It Worth It, good drumming, sick riffing, AND a movie quote in the beginning. I almost thought I heard a little HB-like guitar riffing in some parts as well..It's too bad you don't seem to like it when I think it's ridiculously awesome, as well as everyone else, I haven't seen one negative comment about it except yours.

Time to sleep now, I think that tomorrow, will be a positive day in the Forum, for sure :)
Weak song on COB standards. Now waiting for the other songs with dimmening hope.

I kinda agree. I'm getting tired of this pentatonic/atonal riffing Alexi has gotten into. Some parts sound almost the same as Was It worth it. SKO still gives me hope, but to expect an album the caliber of HB or FTR is unrealistic at this point.
I literally don't understand how you are thinking now (this is not a bashing), but can't you hear all the awesome stuff going on? I hear the classic oldschool keyboard ''punch'' sound or whatever you should call it (about 2:15 into Downfall if you don't understand what I mean) and it's just so fucking awesome. The keyboard in the verses is also very ''mystical'' and I don't see how you could not like it. Then we have the solo, what's not to at least LIKE about it? Vocals, vast improvement from Was It Worth It, good drumming, sick riffing, AND a movie quote in the beginning. I almost thought I heard a little HB-like guitar riffing in some parts as well..It's too bad you don't seem to like it when I think it's ridiculously awesome, as well as everyone else, I haven't seen one negative comment about it except yours.

Didn't say it was bad, just kinda weak on COB standards in my opinion. Just doesn't do anything for me other than double bass and a little this and that. The title fits very well into the feeling in the keyboard melody. Not much else to say really. Maybe it will grow on me or something.
pretty good song, reminds me a bit of old school bodom, but the verse @ 1:00 sounds like lobodomy nonetheless it's a good song better than any song on aydy and BD
I kinda agree. I'm getting tired of this pentatonic/atonal riffing Alexi has gotten into. Some parts sound almost the same as Was It worth it. SKO still gives me hope, but to expect an album the caliber of HB or FTR is unrealistic at this point.

I'm not a fan of that riff style either honestly. It reminds me of Exodus except this I don't like whereas I love Exodus. I really hope that riffing style goes away soon but I doubt it will, oh well. Overall the song is really thrashy though and I love how the keys and atmosphere are more prominent and even in the bad quality I'm digging the production. So far between this and was it worth it the album is definitely different in that it has some of the old cob feel but a more technical and thrashy style (exactly like they said haha!)

definitely looking forward to the album though.

Have you seen the Iphone version of SKO? Its the same type off riffing in the verses! You could hear it a lot more clearly than in the shitty youtube versions or recording devices.

Go get dissapointed! I love the new songs!