I literally don't understand how you are thinking now (this is not a bashing), but can't you hear all the awesome stuff going on? I hear the classic oldschool keyboard ''punch'' sound or whatever you should call it (about 2:15 into Downfall if you don't understand what I mean) and it's just so fucking awesome. The keyboard in the verses is also very ''mystical'' and I don't see how you could not like it. Then we have the solo, what's not to at least LIKE about it? Vocals, vast improvement from Was It Worth It, good drumming, sick riffing, AND a movie quote in the beginning. I almost thought I heard a little HB-like guitar riffing in some parts as well..It's too bad you don't seem to like it when I think it's ridiculously awesome, as well as everyone else, I haven't seen one negative comment about it except yours.