Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Maybe Cry of the Nihilist... it continues from Ugly and is supposed to be one of the better songs. It would be nice if the first tracks on the CD were new when it's released, so I kind of hope they won't play those yet. No reason not to wait a couple more weeks since we've come this far.
No reason not to wait a couple more weeks since we've come this far.


We already have a few songs. No need to keep releasing new ones on air. I hate when I have heard half the songs on radio before cd even is released. I for one find pleasure in listening to the cd for the first time and NOT knowing what is in store for my ears.
I don't know why I think that if they release a new song it's going to be SKO. When they released Ugly I was really suprised it was Ugly and not SKO, and also, I have nothing against hearing the songs in advance.
Wait what? I asked full metal jacke yesterday on her wall what the new cob song will be this weekend..she responded to me with "the new song is Ugly..i played it last weekend"or something like that. Need to get on facebook and copy and paste what she said but she said to me the song was ugly...

EDIT: I asked her if she could let us know what the new song is this weekened. She responded to my wall post yesterday which said: "Full Metal Jackie: Hey Michael - it was last weekend..I premiered the song called UGLY." I hate bringing crappy news like that to people cause I was really excited about ANOTHER new COB song, but it looks like it's just going to be Ugly replayed again :/. Unless she randomly changes her mind and plays another new song lol. But yeah..
Clever way to lure ambitious listeners on line. I was thinking what's so special about her she gets 2 exclusive previews of new COB...

19 days to go till Japan release.

We already have a few songs. No need to keep releasing new ones on air. I hate when I have heard half the songs on radio before cd even is released. I for one find pleasure in listening to the cd for the first time and NOT knowing what is in store for my ears.

Indeed. Horrible marketing for a big-name band, imo. (Makes sense for some young band though). The way it should work properly is, they release one 100% awesome song, then keep up previews, video reports, interviews etc. What they did is release too much too early, and not follow up properly. Now they're just trying to release a new song every weekend (maybe), which is silly (if that's what's happening). Instead they should be working on releasing COBTV, doing interviews and other random stuff like that.
Indeed. Horrible marketing for a big-name band, imo. (Makes sense for some young band though). The way it should work properly is, they release one 100% awesome song, then keep up previews, video reports, interviews etc. What they did is release too much too early, and not follow up properly. Now they're just trying to release a new song every weekend (maybe), which is silly (if that's what's happening). Instead they should be working on releasing COBTV, doing interviews and other random stuff like that.

It's pretty fucked up imo. Whoever's responsible for the whole COB marketing thing makes them seem like an amateur band sometimes. The whole thing about choosing WIWI as the album representative song and even fucking up not releasing it with the video. In theory it could prove more selling to choose WIWI as the single, but what's clear is it was a mistake to not release it with the video in the facebook campaign. What can you do when money is the essence of business, but many would rather have liked them to release a jaw dropping metal piece as single instead of a more commercial track.

They should also be working on their best music video ever right now, can't see why(/if?) it's not being done. And just do something spectacular, they have the budget, for example when making the Smilex why couldn't they take the band with their stuff to Sahara instead of a sand box.

First there was very little news for a year or so, and now when the release is so close it would be stupid to release many songs in radio or wherever. Blooddrunk as a CD was like a soup without meat when everyone had heard the best three songs beforehand. Of course one can choose not to listen in advance... For the sake of the band itself now that they seem to be making a comeback with a pretty strong album I'd like to see the album deliver a very strong opening with several new and brilliant songs.

Luckily they have certain obsessed fans working on the in-depth for them.

Of course at the end all that matters is how good the music is.