Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

What else should they say? Featuring the commercial sell-out track Was it worth it?

Ofcourse they are being 100% positive. That have to convince people to buy it.
I still feel like I am the only one who really appreciates the entire album after the horrible AYDY...

I think it's a great metal album, but not necessarily a great Children of Bodom album. If the album came out from a different band it'd probably be received much better than it was. I still like it, and there are some tracks on it that I do listen to regularly.
I still feel like I am the only one who really appreciates the entire album after the horrible AYDY...

Would you all get off AYDY? It was not at all bad, LDB, TL&S, WNGF, BOB, IYF... they were fucking great songs!

Hey I still listen to the whole album on repeat...and was AYDY that bad? :err:
(except 3 songs(Bastards, Next In Line and TL&S) I don't like but anyway it's a matter of taste)

I really hope those are the ones you like, cos if you don't like those, then I may have to think you're deaf...
Just heard "Ugly". It isn't bad, it's actually better than "Was it Worth it?", but i don't know, seems like Alexi's putting so much effort in making something good, but it isn't even working.

Not hyped for this album anymore.
^Get your ears in tune? Ugly may have a simple solo and not be part of Follow The Reaper, but otherwise is a fucking hell of a song. I'd really like if people started to tag anything outside FTR as bad without even listening. Please say objectively what makes Ugly a non-deserving track. The killer intro riff? The real nice melodies? The simple yet epic as fuck solo? The awesome guitar tone? The great balance between the fast riffs and the slow ones? I'm sorry, but if it had been part of FTR you'd all (the one criticising it) praised it, and it's just so tiresome when you guys don't even take the time to listen and even try to enjoy, just go "ah it's after 2001 so it's got to suck and get me anymore excited about them". Sure, WIWI was kinda dissapointing, but Ugly is fucking great, that's of course if you take your time to listen to it and don't regard it as subpar even before listening.
YAY! If it has a music video, it's a single, which means it's hopefully released before March 8th!

No way in hell that that's happening. There isn't enough time to promote the single before the release.
and it happens quite often that a music video is released way after the release of the album.
It wouldn't surprise me if we see the video somewhere in June to promote the US tour.
Not that there is no time to promote it. Recording it and preparing it for March 8th would be the problem.

Music videos and singles continue to be released after an album is released to length the lifespan of the album and tours for album and past discography. If such things didn't happen then when an album was released it would be forgotten a couple weeks later.
blah blah

Man, you can't argue with a cob fan, can you?

I didn't compare at any moment "Ugly" with FTR, so shut up.The song is acceptable, but Alexi has so much more potential than that. And yeah, it may have good melodies, good riffs, good whatever you say, but an EPIC SOLO? for fuck's sake, even a Revocation song has better solos than that.

Oh yeah, and i listened to it too many times, if you wanna know.
an EPIC SOLO? for fuck's sake, even a Revocation song has better solos than that.

You'll have to admit it's pretty catchy, and that's already a lot more than can be said of most solos on AYDY? and BD (and not all solos on HCDR are that catchy, either).

I agree Alexi has a much higher potential, suffice to look at solos the likes of Downfall's or Kissing the Shadows'. But given the band's current trend, I can settle for catchy solos I can sing along to.
Can't remember their solos yet (been listening to them since last summer) but I think the Ugly solo is very good. It doesn't have any super fast parts like Hellhounds solo or anything super slow like hmm... Something other than COB, but it's pretty catchy.