I'm no Christian but what's so cool about it? I would prefer some ''fuck you''s over ''Christ mocking''Christ mocking (if there's been any at all so far)
This thread really has no purpose, it only expresses wishes of few individual fans. If the band told some facts about the new album this thread would maybe have some purpose, but still it would probably be same kind of whining. It's hard to describe what music sounds like and if the band would actually state that "the new album sounds like this and it has a bit of that", no-one would still know what it sounds like. It would just stir up more whining and useless speculating. And when people here tell what they would like album to sound and might post their own opinions as facts, it might confuse possible noobs and other people reading this thread, to actually belive these are facts, and just increase the amount of confusion and bullshit this thread creates. Speculating might be fun, but this crap has just got out of hand.
Fuck the ontopic section.
does anyone know when the album will come out? which months it'll most likely come out in?
Children of Bodom have studio time booked for early summer, which should give them at least five months to write the new material.
That's very true and accurate.
That said, I can't imagine the delay between them finishing the recording process and the album coming out to take that long.
Usually the promoting of the album is around 4 months, so if they are done in the studio in August, we see a release in December.
COB is tech thrash metal?
Modern COB is generic melodic death/groove metal.
aka cuntbutts
Maybe they can produce a good CD artwork instead of using the reaper all of the time.