Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

LOL! I don't know why but that made me laugh as fuck, on the other hand I have no idea wtf he is saying.
Sounds like:
I want a brush,
I would never charge,
Or it gonna be die from the day
This sounds pretty accurate, but makes no sense though.

Come on man... it's the song " Done With Everything, Die For Nothing "

I won’t push, I will never judge
On account of bein’ done for the die
Come on man... it's the song " Done With Everything, Die For Nothing "

I won’t push, I will never judge
On account of bein’ done for the die
Then, fail from my side HARD :D
But how'd he get all instruments COMPLETELY removed?
They have there fan base where they want it..and that's a growing one. I think they will continue to write what gets them the most listeners and thats something from the last three or so albums. I really wish they would stop the muddled production and go with the production on FTR. A clean and clearer sound is where I liked them the most. But thats soo 2000....
Alexi just pulled off some awesome stuff. It's from an interview. He's having a big wound and a sore spot on his forehead.

- I'm so fucking idiot sometimes, I swear. Last night I was working on this one riff and thought I'd just invented the best and coolest thing ever. It turned out that it was actually some Pantera riff that already existed and came out of my subconsciousness. It started seriously pissing me off so I drank every drop of alcohol I could find here. And after that I struck one of our gold plates into my head. Then I started vacuuming the shards of glass and stumbled on the pipe and crashed into the wall.

Alexi's the man.

So... a Pantera riff is the coolest thing out there? At least we know what to expect now, if it wasn't already clear to somebody before...

They're off to studio to record the album in some 4-6 weeks. It's been more quiet than ever...
Alexi just pulled off some awesome stuff. It's from an interview. He's having a big wound and a sore spot on his forehead.

- I'm so fucking idiot sometimes, I swear. Last night I was working on this one riff and thought I'd just invented the best and coolest thing ever. It turned out that it was actually some Pantera riff that already existed and came out of my subconsciousness. It started seriously pissing me off so I drank every drop of alcohol I could find here. And after that I struck one of our gold plates into my head. Then I started vacuuming the shards of glass and stumbled on the pipe and crashed into the wall.

Alexi's the man.

where is that interview from?
^The hole interview? You mean the one where Alexi and Janne are asked which are their favourite holes? Maybe I can get that for you.