yeah also a very good producer! That would also be great...
Nordstrom for the fucking win, he would fuckin mix the balls back into the music. Though i would be interested in what peter tagtgren would do with a bodom album these days.
Update from Henkka 09 Mar 2010
"When the tracking is done, the rest of the summertime we will spend at some summer festivals in Europe. Check out our live section for those.
And, we will put some footage, diary thingies, from the studio, that's for sure!"
Haha plus one on the Nightrage album, he totally raised the ballsiness of Nightrage!Fuck yeah. Nordstrom has produced some of the best metal albums ever.
The most notable are:
The Gallery
The Jester Race
Other albums i feel have an amazing sound that he was at the helm for are:
Wages of Sin
In Defiance of Existence
Till Death Unites US
Wearing a Martyrs Crown
Slaves of the World
I could go on for another half hour. But the point is, Nordstrom has consistently brought the best out of almost every band he works with. The man is a legend. Not only does he produce with structured intricacy, but he allows the band their own freedoms to change what they see fit. He is able to fine tune certain subtle aspects of an albums mix, that most people do not hear. This enables him to find the perfect sound for what direction the chosen band is heading in. It is truly remarkable.
I've never heard any other album by a different producer that sounded half as good as Nordstroms work.
Tagtgren would be nice as well. He gave us a certain album that most would concur was/ is COB's finest.
Haha plus one on the Nightrage album, he totally raised the ballsiness of Nightrage!
Fuck yeah man, He definetly stepped up their heavy aspect.
Even Johan Liiva loves the title track in which I posted the title track at his Facebook wall (I'm friends with him if you guys were wondering as well as the Nightrage guys) his review is very promising : "The song sorta kinda reminds me of, well like a mix of everything on "Burning Bridges", the song from album #4(Wages Of Sin) "Enemy Within" and a lil pinch of In Flames à la "Colony" or something like that. The acoustic guitar is very Candlemass: "Solitude". My guess: this is an american or german band - and that's without *googling* it yet. Pretty good actually!! Nightrage rules!"
What I'm expecting on the next album: the Sinergy riffs that they never made public and are planning to incorporate into Bodom. Now that's something to look forward to. And hopefully it's something that will redeem them from their last 2 albums (excluding Skeletons).