It'd be really cool if they did like Norther did and went in and just did 1 song to release on the internet as a teaser/single kind of a thing. Used on an album or not I don't care but to see where their style is currently and to hear something new and fresh would be really cool and tide people over for a while. I'm sure the new Norther won't be coming out for a while (have they even started recording it yet?) but I've been playing the hell out of that song and it's really made me pumped up for the album whereas before I wasn't even thinking about the band at all. If CoB were to do it it'd be cool promotion, cool for the fans and probably only take them a couple days and not much money at all. Plus if they really cared about money they could either have a donation thing like Norther did or charge people a tiny bit of money for the song, I'm sure an assload of people would buy it. Definitely better than having to wait around for a long time writing, get into the studio, get into the groove of things and then record an album that won't be released for a long time; this way they'd just right in and get into the groove of things, maybe get some inspiration and get something for the fans while also jumpstarting their recording process (obviously they don't really have a huge deadline so if it doesn't help them creatively oh well, they still gain something no matter what).