Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

cool to hear they're demoing stuff and while that update was nice it wasn't really that helpful haha. it is nice to hear they're getting out of the studio; when I recorded my last EP we spent like 7 days straight in the studio getting there in the morning, leaving at night and it seriously fucked up our heads and we lost all track of time and by the end of it were starting to go a little crazy haha. hopefully the time outside of the studio playing and stuff will give them a little bit of energy, inspiration and motivation to go back and really nail it or change up some parts. I hope they do the cobtv thing again, that was really fun and funny.

Maybe you should just be there new manager or something, because you sure have it all figured out.

Hey guys, make another album that sounds like all the rest. You're a fucking idiot.

maybe i should? Fuck all i want is then to be like there were before. Alexi doesn't even scream anymore like he used to all i see in bodom going more american and i don't like it and iam not satisfied at all with blooddrunk. Its just seems over the years they have been slacking especially alexi,doesn't seem to play the guitar like he used too seems like he has had to many injuries and is burnt out,also he said "how the fuck did i play that" if he has no idea how he played and wrote that stuff then wtf?. Basically go back to hatebreed everything b4 are you dead yet and actually use his awesome screaming like when he was in tokyo even tho that was a decade or more ago. Do you remember when alexi's screaming vocals use to make you cream in your pants? i do. Don't get me wrong aydy and bd are awesome,but i expect more from them,basically just even if he used his actual screaming i would be very happy.
Matt Hyde will be the producer of the new COB album. The guy who has worked with Slayer. (This is quite natural imo considering the style of music COB is heading to and their recent touring with Slayer and Alexi's girlfriend etc etc.) I don't know how much influence he will have (just pressing the button and telling when it sounds bad, or more...) With The 69 Eyes' latest album he said we'll kill the synthesizers and focus on guitars and the result was the band's shittiest album.. But I've been expecting their most Slayer'ish album anyway so this fits in.

I've confirmed that I'll be working with Children of Bodom on their next album. We are tentatively planning to record this summer in Finland. I'm super stoked to have the opportunity to work with one of the best metal guitar players on the planet.

Nothing tops the songwriting in terms of importance, but bad producing can always ruin an otherwise good song, in which case it's in a way more painful as well. I would've liked them to occupy someone who could give a different vision to the music, maybe someone from the black metal genre, rather than thrash metal. I just can't see what a Slayer producer could possibly make COB do better. Maybe give tips for the riffs..? Tell them when it sounds bad and what they need to do if they want to appeal to Slayer's fans?
Matt Hyde will be the producer of the new COB album. The guy who has worked with SLAYER. (This is quite natural imo considering the style of music COB is heading to and their recent touring with Slayer and Alexi's girlfriend etc etc.)

I've confirmed that I'll be working with Children of Bodom on their next album. We are tentatively planning to record this summer in Finland. I'm super stoked to have the opportunity to work with one of the best metal guitar players on the planet.

"Gathering ideas for the project, coaching the artist and musicians in the studio, controlling the recording sessions, and supervising the entire process through mixing and mastering..." -WikiPedia.

I feel sick in my stomach just thinking of a Slayer producer interfering with a COB record, I'm sorry. But I guess how much the producer has influence power on the record depends somewhat on what level the band is, so maybe it's not a big thing. I was excited with the producer idea, but not with some Slayer dude.

I just hope the band has the wits to say no this time when the producer shuts down Janne's backgrounds killing all the atmosphere from the music thus making it thrash.
This is honestly the worst news I've heard in a while.

This is exactly what I didn't want to hear, but also exactly what I expected.

It annoys me how CoB are losing touch. Maybe it's because Alexi's life isn't exactly hard or anything, and he's just sort of cruising through, with no inspiration or motivation.

In the past, the raw sound that CoB possessed was fueled heavily by Alexi's life experiences and I think that now that they're so big and famous, he hasn't got anything to feel passionate about.

I think Janne should a lot more input in this album, it's exactly what they need. Jaska already said that they can't really repeat an album, or go further back to their roots, so all they can really do is go 'forward', probably into a completely different sub genre of metal..


Also, Joonas, what is the deal with Alexi's girlfriend? I don't know anything about her.
I would've liked them to occupy someone who could give a different vision to the music, maybe someone from the black metal genre, rather than thrash metal. I just can't see what a Slayer producer could possibly make COB do better.

I just hope the band has the wits to say no this time when the producer shuts down Janne's backgrounds killing all the atmosphere from the music thus making it thrash.
First time I absolutely and totally agree with you.
Maybe they got the Slayer producer because they want to head in a more "thrash" direction.

Just a thought.
I just hope the band has the wits to say no this time when the producer shuts down Janne's backgrounds killing all the atmosphere from the music thus making it thrash.

"Joonas ur an idiot id really like you to stop posting shit asshole"

ring any bells :loco:
^She's Slayer's manager

Ah, thanks!

I imagine her being like Nathan Explosion's temporary girlfriend, but I'm not sure why :L

To be honest, that is probably the only reason that they are choosing this new producer, btw, I can't really see any other reason, and even though Alexi has always said that he would never let a producer come between them and their own music, I'm not so sure of the certainty in that, in this case.

I'm trying to grasp any hopeful snippets of information, like him being shocked by their older stuff and Jaska saying that they can't repeat an album, but it's just hopeful thinking and what with Alexi accidently recreating a Pantera riff and such, it just keeps knocking down any hope I gain from these, anyways.

Someone suggested a black metal producer; that would be awesome, because if they went down that route again, Janne would be used to counter with more melody and atmosphere would increase, as well.

He has stated the he is finding it hard to be creative, and that'll be from the pressures of the label, and I feel sorry for him. Then again, they've had quite a while off to get onto write new stuff, I think, and if he still has little confidence in the new material, then how are we supposed to be confident?

All in all, analysing the situation, they could be well on their way to creating their most 'thrashy', and probably least interesting, album yet, and i'm scared.

I still get flutters in my chest when I hear SW, HB and FtR, and sometimes even HCDR. The only songs since then have been Punch Me I Bleed (the solo) and the start of Blooddrunk. LITERALLY EVERY SONG FROM THE ALBUMS I SAID MANAGE TO DO THAT TO ME.

Gah, anyway. Rant over.

At the end of the day, it's all up to Alexi and crew - though less on the crew part - and no matter what we think, they'll be doing what they (coughHEcough) want(s).

Even if they go down the thrashy route, I'm sure it'll be a kickass album.

She gave him a blowjob and then Alexi agreed on working with her. I don't personally think she will have any impact over their stuff.
I'm not sure what to think of the things I've read here.. I like the older albums and Blooddrunk was alright in my opinion, but definitely not my favourite..
And Slayer is a band I've never ever been interested in.. So I fear for this new album..

I didn't know the guy worked with the 69 eyes too, but their last album is completely different from what I was used to.. And they now have a more rockier album instead of the gloomy goth rock they had with 'Devils' and 'Angels'..

If a switch like that is coming for CoB.. I'm not sure what to expect... I'm hoping they'll keep the melodies and variations in the music as well as the interesting and typical bodom riffs.. Otherwise it would just be another metal band and the specialness would be gone .. :S