Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)


Alexi Laiho is often seen in a wide variety of metal magazines, but for their interview with him in the May edition of Finnish magazine Image, a strikingly different portrait of the COB frontman graced the front cover. In the interview, Alexi revealed the frustrations (and resultant injuries!) of writing new songs for the band's forthcoming 7th studio album.

"Alexi Laiho lifts his bandana from his forehead. From under is revealed a long, bloody wound and a big bump. What has happened? The rock-star sits at home on his couch in Vuosaari, Helsinki and speaks:

'Sometimes I’m such a fucking idiot, seriously. Last night I was working on this one riff and thought I’d just invented the best and coolest thing ever.'

Laiho was sincerely happy and thought that this was going to be something very cool for the next Children of Bodom album. Then he started to hesitate. The riff sounded vaguely familiar. He began to go through his cd-collection.

'It turned out that it was some riff from Pantera, it was somewhere in my subconscious. I got so pissed off that I drank every drop of alcohol I could find from here. And after that I smashed one of our gold records into my head.'

And that wasn’t the end of it.

'Then I was so fucking drunk and I became anguished by the shards of glass. I started to vacuum and stumbled over the vacuum cleaner pipe and fell against the wall.'

Laiho shakes his head and sighs. 'I don’t take anything in this life as seriously as making an album and sometimes I take it a little bit too seriously. I guess I would need some kind of therapy. There’s no sense in this whole thing.'

No. There is no sense in smashing a gold record to your forehead, but exactly because of that passionate attitude, 31-year-old Alexi Laiho is one of the best guitarists in the world."
I'm so tired of people whining about COB's new material. They want COB to 'go back', but to what? To Something Wild type neoclassical music? How many of those songs from that album do you people listen to frequently? I listen to Lake Bodom or Deadnight Warrior OCCASIONALLY, but not the studio mixes. I like the album, don't get me wrong.. but if anyone wants COB to return to this style than you're fucking INSANE. Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper are a style of their own, and I love those albums to death, but that's just two out of six albums. HCDR started getting heavier and thrashier, and the trend just continues until today. The way I see it Alexi is just writing what he wants to play, and what he's into at the time. The thing is, every single album (and just about every song) is 100% Laiho. There's that something about melody, solo, and style that's so laiho-esque you just can't stop but appreciate it. COB has changed their style up a bit with every album, so shut the fuck up about going back to a previous style. Even if this one is the trashiest and heaviest one yet, we're all going to listen to the shit out of it because of killer Alexi style songs.
I'm so tired of people whining about COB's new material. They want COB to 'go back', but to what? To Something Wild type neoclassical music? How many of those songs from that album do you people listen to frequently? I listen to Lake Bodom or Deadnight Warrior OCCASIONALLY, but not the studio mixes. I like the album, don't get me wrong.. but if anyone wants COB to return to this style than you're fucking INSANE. Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper are a style of their own, and I love those albums to death, but that's just two out of six albums. HCDR started getting heavier and thrashier, and the trend just continues until today. The way I see it Alexi is just writing what he wants to play, and what he's into at the time. The thing is, every single album (and just about every song) is 100% Laiho. There's that something about melody, solo, and style that's so laiho-esque you just can't stop but appreciate it. COB has changed their style up a bit with every album, so shut the fuck up about going back to a previous style. Even if this one is the trashiest and heaviest one yet, we're all going to listen to the shit out of it because of killer Alexi style songs.

The thing is.. If someone else, who's worked with a lot of bands, would influence the final mixes, it might loose the typical bodom vibe.. That's what I'm affraid of...

And to answer your question, I listen to all the albums frequently. All of them are on my mp3 player and I cycle 11km a day with music in my ears.. So don't say none of us ever listen to those songs.. I know that most of us listen to CoB very regularly!
^^Posted before in the Interviews-thread (and translated by me :p)

And credited as the translator in the latest Blog update: "Thanks to COB forum member Celeb for translation" ;)

I listen to all the albums frequently. All of them are on my mp3 player and I cycle 11km a day with music in my ears.. So don't say none of us ever listen to those songs.. I know that most of us listen to CoB very regularly!

+1 (and make that 'every day'!)
I'm so tired of people whining about COB's new material. They want COB to 'go back', but to what? To Something Wild type neoclassical music? How many of those songs from that album do you people listen to frequently? I listen to Lake Bodom or Deadnight Warrior OCCASIONALLY, but not the studio mixes. I like the album, don't get me wrong.. but if anyone wants COB to return to this style than you're fucking INSANE. Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper are a style of their own, and I love those albums to death, but that's just two out of six albums. HCDR started getting heavier and thrashier, and the trend just continues until today. The way I see it Alexi is just writing what he wants to play, and what he's into at the time. The thing is, every single album (and just about every song) is 100% Laiho. There's that something about melody, solo, and style that's so laiho-esque you just can't stop but appreciate it. COB has changed their style up a bit with every album, so shut the fuck up about going back to a previous style. Even if this one is the trashiest and heaviest one yet, we're all going to listen to the shit out of it because of killer Alexi style songs.

All your whining doesn't change the fact most people hate to see this "thrashy" change. Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper will forever be COB's most legendary albums, unless they go back, period. Doing that fucking shit like Roadkill Morning instead of songs like Everytime I Die is pathetic really, that's my opinion. Some may like it more and I accept it, tastes are different, but unless you've piss inside your skull you should understand it wasn't tracks like Roadkill Morning that made them valued.

We don't want them to become less experienced again, we just want that feeling back. The atmosphere and stuff. There are things about the newer material too that is better, but is it too much to ask to get creative again.
All your whining doesn't change the fact most people hate to see this "thrashy" change. Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper will forever be COB's most legendary albums, unless they go back, period. Doing that fucking shit like Roadkill Morning instead of songs like Everytime I Die is pathetic really, that's my opinion. Some may like it more and I accept it, tastes are different, but unless you've piss inside your skull you should understand it wasn't tracks like Roadkill Morning that made them valued.

We don't want them to become less experienced again, we just want that feeling back. The atmosphere and stuff. There are things about the newer material too that is better, but is it too much to ask to get creative again.
Agreed. I personally still can't get into Bloodrunk. It's just that a lot of the songs are nothing like... what bodom used to be like. I love all the previous albums, but this one was... meh just few songs that interested me. I personally don't give myself any hopes that they will ever go back to what they used to be. And indeed hatebreeder and follow the reaper is what I want em to sound like again. In the end of the day we remain nothing, but fans of their old style and I know that they don't care what we wanna listen to. It's a shame...
So yesterday we recorded some demos for the new stuff. Jaska's drums earlier, Alexi and me did our share yesterday. Roope will be doing today.

About Henkka's message.. No keyboards this time? :lol:
All your whining doesn't change the fact most people hate to see this "thrashy" change. Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper will forever be COB's most legendary albums, unless they go back, period. Doing that fucking shit like Roadkill Morning instead of songs like Everytime I Die is pathetic really, that's my opinion. Some may like it more and I accept it, tastes are different, but unless you've piss inside your skull you should understand it wasn't tracks like Roadkill Morning that made them valued.

We don't want them to become less experienced again, we just want that feeling back. The atmosphere and stuff. There are things about the newer material too that is better, but is it too much to ask to get creative again.

I'm whining? This thread is almost filled entirely from your (everyone) fucking crying. Crying about something that isn't going to happen. Dude I would love for COB to somehow get inspired to write more songs from that era as much as the next guy, but shit I hate all the time when people are saying COB HAS TO DO THIS, DO THIS... just shut the fuck up and listen to the album, it's gonna be good either way.
I'm whining? This thread is almost filled entirely from your (everyone) fucking crying. Crying about something that isn't going to happen. Dude I would love for COB to somehow get inspired to write more songs from that era as much as the next guy, but shit I hate all the time when people are saying COB HAS TO DO THIS, DO THIS... just shut the fuck up and listen to the album, it's gonna be good either way.

Shut the fuck up? You don't have to read this! : D

I might look like I'm whining if you don't know me. Do I need to mention in my every post I AM a pretty big COB fan? If I wrote in every post what is good about it nobody would visit this place.

People are just a little concerned by Matt Hyde producing the next COB album, and having seen what he did to The 69 Eyes I want to give a warning; Don't give him free hands. However if his job is to improve the guitar tone, it's fine..
Some people on here are retards.

The whole point of a forum is so people can voice their own opinions. If you're getting annoyed at people doing that, or the collective voice of a group of people saying the same thing, then just leave.

It makes no sense.

It's like getting in a car and turning the key, only to get annoyed that it has the ability to drive.

Fucking idiots.
^ exactly.
I miss a lot of the black metal elements (and keyboards) in previous albums, but I don't mind the direction they're going in the new (though I do like all their work). Personally my favorite album was AYDY, second is HCD, I didn't listen to them till early 2003. The only good song off Blooddrunk was title song, and that probably had a lot to do with the keyboards at beginning.