I'm not laughing at this because i feel that this will be the sad truth.
I'm afraid of that too. It's "in the air."
I think this is when they should put in a lot of atmospheric keyboard backgrounds in the music to gain back more of that distinct Bodom feel. And when there's no mention of Janne doing his part, it stinks like he doesn't have a very big role to pull out in the songs. So he'll be totally wasted on tours!
As for all the innecessary yapping we're being accused of... its still gonna be better than any of us could ever make.
Last night I had a dream: I was drinking with Henkka, Janne and Alexi in a bar, and decided to ask Alexi details about the album. I was having a smoke with him and he told me it's gonna be really cool shit, definitely heavy, but dark and brutal like Hatebreeder and atmospheric like Follow the Reaper, and have their best melodies ever. He seemed really enthusiastic, but talked quiet because it was still secret. Next I was gonna tell Henkka they have to make a cover artwork of a snow-covered Lake Bodom (as he was the one who helped in making the Blooddrunk artwork) but he wasn't around. I keep having these weird dreams. Last time Henkka was doing a backflip jump on a motocross in their studio, wtf.