Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

8 -Jaska.

From now on it will be interesting. How many tracks will there be, how many of them are cover songs.. will Jaska never stop or keep going 14, 15, 16 :lol: And will they reveal their thoughts and level of contentment.
I bet the covers are mostly a nuicance to the band itself too, the label just says they have to do them. It sucks. Last time they had 9 original songs and 4 covers. Where's the logic. I think one cover per album should be maximum, but what can you do.
Henkka said they're attempting to get all drums recorded by weekend. So now they canned the 9 songs and went for beer and sauna. Maybe they record the cover songs after the album is completely ready. Let's see..
Ok folks, I´m done with my drum recordings. I need to do couple covers tomorrow morning but that´s always easy and fun.
Recordings for me went good and I´m super excited about the new songs. They ARE killer. I´m sure you will love the new material.
And yes, there´s gonna be 9 new tracks on the album. That shouldn´t be a suprise... :-)
L...ater I´m gonna add some videos from recording my drums.

Yep 9 it was, no suprise there :D
Children Of Bodom
Ok folks, I´m done with my drum recordings. I need to do couple covers tomorrow morning but that´s always easy and fun.
Recordings for me went good and I´m super excited about the new songs. They ARE killer. I´m sure you will love the new material.
And yes, there´s gonna be 9 new tracks on the album. That shouldn´t be a suprise... :-)
Later I´m gonna add some videos from recording my drums.
I´m super excited about the new songs. They ARE killer. I´m sure you will love the new material.

WHOA, that's a lot to promise for people who're not satisfied with anything else than Hatebreeder / Follow the Reaper 2 :D I like what I'm reading.
haha wow my band just finished our drum recording today too, we have 10 songs though. I'm really pumped for that video though, even if its just a little something it'd be really cool because you'd hear the drums plus probably a scratch guitar track so it'd be at least a little teaser; pretty cool news.
When Jaska mentioned he was hoping to have the drums recorded by the weekend I was thinking he wouldn't need that long of time. I remember when they were doing AYDY they pushed out the tracks pretty damn fast then too.

Jaska better not start hyping up the album too much because a lot of fans will probably be disappointed again. Though I am really looking forward to the album I've still got no expectations because I firmly believe the best days are behind them.

Let's hope the other members give details as well when they are recording.
Didn't Jaska say that he wanted a darker album this time? By the way he sounds superhappy I'd presume it's pretty fucking dark. \m/

Can't wait for the videoooooooooooooooo...oooooo!
Too bad there isn't a studio blog going on this time so we can get an idea of the atmosphere the band has in the studio. It could give a bit of an outlook to the album as well. Where did Jaska mention about wanting a darker album? It would be a warm welcome. :D