That fag is actually trying to sing like Alexi at some points. (First second he's doing Alexi vocals, next he changes completely into an emo who seems to love wearing pink bras.) What's going on. There has to be a connection here.
Maybe COB was surfing Youtube for ideas trying to find something with keywords thrash... suicide... etc, stumbled on this particular video, they figured there's thrash riffs much like on their new album, they heard the opening YAOOOW and went wtf?, then they figured they're emo fags, but Alexi decided to partly rip off the song title with a touch of black humour. Maybe this is where that "we're not gonna start doing that emo shit" comment came from.
The guy is clearly ripping off Alexi's vocals. So maybe Alexi wants to show them how to make that shit ten times better. For sure they'll someday find the COB track on Youtube.
I thought "miss suicide" translates as "failed suicide attempt" but I'm googling it out and nothing refers to that, so maybe you're right (unfortunately). Would they spontaneously pick a song title like that? Reminds me of The 69 Eyes' song title Gothic Girl, or Christina Death. And Hyde last worked on their new album...
As for the riffs vs keys, Hypocrisy is a great example how to make atmospheric and aggressive metal music without keyboards... but still I hope Janne explored the depths of his new Nordwave keyboard he obtained for the studio session and it's not all about thrash riffs as they can do much more.