Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

'Miss Suicide' means failed attempt at suicide. I guess you thought it implies to a 'teen girl slitting wrists'. :lol: In that case yes it would be emo. Miss suicide is the worst thing that can happen to anyone, you try to end your life but end up being paralyzed, but I guess that's too emo for your diamond hard ass.

K. Still a shit title IMO ;)
IMHO no-one should care about the titles.
Bodom lyrics=shit, always have been, always will be.

The meat of this album will be the music, THAT is what we should be talking about :D
"Darker album" should translate into more keyboard atmosphere. Bad songs titles, but thats nothing new for COB. Alexi didn't really sound serious when he stated them in the interview.
Am I the only one who thinks COB has a lot of cool song titles? At least 19 that I can think of... Such as Lake Bodom, Silent Night, Bodom Night, Hatebreeder, Bed Of Razors, Towards Dead End, Downfall, Follow the Reaper, Everytime I Die, Angels Don't Kill, Trashed, Lost & Strungout, Living Dead Beat, Hellhounds On My Trail, Blooddrunk, One Day You Will Cry, Tie My Rope, Banned from Heaven, Roadkill Morning... plus these two new ones. COB song titles are usually subjective and consist on maybe 2-3 words on average.

"Darker album" should translate into more keyboard atmosphere. Bad songs titles, but thats nothing new for COB. Alexi didn't really sound serious when he stated them in the interview.

I'd like to think so too, but don't know. There's 2 things that are against each other, basically the riff-orientation vs black metal. Dark atmosphere created with keyboards would be very much welcome. Less of that thrash.
Miss Suicide


Also: haha

I personally expect MORE thrash rather than less, but one can dream.

There's 2 things that are against each other, basically the riff-orientation vs black metal.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. Not all BM is symphonic/atmospheric. Most of it isn't actually.
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That fag is actually trying to sing like Alexi at some points. (First second he's doing Alexi vocals, next he changes completely into an emo who seems to love wearing pink bras.) What's going on. There has to be a connection here.

Maybe COB was surfing Youtube for ideas trying to find something with keywords thrash... suicide... etc, stumbled on this particular video, they figured there's thrash riffs much like on their new album, they heard the opening YAOOOW and went wtf?, then they figured they're emo fags, but Alexi decided to partly rip off the song title with a touch of black humour. Maybe this is where that "we're not gonna start doing that emo shit" comment came from.

The guy is clearly ripping off Alexi's vocals. So maybe Alexi wants to show them how to make that shit ten times better. For sure they'll someday find the COB track on Youtube.

I thought "miss suicide" translates as "failed suicide attempt" but I'm googling it out and nothing refers to that, so maybe you're right (unfortunately). Would they spontaneously pick a song title like that? Reminds me of The 69 Eyes' song title Gothic Girl, or Christina Death. And Hyde last worked on their new album...

As for the riffs vs keys, Hypocrisy is a great example how to make atmospheric and aggressive metal music without keyboards... but still I hope Janne explored the depths of his new Nordwave keyboard he obtained for the studio session and it's not all about thrash riffs as they can do much more.

Alexi will be in the upcoming issue of Metal Hammer magazine.

We spoke to Alexi Laiho about what we can expect from the brand new Children Of Bodom album, expected to surface in the first quarter of 2011. Get the full story in the latest copy of Metal Hammer – on sale now.

Metal Hammer recently sat down with Children Of Bodom songwriter-in-chief and Lord of the Shred, Alexi Laiho, to get the full scoop on the upcoming Bodom release.

“We’re not going to start doing this emo-type shit, ha ha ha!” laughs Laiho. “Matt Hyde (producer, Slayer/Monster Magnet) seems to know what he’s doing. This is the first time we’ve really used a proper producer.”
That fag is actually trying to sing like Alexi at some points. (First second he's doing Alexi vocals, next he changes completely into an emo who seems to love wearing pink bras.) What's going on. There has to be a connection here.

Maybe COB was surfing Youtube for ideas trying to find something with keywords thrash... suicide... etc, stumbled on this particular video, they figured there's thrash riffs much like on their new album, they heard the opening YAOOOW and went wtf?, then they figured they're emo fags, but Alexi decided to partly rip off the song title with a touch of black humour. Maybe this is where that "we're not gonna start doing that emo shit" comment came from.

The guy is clearly ripping off Alexi's vocals. So maybe Alexi wants to show them how to make that shit ten times better. For sure they'll someday find the COB track on Youtube.

I thought "miss suicide" translates as "failed suicide attempt" but I'm googling it out and nothing refers to that, so maybe you're right (unfortunately). Would they spontaneously pick a song title like that? Reminds me of The 69 Eyes' song title Gothic Girl, or Christina Death. And Hyde last worked on their new album...

As for the riffs vs keys, Hypocrisy is a great example how to make atmospheric and aggressive metal music without keyboards... but still I hope Janne explored the depths of his new Nordwave keyboard he obtained for the studio session and it's not all about thrash riffs as they can do much more.
Rofl dude, TOO much speculating going on.. :lol:
Dale Resteghini : "Prepping for FINLAND'S very own CHILDREN OF BODOM for a song many are calling their biggest and best ever called
'WAS IT WORTH IT' and in the video stars PREMIER SKATEBOARDING CHAMPION CHRIS COLE along with his team for the first ever EXTREME SKATING
meets METAL. This will be an event video not seen in decades!!! LETZ GO!!!"
As for the riffs vs keys, Hypocrisy is a great example how to make atmospheric and aggressive metal music without keyboards... but still I hope Janne explored the depths of his new Nordwave keyboard he obtained for the studio session and it's not all about thrash riffs as they can do much more.

Well yeah or you can make non-atmospheric music with keybs. My point being, I don't think CoB was ever much into the whole atmospheric thing to begin with (minus SW maybe), it's just not the style they're rolling with. If anything, the new album is more likely to be a logical continuation from BD than not. But agreed, they do need to figure out how to make keys fit in better for their own good, since they didn't blend in very well for the last two albums at least.

As for the whole "speculation on emo song title" thing, we should hope that Alexi was kidding about that. I did post that video as a joke, too (top Youtube hit for "miss suicide"). If it's real though, that just means that Alexi's lyrics got even crappier, or that CoB are consciously aiming even more strongly for the angsty under-15 audience.
So another track title: Was It Worth It said to be COB's biggest and best song by "many". And also the single of the album of course. What the hell is going on.

Not sure if the title has a question mark, but if it does, it's quite similar to Are You Dead Yet?

Not My Funeral
Miss Suicide
Was It Worth It

None of these is the album title cos the album title is always revealed first as an album title, not as a track on the album. I don't like song titles without anything subjective in them. Was what worth what??? I'm sensing a draught on creativity. :(

If it's real though, that just means that Alexi's lyrics got even crappier, or that CoB are consciously aiming even more strongly for the angsty under-15 audience.

15 year old girls cut themselves, and 15 year old boys skate. Go figure. Maybe COB is supposed to be a little rebellious and more accessible when drunk.