Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Oh yes, because it is impossible for a song to have the same title as any other song in the entire world..
And no-one has the same last name as any other artist.

That makes perfect sense..
I don't see by what one should judge if a song title is "good" or "bad" in a phase one doesn't have the lyrics to the song, and I also don't see what's wrong with the song titles revealed by Alexi. Both of them raise my interest and seem to "fit". I mean, looking at former song titles, or lyrics in general, they usually deal about his own experiences (his own or in connection with his relationships/with others) in the past, and I can easily imagine both new titles fitting in that scheme, if you know what I mean. Of course it's mere speculation if they deal about what they lead me to suspect, but that's not the point, I just think they're titles which I can associate with Alexi and Bodom. The vid's song title is a bit replaceable, could deal about anything... but also here I can imagine a reference to his life, and that's why I like the titles till now.

Rest of his statements about the new album in the Jackie interview made me really curious! Of course one can't be sure what the hell Alexi is actually thinking about when talking about Black Metal-ish and satanic, but I just hope for the best ( = hope he meant it literally ;) ) I mean, hey, it could've been worse :lol:
Ok, Jonas got it all right untill the part where he posted all those non related songs :lol: if it's Finland's very own bodom song (or something like that), then I pretty much don't think it will be anything associated with the songs being posted :lol:
"There is a song titled Was It Worth It from Keyshia Cole (accidental? She's Cole like Chris Cole... Maybe Laiho was googling out Chris Cole and spotted Keyshia Cole and her song Was It Worth It, and it consciously or subconsciously led to making up a name for the song?)"

That is what I was refering to. No chance would that have happened.
Your theory is also a guess. Your so called "odds" are complete nuisence. I could concur that my facts are that I'm sure Alexi doesnt base his song names and videos based on celebrity names. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything. I know everyone is anticipating the new album, but that theory was laughable. But I know what people are like in this forum.....

So we shall all accept that Alexi and the rest of the band used the name ' Was it worth it' based on Keyshia Cole's song be it subconsciously or not. And that the band again 'subconsciously or not' decided to look for a skateboarder for there video with the closest possible name to Keyshia Cole. Fine.
When did I say Alexi based his song title on a celebrity? I said there is at least 1% chance (contrary to your 0%) that Alexi googled for Chris Cole and the Keyshia Cole video Was It Worth It popped onto his screen, and just maybe subconsciously it came up from his mind later when he was thinking about the title for COB song video with skateboarding. Based on the sheer unlikeliness that two different music videos have same surname and same song title. I'm fully alright if it's just coincidence, even if they probably have no relation, it's perfectly normal those things happen. Rarely is a song title so unique you can't find it anywhere else on google. Somehow the un-uniqueness of the song title increases the odds in my mind. But again, who cares, the COB WIWI will be the only song with such title anyone knows when it comes out... this is a waste of time.
So let me get this straight for everyone.

Alexi went onto google
Alexi searched for Chris Cole (his daily googling of skateboarders for his videos)
Alexi found Keyshia Cole's video 'Was it worth it'
Alexi named one of his songs based on this 'subconsciously or not'

Your theory speaks for itself my friend.
Roope on the new album:

"It's so massive everyone will shit themselves. Big sound. It's promising, great, fast, songs are good."

In Flames also used the "big sound" description for their newest album A Sense Of Purpose.
So let me get this straight for everyone.

Alexi went onto google
Alexi searched for Chris Cole (his daily googling of skateboarders for his videos)
Alexi found Keyshia Cole's video 'Was it worth it'
Alexi named one of his songs based on this 'subconsciously or not'

Your theory speaks for itself my friend.

Do I have to wrench the letters from railways so you'll understand. :Spin: This is not the philosophy thread so let it go man, people might actually be reading this.
I'm trying to calm you... You almost got it straight, but the last part... you can't say someone based something on subconsciousness, because basing would not be sub-conscious thinking anymore, unless it emerged in dreams.
Again what you have just written is dribble. "you can't say someone based something on subconsciousness". You clearly havn't understood what I was saying. Firstly I stated "Alexi named one of his songs based on this 'subconsciously or not'" This is referring to Keyshia Cole's song ' Was it worth it' IN CLEAR ENGLISH NOW. It does make sense that you CAN base something on something else (in this case Keyshia Cole's song) subconsciously. Its the act of doing so without awareness. "because basing would not be sub-conscious thinking anymore'. I understand that. But basing subconsciously like I previously stated is doing so without awareness.

-the totality of mental processes of which the individual is not aware; unreportable mental activities.

do you know what philosophy is

My fellow metalheads, I'm currently a journalism student at Humber College and I need some interviews to use for an assignment. I chose to use COB's new cd as my topic so I pretty much just need to hear some feedback from fellow fans like myself. I know we don't have a whole lot to work with, but help me out please. Also if you could leave a first name so I can know who to reference when I write my article. Thanks guys.

>pretty obvious Protest the Hero reference in username
>Protest the Hero fucking rule
>Protest the Hero are in the process of making a new album RIGHT NOW
>chooses COB
