Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

They used to be these mysterious dudes from the north, then with HCDR they sort of became a drunken Irish football gang. :)

For sure they have vast potential regarding this new album, and it will be interesting to see what kind of style it is.
I still have hope, bloodrunk was a pretty good album and a step in a good direction. Ive said it before Trashed lost and strungout is definently new style bodom and it's one of my all time favorite bodom songs.So its not the style i'm worried about just the songs if that makes sense.
Haha yes, I would just jump off the rooftop and break my neck if they actually made a fresh FTR sounding album but the songwriting sucked.
Speaking of The 69 Eyes which has been mentioned a few times, they have a track called Gothic Girl that's cool as shit so there's no reason COB couldn't do the same with their Miss Suicide, don't be fooled by names. I don't care about the style in COB's case as much as the songs forcing you to headbang. There's something about Blooddrunk, maybe the riffs, that made me not bang the head. It wasn't very catchy overall.
I get that, it just seems like a weird thing to say to me.
Then again, I'm no native American or anything.

saying it slays is a colloquial saying similar to "it kills" which basically means its really amazing and heavy (using the term it slays like its in your face and awesome whereas you wouldn't go SHIT YEAH I HEARD THE NEW VIVALDI PIECE, IT SLAYS!!!111)

That's cool the album is done (or at least the rough mix), i'd really like to hear a single soon.
"Speaking of The 69 Eyes which has been mentioned a few times, they have a track called Gothic Girl that's cool as shit so there's no reason COB couldn't do the same with their Miss Suicide,"

Speaking of The 69 Eyes which has been mentioned a few times, they have a track called Gothic Girl that's cool as shit so there's no reason COB couldn't do the same with their Miss Suicide, don't be fooled by names. I don't care about the style in COB's case as much as the songs forcing you to headbang. There's something about Blooddrunk, maybe the riffs, that made me not bang the head. It wasn't very catchy overall.

I thought it wasnt about some failed suicide attempt??? And not about some gurl.
I immediately assumed it means failed suicide attempt by the tone Alexi pronounced it, but when I google it all I get is suicidegirls and beautiful naked chicks with tattoos, so not sure.
Still, why should it be a good song, just because there is a 69 eyes song that you like which is called goth girl ?
Uhm... why is everyone now discussing the fact whether or not it's similar to a 69 eyes song??

Personally I like the 69 eyes, but CoB is in no way similar to the 69 eyes music....

I'd still go with the first interpretation of the song 'Miss Suicide' being the failed suicide attempt...
Maybe Miss Suicide is about some bitch who helps people commit suicide one way or another?

We can keep speculating the title until our heads explode.......we will never really know until we hear songs and read the lyrics.
Or you mean, lack thereof lyrics? Considering Alexi's lyrics are usually some of the worst, indecipherable, ruinings of the english language i've ever seen.

"Watching the cunt, as your going into worries?"
Hellhounds on my trail
Meh, fuck the lyrics is what I think in CoB's case. They can be good sometimes (I see angels burning, falling down in ruins) but I just view it as another instrument, not as a voice for getting an elaborate point across.

Look at Metallica - they have vocals you can understand, but are shit and don't add anything to the song. Infact I'd much rather listen to instrumental versions of their songs.