Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I'm just wondering what the song with Bodom in it will be. Those never disappoint. Lobodomy was the first song from BD I liked after all.
But that's something we'll never be able to guess so no need in trying.
^I don't think Bastards of Bodom is bad at all, I love the chorus, the synth-y lead at the beginning that gets repeated, and the solo. LoBodomy is a terribly pedestrian song IMHO
I thought Lobodomy was an awesome song. Not only is it heavy as fuck, the guitar on that song is very difficult to play proper.
Meh, fuck the lyrics is what I think in CoB's case. They can be good sometimes (I see angels burning, falling down in ruins) but I just view it as another instrument, not as a voice for getting an elaborate point across.

Look at Metallica - they have vocals you can understand, but are shit and don't add anything to the song. Infact I'd much rather listen to instrumental versions of their songs.

Yeah, COB's lyrics have never been a strong element of their career. Only certain lines here and there. I never look forward to lyrics when they write a new album. Only after i complete asess the music do i ever think of lookin into the lyrics.

Man, Hetfield has one of the worst voices in Metal, imo. It sometimes is intolerable. I'd second your notion for instrumental versions of their tunes!
They used to be these mysterious dudes from the north, then with HCDR they sort of became a drunken Irish football gang. :)

For sure they have vast potential regarding this new album, and it will be interesting to see what kind of style it is.

What the fuck is wrong with HCD?? To me it's their best album and I'm not talking about "post-FTR" albums, I mean all-time. It has (from my point of view) the best songwriting, some of the coolest solos, the best vocals and by far the best production of all albums. Guitars are sharp yet crushing, drums sound powerful, synths are well placed and all in all the songs sound well rounded and none sounds weak, not even Angels Don't Kill even if it's really slow.

I still have hope, bloodrunk was a pretty good album and a step in a good direction. Ive said it before Trashed lost and strungout is definently new style bodom and it's one of my all time favorite bodom songs.So its not the style i'm worried about just the songs if that makes sense.


"Watching the cunt, as your going into worries?"
Hellhounds on my trail

Where did you get that from? There's no official lyrics to Hellhounds but I'm pretty sure if they were that'd not be it. Yes Alexi's not the best lyrics writer, but that's just stupid.

I generally agree except for Bastards of Bodom =P I don't find Lobodomy terribly amazing, but it is one of the better ones on BD at least.

What's wrong with Bastards Of Bodom?
What the fuck is wrong with HCD?? To me it's their best album and I'm not talking about "post-FTR" albums, I mean all-time. It has (from my point of view) the best songwriting, some of the coolest solos, the best vocals and by far the best production of all albums. Guitars are sharp yet crushing, drums sound powerful, synths are well placed and all in all the songs sound well rounded and none sounds weak, not even Angels Don't Kill even if it's really slow.

I'm aware HCDR is your favourite album, you take it personally everytime I say something against it :lol: I've said a few times I agree with your characterizations of the album, but it can never be my favourite because it's lacking the mystery feel except for one song. It's quite superficial / not as deep as some of their other albums. There are some exceptional things about that album, plus there's a certain melody in Bodom Beach Terror and Sixpounder that rank as some of my favourites. It's not the guitar sound that makes FTR probably my favourite album.
Another vote here for HCDR as their overall best album. Great production, great solos/guitar work in general, and a good variety of different song types.
I'm aware HCDR is your favourite album, you take it personally everytime I say something against it :lol: I've said a few times I agree with your characterizations of the album, but it can never be my favourite because it's lacking the mystery feel except for one song. It's quite superficial / not as deep as some of their other albums. There are some exceptional things about that album, plus there's a certain melody in Bodom Beach Terror and Sixpounder that rank as some of my favourites. It's not the guitar sound that makes FTR probably my favourite album.

+1 couldnt say it better
I'm aware HCDR is your favourite album, you take it personally everytime I say something against it :lol: I've said a few times I agree with your characterizations of the album, but it can never be my favourite because it's lacking the mystery feel except for one song. It's quite superficial / not as deep as some of their other albums. There are some exceptional things about that album, plus there's a certain melody in Bodom Beach Terror and Sixpounder that rank as some of my favourites. It's not the guitar sound that makes FTR probably my favourite album.

You should set your expectations for the new album very very low. You're way too hung up on the hatebreeder and follow the reaper phase of COB, and they've grown out of it.
I'm aware HCDR is your favourite album, you take it personally everytime I say something against it :lol: I've said a few times I agree with your characterizations of the album, but it can never be my favourite because it's lacking the mystery feel except for one song. It's quite superficial / not as deep as some of their other albums. There are some exceptional things about that album, plus there's a certain melody in Bodom Beach Terror and Sixpounder that rank as some of my favourites. It's not the guitar sound that makes FTR probably my favourite album.

+1 couldnt say it better

Well yes, I'll have to admit I jump to it's defence too easily, but dunno, I just love that album start to end (as all the others, but that one in particular even more). If I were to choose an album on which to model the rest, that'd be it. I guess you mean that it kind of lost the "atmospheric/melodic BM" side the previous three had. But hey, according to the band that that's back on track with this album, so you may be pleased ;)
Seriously? I must have not picked up on that but hot damn I am excited now.

He didn't mean it literally. But what we've heard is "darker", "black metal'ish" and "satanic" and I loved hearing those words. But on the other hand they're saying it's more guitar riff oriented, and when you think about Blooddrunk, that's already quite quitar riff oriented. Their description makes me think of... Arch Enemy's Doomsday Machine with keyboards and more catchiness. ;)

But to be honest, I wasn't expecting this to be a great album (it seemed like they thought it was just a burden in the contract) until the band's comments. It's always the best album that's on the works, but those comments have been exceptionally exciting. Never have I seen a band (or their label or whatever) dare to say they're making something ten times better and so massive everyone will shit themselves. At least it will be exciting to see.
I think they say it will be a good album because it will be. In no way would they just make an album to make an album to cater to the labels. If they tell me it is the best they have made to date, I believe it. I for one can not wait to hear a song from the new album. I think it will be one of the best albums to come out since, well, since BD. I am really hoping for some off beat, odd timing metal riffs from this album, which they did start to get into w/ BD. So who knows?

Alls I knows is I am really getting anxious now for even a 10 sec sound clip from a new song. I just want to hear how they as a band are growing and what the style has formed into and what tones they are all using now. Basically how much they have "grown" as a band since the last album.