Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I think I recall Kman saying that Alexi's setup is currently (not sure when it changed back exactly) the Lee Jackson + VHT. Which I think was HCDR and AYDY era setup, or close to it.

That makes me happy. I love that setup. I want to get it so bad but it's so expensive... the VHT power amp in particular is like $1400 or something. : (

His tone IS different though from AYDY, and I wonder how much can be attributed to the signature pickup thing. How much different is it from an EMG HZ and MM-04? Maybe the EQ on the pickup or w/e is making the difference.
Well the production and mixing that goes on can have a huge effect on the overall tone as well.

Not to mention the fact that, when recording an album, any number of different amps and other miscellaneous pieces of gear can be (and often are) used.

Live rigs are (generally) a stripped down version of what was used in the studio, since it's impractical to try and do the same setup for a show, let alone entire tour.
wow even with small low quality samples it sounds really fucking awesome and i'm beyond pumped for this. if one had told me that this would be like follow the reaper with new cob influences I wouldn't have believed them but after hearing this i could actually see that happening. needless to say i'm extremely excited.
Thanks for the upload, awesome!

Damn I've waited to hear some new stuff. Sounds very good and promising...hopefully they'll release a single asap and release us partly from our agony.
I hate famboys and stuff in normal circumstances, but right now I think I have every right to be one.
There are still a few thrashy riffs, but toned down a lot and the FTR vibes I got where simply amazing.
Even better, it isn't just a FTR pt. 2 or HCDR pt. 2. We would all love that, but every band needs to show progress and not just copy the same stuff over and over. This isn't copied but just great.

I do hope that this doesn't turn out to be the only good song on the cd, but I believe/hope it isn't.

Why is it still so long until it's March?
If this track represents the style and level of all the songs then it's gonna be mind-blowing. Can't wait for more. It does blend the classic COB feeling and melody with the aggression. I've been listening to the audio for a hundred times and am psyched... could well be worth the wait.
This sample even makes me believe that it could be one of their top 3 greatest albums... well, at least for me. HCDR really isn't all that if you ask me and Something Wild... Well it's fucking great, but let's see how the new thing does.

There wasn't anything like that around when Blooddrunk was coming? Like people getting superpsyched over one quick sample?
There wasn't anything like that around when Blooddrunk was coming? Like people getting superpsyched over one quick sample?

There was the Tie My Rope demo, some people thought they're making some sort of "return to roots" (which they certainly didn't make) because of the melody in the chorus, but over half of the comments from fans were bad.

So far all comments for this track have been very positive. Seems better than anything they've made since Kissing the Shadows in Abyss studio ten years ago. Looks like they're back on the right path. It sounds surprisingly fresh. Green. Energetic, atmospheric, yet murdering.
The song is awesome! Thanks to Dave who recorded it for us :)
Just hope they release a single over new year or perhaps a new myspace thing like "Banned for Heaven" was before blooddrunk was released. :)
Well it does sound like it might be better than the last 2 albums (Bloodrunk and AYDY). But in no way does it sound close to the original Bodom...FTR and earlier. Not at all imo.
Well it does sound like it might be better than the last 2 albums (Bloodrunk and AYDY). But in no way does it sound close to the original Bodom...FTR and earlier. Not at all imo.

Well it is not FTR 2 or HB 2 because that will never happen, they have no interest in doing that nor would it be anything original or to be proud of imo, but you can clearly see nods to them, starting by more prominence of keys than on the last one a la FTR, going through what looks like will be a much cleaner and overall good guitar tone (I never really liked the guitar tone in BD), through more melodies and better solos, up to more old times styled vocals. All fueled somehow by a somehow rock and roll side. I think it really is going to turn out to be a great album as they are saying.