Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

i'm siked as f*ck after listening to this small track. Despite the shity song titles now my hopes from avarage are pretty high! If the whole album will be like HCDR it will be surprise of century becouse i think Alexi isnt even interested to go back to more or less roots. yeah and i'm feeling about this song pretty much like all of you guys. AWESOME
Actually the announcement they put together all the good stuff about COB and made it ten times better is justified with this song :D Compare this track to something like Blooddrunk which is a ball of puke compared to this. I want the CD right now and hear the 9 tracks back to back! 120 days to go still. :(
Actually I have no problem believing this album is a success. Already this song is by far their coolest thing since HCDR and I for one have no problem listening to Blooddrunk. It's a good album, just not on par with Bodom.

Anyone tried to understand the lyrics, or remove Matt's and Laiho's babble from top of the song? :D The last one would be unreal, but one can hope.
Pretty much the same as most people, really haven't been expecting much after being really disappointed with AYDY? and kind of disappointed with Blooddrunk then seeing the song titles but just hearing that track has really got me stoked for the album now. Probably going to end up expecting too much now that i'm looking forward to it and being disappointed again but oh well, can't wait to hear/see some more stuff sometime soon hopefully:P
But still i know no matter what if it will be shit or not i will listen to it :D hoping my hopes wont be crushed.
Actually I have no problem believing this album is a success. Already this song is by far their coolest thing since HCDR and I for one have no problem listening to Blooddrunk. It's a good album, just not on par with Bodom.

Anyone tried to understand the lyrics, or remove Matt's and Laiho's babble from top of the song? :D The last one would be unreal, but one can hope.

I am with you. I love Blooddrunk. I think it was a great album. Very raw and very aggressive. And his song writting as far as structure progressed alot on BD. Some of the structures and timings blew me away when I was learning it.

All I can say is so far I am impressed with what I have heard so far for the new album. It's Bodom, old sound, new's Bodom and I love it.
Yeah, the guitar playing on AYDY and Blooddrunk is bat shit crazy. I mean of course Kissing the Shadows and Children of Bodom are insane, but they are insane in a totally different way. One might even say, that BD has some rather avant-garde playing, but that'd be going a bit too far.
It's more complicated, but simply lacks feeling.

Hatebreeder is by far my favourite album and it also feels like the easiest to play on guitar.
I get the feeling that we are going to expect to much of the album.
I'm trying to not get to siked and think the album won't be as good as Hatebreeder, HCDR and FTR
Hatebreeder is by far my favourite album and it also feels like the easiest to play on guitar.

True, it's the easiest to play, and sort of nicest. Much of the new style Bodom is half of the time too easy and half of the time too hard.

Well, we were asking for one song to know how the new stuff sounds like. I was hoping for a new style but didn't expect this radical change. No mor depresing drop-C shit. This is fresh, kickass, full of super catchy stuff, and even atmospheric. Sounds like a mix of Hatereeder and Hate Crew Deathroll. The music sounds green so I guess the artwork is green too.
Joonas - good point with the green colour. I have read recently something about next possible Alexi's signature guitar model and he said it would probably be black with shiny green pinstripes (if I remember it correctly). So that would actually make a sense! :)
Funny. I was thinking a few weeks back what colors would look cool on that RR V guitar. Green and yellow ended up being my favourite choices.

Green colour art would be epic. By the way I assume normal people would look at us like idiots. Like discussing the colour of the album and all.
How 'bout Angels Don't Kill? That is some classic Bodom.

Sixpounder is also drop C from that album as you must know. They have shitloads of awesome songs in drop C as well as in D. My point was usually when they tune to drop C they want to capitalize on the very heavy sound possibility.. and it started being more important to them than the actual music if you know what I mean.. I'm guessing they'll have some songs tuned to D and some still in drop tuning.

Maybe I'm just imagining, but personally I feel green colour would suit at least this particular song. Will be exciting to see what they've got..
Starting with AYDY I think they kinda abandoned those color schemes. But if they do return, it would make sense for it to be green:
SW -> HB -> FTR -> HCDR
Red -> Green -> Blue -> Red
The next color in line would be green again.
I envision some kinda turquoise green with shades going from dark to light. ;) Green is a venomous and mysterious color when used in metal artwork. It should not be dismissed how big influence the artworks of Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper had on those albums reaching cult statuses; it's incredible how well they capture the spirit of the music and symbolize them. When music and artwork gel they form a symbiotic relationship.

Maybe people see these differently - I remember a past conversation where I stated Follow the Reaper simply would not work with red cover art - then someone said he bloody well could imagine it in red... I think that one sounds cold so it needs a blue artwork. Just like Hatebreeder sounds venomous and mysterious, so the green fits perfect.

Alexi said his next guitar is probably gonna have green inlays - and as his pink sawtooth also sort of corresponds with the color theme of the last album it supports that possibility. Then again who knows, it might be light blue... why not some gloomy, cryptic blue if the album is described as very satanic?

Can't express my anxiety thinking if they'll have some Hatebreederish tracks full of nice melodies, instead of the riffing oriented stuff they've been doing last years. Just hope the rest of the songs are great too so when it's released and this waiting shit is over I can keep spinning it forever.

Holy fuck there's no end to my speculation. :erk: