Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

We're lucky if we get the album info this year. The winter just started yesterday here and since the album is released a month or two before the winter ends... it's a loooooooooooooong way to go.
Yep the retarded winter just started here as well..Yesterday it snowed as fuck, but today the temperature had risen and the damn snow is all slushy so you can't walk anywhere -.-
But our winter don't stop in January lol, it stops in fucking April or something, at least it did last year..totally weird shit going on with the weathers.
Yep the retarded winter just started here as well..Yesterday it snowed as fuck, but today the temperature had risen and the damn snow is all slushy so you can't walk anywhere -.-
But our winter don't stop in January lol, it stops in fucking April or something, at least it did last year..totally weird shit going on with the weathers.

Yeah. Just two days ago I walked home, sun shining, birds singing and grass green, but then yesterday it started snowing and it's also cold as fuck.
It'll most likely be darker green... like from his jackson. His jackson also had gold hardware.
Single-wise, I think we can expect one around Christmas or so, and it'll probably be Was It Worth It? with the video and a cover song (if they release the single as it and not just the video for promotion.

Btw, I just realised the other day that we have more than half the song titles:

-Was It Worth It?
-Miss Suicide (or MissSuicide or whatever the fuck version turns ou to be)
-Shovel Knockout
-Not My Funeral

Well I've heard it on the my Iphone connected to some pc-speakers and you could hear everything in slightly better quality and you can hear the song behind the interview a lot better. And I can definitely say that it would fit in on HCDR right away. It got the newer bodom style, but the guitar tone is 100 times better than AYDY? and Blooddrunk. And the keyboard and chorus reminds me of FTR, actually thats the only part of the song that reminds me of it. Its going to be great, not like the real old days, but at least something we could really enjoy.

Ohh and this is probably just one of the "filler" songs which is not going to be a single (unless we demand it or something). This is not a typical opening track and we all know that the first single is "Was It Worth It?". We could be even more pleasantly surprised or we could get a one good song album. I'm betting on the first one! :P

QFT, I totally agree. I really doubt Alexi would agree to give up one of the best songs on the album for such a thing.

Green inlays or just green pinstripes?

He just said that the next guitar would probably be black with bright green, didn't specify parts.

Everything that's pink on the pink design. I thought he already had one with the green stuff some years ago..

He had his old Jackson with green, but no ESP.
Ohh and this is probably just one of the "filler" songs

I suggest you buy some cotton sticks. What I'm reading is absurd. This has got to be one of COB's better songs. Also some of their most melodic composions since Kissing the Shadows. It looks like there's melodic parts scattered here and there and 2 solo sequences, first one playing around one and a half minutes to the video. The sheer flourish of melody accompanied with those cool riffs means it's gonna be a hit.

Alexi could make 15 songs easily for an album, but they don't hesitate to leave unsatisfactory riffs away, and connect only the best material for songs, in short there are no COB fillers, only songs which are good and others less good. I know you used ""'s but the point is why would the first taster from this album be one of the worse songs? I think they rather want to shut up complaining fans.

Single-wise, I think we can expect one around Christmas or so

If they can't contain it, and get permission from the label. Can't really wait what happens next.
^He used the wrong word, but I think he meant the same as I did, that this is good but not one of the best, because they wouldn't want to give away one of the best songs for such interview. About the single, if album's scheduled for a March 3rd release, then I think it's pretty safe to asume that we will indeed have at least one single by Christmas.
Well I kind of said the right word, cause its kind of a "filler" like kissing the shadows is a "filler", its not a hit/single/or got a promo video, yet its one of the best Bodom songs ever and its a cult classic among Bodom fans. One of my personal favorites; Wrath Within is also just a "filler", but its an awesome song!
Shovel Knockout isn't clearly a single, but it could very well be a third single or something for all I know. Its an awesome song and I love it, but there are many awesome Bodom songs who didn't get "famous".
Filler doesn't mean "not single", filler means average/poor/not so good song put there to make the album longer.

Fillers doesn't have to be poor or not so good either. Its really a matter of taste... But nevermind, the new song just doesn't seem like obvious single material, thats what I ment. And Alexi wouldnt spoil a single in a way like that! Its a awesome song, but its highly likley it would just be a regular song on the album.
^Again, filler is not that I myself think that means that, filler is the word to describe those kind of songs, that only serve the purpose of lenghtening the album. A song that is not a single is just another song on the album, but not a filler.
^Again, filler is not that I myself think that means that, filler is the word to describe those kind of songs, that only serve the purpose of lenghtening the album. A song that is not a single is just another song on the album, but not a filler.
Tep, 100% correct. A filler song is what it sounds like, a song just to fill the album. But if the rest of the albums sounds like this song, then we will have all killers no fillers =)
Fillers doesn't have to be poor or not so good either. Its really a matter of taste... But nevermind, the new song just doesn't seem like obvious single material, thats what I ment. And Alexi wouldnt spoil a single in a way like that! Its a awesome song, but its highly likley it would just be a regular song on the album.

I'm sorry, but you're fucking making my head hurt.

Filler is a song, which is not up to par with the rest of the album/is less imaginative. And why can't a filler be a single? You're Better Off Dead is one of their most awful songs and that was a single...

This new song is something I most definitely see being on the single, because it fucking brings back the memories of Bodom before doing America. It all really depends on what the rest of the album is, but I'm willing to believe, that it's all cool stuff like that. Perhaps even the greatest return of this millenium.
You're Better Off Dead is one of their most awful songs and that was a single...

What the fuck.... fuck you and your shitty opinions.

Also btw, this forum and specifically this thread always finds the stupidest shit to argue over.
I'm lost. Have we heard a new song? All I thought we had was a few short clips and Matt Hyde speaking over the top?

No, not at all.

We have heard some clips, but for all we know they are clips from multiple diff songs.

No one really knows yet.
Perhaps even the greatest return of this millenium.

It could be possible. It would be greater than Michael Jackson making a return now. Thank god they seem to have understood they were going down the wrong path in music. The boring verses and emphasis on heaviness was not the right girlfriend for COB. I'm praying for something in the vein of the blue and green albums mixed with the adrenaline and brutality of the modern sound.