Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Should I keep a puke bucket with me when I go online that day? Or will the internet itself just explode?
I don't get it, why is it odd that there aren't any news right now? What would be the benefit of knowing for example a few working titles, except of lots of dispensable presumptions being caused, based on nothing more than just subjective associations? I mean, they haven't even entered the studio yet! What do you want atm, ten seconds of a half-baked FTR-styled riff? Of course I'm looking forward to some news as well, but I'm able to live without news as long as all they would cause would be some other old vs. new or drunk vs. not drunk discussions, or advices what music Alexi should listen to and which toilet paper he should use while writing the songs. As long as I don't hear him say he's gone out of inspiration and we can wait as long as to the fourth Sinergy album, I'm totally fine.

Agreed. I'd rather let the process be, and just appreciate the actual work...
I'm 99% sure that the new album is going to sound like Pantera or Lamb of God, with keyboards. And thats cool I guess, because I do love Pantera, but its just not bodom. I love Bodom because of the atmospheric and "mystical" thing they had going back in the day. But it seems like Alexi is really diggin that BD/AYDY sound, I guess he has stayed too much in America :p

Sorry if this is whining, but its not much else we can do at this point hehe :)
I love Bodom because of the atmospheric and "mystical" thing they had going back in the day.

That's one of the things that made them great.

Blooddrunk still has some of those "mystical" moments left, certain keyboard pieces in the first 4 tracks that make an atmosphere, but other than that it has turned to thrash-bodom.
I hate waiting, and it hurts even just thinking about the fact that it isn't out until next year.

Do you think they will release a single this autumn/winter?
As Henkka said: "we will put some footage, diary thingies, from the studio, that's for sure!" I think it's a pretty safe bet we'll get more COBTV
The common policy is a single precedes the album release by a month or so... But maybe they can't wait for fans' reactions and will release a song in Myspace.

Yeah, Norther did that.

They haven't been to the studio for the album yet, but they popped in to record one song so we could get a preview of how their new album will sound.

I'm hoping that CoB follows suit.
oh well I'll make do with Dragonland's and Nightrage's 5th albums as well as Amaranthe's debut album if the 7th Bodom album tanks up.
I really don't think they'll do that, it's not their style and we know Alexi's position when it comes to internet and music. Last year they did upload TMR because they released it on the Bam Margera thingie and then BFH and BD as singles when they were on the radio.

I agree on that, PMIB is one of the most atmospheric COB tracks, Pantera should be flattered if Alexi "stole" one riff for that song. Maybe they mixed AYDY (album) with IYF in mind to get its full potential out and that mix isn't best for the tracks 1 & 4.

If Alexi thought he found a cool idea, maybe he should just use it.

Yea yea. Basically it just seems alarming to me that judging from the interviews there's no anxiety involved in writing this new material. Until Alexi banged his head everywhere. That was honestly a sign of relief to me considering this album. I'd just like to hear "we're gonna make a fantastic album" rather than "I dunno, maybe the same shit again." I'm telling this because you state I'm negative about it.

It might be they're making their best album to date you know, I don't want to insult anyone in the band if they see this, but the impression you get from the few interviews is they're just making a new album because it's in their contract, and there's no passion to try new stuff, it's just gonna be heavy shit. And no, they're not responsible for telling their fans everything. Maybe they just don't want to speak to the public about it, who knows. Maybe it's even a good sign, to stay focused on writing music and not doing interviews. But the reality is by now they probably have 7 songs ready, and we don't know shit.

Alexi has had a ton of riffs ready before 2010. It's gonna be interesting to check out those riffs. And I know one of the songs will be influenced by Alexi's trip down the bus bunk, but that's Joonas-know.

If it's gonna be like Blooddrunk - but with more kickass riffs - it should do me. Blooddrunk was all about interesting keyboard ideas and not exactly the most innovative heavy and a little boring guitar riffs, but that's just my opinion.

They don't have to do a return to the roots or neo-classical wankery or do a FTR 2 to satisfy me, because I don't have a strong opinion on what is best COB. + I discovered they're not the only interesting band out there so my life doesn't depend on it and maybe this time I won't start to fear I'm gonna be run over by a truck two months before the release of the album. And when the expectations aren't unrealistically high (like the two last times I had) there's a better chance of not being disappointed.

On a sidenote, one day I made a quick calculation in my head and figured COB produces on average 1,6 seconds of new music 'per day.' And considering the amount of musicianship they have, I guess they should be thrilled about making a new album (even tho it's hard work) but to the outside it can seem worrying when there's no updates.

I don't mean to say this in a negative tone, I know a bunch of people interpret my writing as negative. But I've requested news a couple of posts up so maybe when Janne or K-Man reads this they'll break the ice and let us know what's going on. I think even working titles of new songs are interesting.

See? Posts like this you can keep them coming, but maybe it's when you try to shorten it when you just get the negative side out and it just looks like you're going "ah fuck they'll not do what I want and my expectations will not be met and too bad". Your crazy ass theories and your ideas regarding new albums are much more interesting than when you go "negative mode".
Within a few weeks COB should reveal some song titles and maybe something about the music. They've always been unable to describe their own music, but maybe the important thing is to get a picture how much they like it..
Ok a crazyass idea: what if this time they have 2 slow songs? They've always been among the best.

What I really hate is the way songs appear online before the CD's hit the stores. It's simply too much to ask to wait for the fucking record label when the band has had its new shit ready for 8 months. So as soon as there's a quality rip of the CD online that's when the release date is for me.

Ah, I fucking love the moment a new COB album is finally out and I press the Play button.. once in every three years..
Ok a crazyass idea: what if this time they have 2 slow songs? They've always been among the best.

What I really hate is the way songs appear online before the CD's hit the stores. It's simply too much to ask to wait for the fucking record label when the band has had its new shit ready for 8 months. So as soon as there's a quality rip of the CD online that's when the release date is for me.

Ah, I fucking love the moment a new COB album is finally out and I press the Play button.. once in every three years..

so you're basically saying a leak is the release date? that's pretty dumb considering it's not even close and while I can understand that you want it as soon as possible, there's a reason they wait a while. After the album has been mixed, mastered and art has been done they still have to press it in mass quantities, get the connections to get it into stores, promote the fuck out of it etc. The only solution they could possibly offer to counter the issue of leaks is offer a direct mp3 paid download the second it's done (no artwork, no packaging, nothing) so that they can beat the people who get a copy for review and leak it onto the net. However that might diminish peoples views of the album since without art and with lower quality people might think it's a worse album/overall piece of art than it is. Recently though a lot of labels have been keeping releases pretty tight; the new Exodus album didn't leak at all and wasn't online until the retail version, it took a longgg time (pretty damn close to release) for the new Nevermore to leak and there are no signs of the new Soilwork leaking. It seems as if labels are getting their act together now or have found some way of keeping everything closed off which is good for them, bad for those of us who want to hear the album early haha!

either way i'm trying not to even think about the new cob album; it probably won't be out until 2011 and since they're not even in the studio yet I know how long it takes to record something, get it mastered, get art, get all the packaging etc (my bands most recent cd wasn't fully packaged, released to the public for sale and everything until about 3 and a half months later than we predicted it would! ridiculous delays and we're not even on a record label that has to deal with huge promotion and distribution!) I'm just trying to occupy myself with other things and not read blabbermouth or anything; all those sites just get me too excited for the release of upcoming albums and waiting for them is painful haha
either way i'm trying not to even think about the new cob album; it probably won't be out until 2011 and since they're not even in the studio yet.

Indeed. I'm trying to do the same thing. It is very hard, especially when COB randomly attacks my brain during the day. The possibilites to which direction they may go in are endless.

Luckily the new DT album has taken alot of my attention. I still have yet to buy the new Kalmah album, 12 gauge. As well as quite a few others i really want. Esoteric from Skyfire. And i just discovered Equillibrium a couple weeks ago!