Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

What the hell guys? When I heard the song yesterday I thought "Holysh!t now the forums will be full of praises and compliments on the new song!" but seems to be exatcly the opposite for the most part.

I loved the song! The feeling in the chorus itself (as simple it is) is better than the feeling in 8 songs on Blooddrunk (Banned from Heaven being an exception) The simple melody in the chorus is just so good. I think Alexi fell in love with the main riff, and kinda got 'blinded' by it, so it got repeated a tad too much. Which is fine by me, because I friggin' love that riff.

I have to admit the vocals on the verses and solos weren't that good. Why use that digital filter effect when it clearly sets the vocals down? But all in all, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard the song. The album is going to be wicked!

Oh, and the "Hell Yeah's" are so bodom. Where have you been the last 7 years?
Holy Shit, worst promotion ever, I would rather let some shitty 128k mp3 be leaked instead of "releasing" it through the radio. Man, of course people will rip it and even put weird effects on it(additional to the stuff that happens with the song while being streamed) and thats better than letting people hear a shitty version of the real thing? lol
Longtime lurker, infrequent poster. I don't post often because you guys, for the most part, are immature and it bothers me. Not all of you. Let me make it clear that I am not speaking to all of you, but to a few certain people that should know exactly who they are. That being said, I think you're all a bunch of sheep. The first 3 or 4 people absolutely loved it, then ONE PERSON says "it sucked" and you all jump on the bandwagon and say it's the worst fucking thing ever. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If you were in the artist's shoes, look at it this way: You just painted something that you're very proud of and you think it's better than anything you've done before, but before you even SHOW it to your fans, they continually say "Hey, remember that one painting you did a few years ago? Yeah, can you just paint that one over and over again? Oh, but don't just photocopy it, make it brand new and exciting! BUT MAKE SURE IT'S THE SAME AS THAT OTHER PICTURE." You're all doing the same fucking thing to the band about their music. Kicking them down before the fucking album was even done, and now they're starting to show their work to us, and instead of being excited you're just flat-out INSULTING it! And insulting the band to boot! If I was in a band, that would discourage me from ever trying to outperform myself and improve. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Because the musicians are touchy 15 y.o. girls that need protecting. What would you recommend, for everyone to jump on the "this is awesome cause it's CoB" wagon instead? If you took the time to read the negative comments and the previous discussions, you'd see that a lot of it is well-grounded criticism that targets specific flaws. If you find that any amount of criticism makes you lose motivation for improvement, you won't get very far in life. I heard the song, it sucked (IMO), I wrote why I think it did, as did many other people. It's their opinion, learn to fucking deal with it. If you want to get in an argument about opinions, at least have something solid to say not just flame the whole forum. All I see thus far is a rant about how "you guys are assholes because you don't love everything with a Bodom stamp on it". Grow up, please.

P.S. All of that regardless of whether any of that post targeted me or not.

After a good sleep, this WIWI is really a badass song with that one riff and epic synth background.

See, the problem is that most of the song is built around "that ONE riff" and that's just fucking pathetic. Takes repetitive to a new level.

Holy Shit, worst promotion ever, I would rather let some shitty 128k mp3 be leaked instead of "releasing" it through the radio. Man, of course people will rip it and even put weird effects on it(additional to the stuff that happens with the song while being streamed) and thats better than letting people hear a shitty version of the real thing? lol

Agreed. Why they wouldn't just stream the track on the website if they wanted to promote it (like so many bands do these days) is beyond me.
Sooo much better song... after listening to a full song you get a better comprehension of these sounds.


I love the chorus in WIWI tho.
^ Well, at least the solo isn't pathetic. But it remains to be seen what the rest of the song is like.
Listen the full interview, you can hear the parts where they are talking on top of it if you concentrate :) (At least is it fast or slow from the drums)

I think SKO is a very promising song (we've heard most of it) It sounds like something from between HB, and HCDR but a little darker so maybe BD there too... But didn't Alexi say in an interview that the album's gonna be a little more black metalish? (I take it being more Black metalish because it sounds darker)
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Listen the full interview, you can hear the parts where they are talking on top of it if you concentrate :) (At least is it fast or slow from the drums)

I think SKO is a very promising song (we've heard most of it) It sounds like something from between HB, and HCDR but a little darker so maybe BD there too... But didn't Alexi say in an interview that the album's gonna be a little more black metalish? (I take it being more Black metalish because it sounds darker)

WIWI IT'S A REAL KICKER SONG ! Thanks to let me hear about that and i'm more and more excited after I listened the new song !!!!!


I happen to be happy I can listen to it at work (in the Netherlands), cause I have been looking for it for ages!

And today I just had the feeling I had to listen to it.. And within 2 minutes of me putting it on, WIWI was played..

(And btw.. Now they're playing even more music I like 'Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low' which is kinda youth sentiment for me..)
Ah well, I don't understand half of what they are saying, but the music is like 10000x better than dutch radioshows...

And, now I have heard the new CoB single, and that's something I would have never heard on dutch radio :)
Are you calling me immature? Really? Wow. Exactly why I don't post here. I don't even know why I waste my time.

I know exactly how you feel. ; )

It's a shame Necroraven had to reply to your post. This is the guy who apparently hardly listens to COB anymore because 'he's grown out of it' but still has time to post his shitty opinions on here (like little blood red riding hood best song since Something Wild) almost 24/7.
I think this is a particularly flammable subject because the thing COB fans are most afraid of is the best art in the world to be sacrificed for commercial purposes. We've heard this song is going to be their most commercial offering, as it is, and that's scary cos we don't want the whole album to sound commercial. That means for example repetitive riffs, simply constructed songs and easy solos.

For some outsider to manipulate COB's music like that would be more angering than them composing from their heart but failing to impress. U know. (I'm not saying anyone can consciously interrupt what Alexi is doing... except for this whole WIWI thing?) I still have faith in them making a great album, it will be great if the rest sounds more raw.

I'm sure much of this American sound is because of Matt Hyde, like they said, but of course he didn't touch their songwriting. I personally don't like this warm and friendly sound as it doesn't suit death metal, as in my opinion it should sound cold and brutal. Glad the atmosphere is back and just waiting to hear if the rest sounds different.

Extreme metal is not for everyone and should never be. Alexi says we're stupid if we have a problem with making metal music big... I don't care if COB suddenly has more fans if it comes by making a great extreme metal album, but if it comes by making it sound like radio stuff then that's different.

Do you think they're intentionally making their songs sound commercial? Personally, I think they just changed with age in addition to the fact that they said they don't want to repeat something they've already done. The way I see it is they've been on a path to this type of sound since HCDR.

TBH, I don't think Alexi can write another Towards Dead End or Hate me. I think he's just changed too much. He said somewhere he looked back at his old songs and doesn't remember how he came up with some of it. That being said I think this album is going to be really good based on all of the information I've gathered so far. This song is exactly what they said it would be, which is great because I think albums need different types of songs in them. Not to mention I think this song is a great live song after so many face melting ones. SV sounds good and that's what I'm basing my opinion on.
I know exactly how you feel. ; )

It's a shame Necroraven had to reply to your post. This is the guy who apparently hardly listens to COB anymore because 'he's grown out of it' but still has time to post his shitty opinions on here (like little blood red riding hood best song since Something Wild) almost 24/7.

Oh, please.

Not really true, by the way.

but still has time to post his shitty opinions on here (like little blood red riding hood best song since Something Wild) almost 24/7.

So everyone who doesn't share your opinions should fuck off? :lol:

Do you think they're intentionally making their songs sound commercial?

Just by hiring a producer they have taken a step towards commerciality, though that doesn't necessarily mean, that they are commercial. Yet.

TBH, I don't think Alexi can write another Towards Dead End or Hate me. I think he's just changed too much.

I recall 2 or 3-year old interview with SOB (?) where Alexi said, that he could write stuff like SW, but he doesn't want to. He doesn't feel like writing that kind of music anymore.