Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Someone who comes here looking for fans who love the shit out of the newer material will be saddened to find out that we mostly prefer the older albums because if you take the time to listen to them they are just generally better albums. That is the truth!
You say? I beg to differ, but maybe I'm wrong then.
Google translate do your thang!

We are thirsty for blood!
Children of Bodom Lake sign with her seventh book "Relentless Reckless Forever" back and present themselves in a new freshness and old form! Long, the fans have been waiting for this output and the beginning of March is the new power plant in the music stores you trust!

They Were Dead (Yet)?
Besides cover compilations, EPs and small "glitches" of this new album stands out again, and finally catapulted the men, all around guitar hero Alexi Laiho, back in times of "Hate Crew Deathroll"

Taken a good piece in the Finnish Petrax Studios, where sat the masterminds with producer Matt Hyde (Slayer, Monster Magnet) to the mixer and mixed their latest epic have been.

No Mercy - Ruthless - Ruthless
What jumps off the first second to the ear is the good old, characteristic CHILDREN OF BODOM sound of it just as highlights from the unit mass and unique: Finnish Melodic Death Metal, coupled with rapid power elements and modern arrangements, and the distinctive keyboard accompaniment Janne "Warman" Wirman, the ingredients of a recipe for success is unparalleled.

Earlier this year could convince itself of the coming rookie and the first single "Was It Worth It?" Listen via stream. The track gave the fans a good insight into the new approach of the Finns and surprised everyone with his "back to basics" message.

Who has this track has already promised the "Relentless Reckless Forever" a wide range of COB songs typical of the old school.

A half-hour trip to hell in fast forward
The opening track "Not My Funeral" immediately recall the classic "Sixpounder" and mixed the sound of 2003 with the matured bodom'schen sound schemes to be developed over recent years and tours (with SLIPKNOT, MACHINE HEAD and IN FLAMES) always more to expand and now ultimately could drive to the top.

"Shovel Knockout" is gloomy dahergestapft initially developed, but suddenly a bloodthirsty monster with plenty of room for breakdowns and staccato guitars, like "Pussy Foot Miss Suicide" and the already known "Was It Worth It?"

Fans of "Are You Dead Yet? come in "Round Trip To Hell And Back" completely at its expense and will feel transported back to the time of the "Chaos Ridden Years".

Thrashy is what the title track "Relentless, Reckless Forever" and "Cry Of The Nihilist" to the point. Here is gekloppt till you drop and be Mr. "Wild Child" Laiho makes us part of his Gitarrenorgasmen.

Criticism of the Reaper
It tells the whole work a lot of positive stress, but when the sun dips Hinsch shadow is cast ...

The biggest criticism is the short duration of the disc.
It puts them, does not come out in amazement, and after almost 36 minutes of fun come to an end. One is often left unsatisfied by no means, but a simple thirst for more!
Finally new chidlren OF BODOM material and then you have to give with 9 songs (and one bonus track) satisfied. I like not the hardcore fan. The can buy the new baby but in all sorts of different versions and look forward next to the making-of DVD or Video Guitar Lessons "also has a 64 page book or new T-shirts.

As usual, even when the production is not spilled. Bit by bit we eat us through a musical that has become pieces of meat, served with all sorts of finest supplements and is a real treat for every taste.
The menu turns out to be almost too "Bien Cooked" and could very well be also "Medium Rare" or can be cooked bloody.
Especially Alexis voice is pushed into the background and could use some more power. Otherwise, the instruments are balanced s excellence and act as a unified whole.

And the moral of the story
Once the new CHILDREN OF BODOM litter "Relentless Reckless Forever" sale is the fan base will rise to the barricades. We get a traditional disk presented to the fans to have their joy and also a lot of new audience will be won!

Live will give us all then peppered around the ears for Easter.
On 28 April, the Viennese in the arena the opportunity to experience the super squad and Posthof will shake a day later!
Rating: 4.5 of 5.0
Author: berni (18 February 2011)
I never have that problem. Over here they just look strange whenever you where a band shirt. Doesn't matter from which band it is.
Ignorant people..

Sounds like my continuation school.

Back when I was in school i was the only one who wore bodom shirts, hell when i had to change schools i was like the only one who liked bodom, cause everyone else was just druggies into bay area music.

I have a few bodom shirts, i really want to re buy the trashed lost shirt but whenever they have it around here they never have my size:bah:And same at bodom concerts they barely carry small :err:

If you automatically like everything the band makes, you're a blind lamb, and a worthless idiot.

... Really? If i like all songs of COB it makes me a blind lamb and worthless idiot ? I don't think so.. if you like all the songs\albums its OK,Not all the songs are the same genre but you might like other genres that might be in that particular album,Rest my case :wave:
I think you didn't get the point. His point was that IF CoB would release an ultra-shitty album in the future and if you still "liked" it, then you were a blind lamb.

Indeed. I thought I didn't need to stress the word automatically, but I overrestimated certain people once again :D

Wait... :lol: but there is Blooddrunk :lol::lol::lol::lol:


EDIT: Well, Blooddrunk isn't exactly ultra-shitty, but for a band that released albums like SW, HB and FTR it's quite an underachievement. If it was an album from a band like this, it would be a masterpiece:

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I think you didn't get the point. His point was that IF CoB would release an ultra-shitty album in the future and if you still "liked" it, then you were a blind lamb.
That doesn't mean you're a blind lamb, wtf? That person could have a wide range of music taste, and that means that even if the band started playing Pop music, he could still like it cause of his taste in music, if he likes the music, he likes the music, calling an album ultra-shitty is just a subjective opinion. If the case is that he doesn't like the music, but he likes the CD just because it's Bodom (I don't see how that would be possible anyway) that is maybe being a blind lamb. But just because you and others think an album might SUCK, it doesn't mean that people who likes it is blind followers.
never knew being a cob fan was about being such a bitch ill leave u too ur weird conversations about how he tones arent good enough for

Apparently she hasn't left yet...
And apparently I didn't miss a thing while not being here for a couple of weeks...

Anyway... only a couple of days to go..
I still don't know what to think of Ugly. I'm very curious about the album now, because I have no clue whether or not I will like it..
the first single "Was It Worth It?" Listen via stream. The track gave the fans a good insight into the new approach of the Finns and surprised everyone with his "back to basics" message.

WHAT THE FUCK :lol: I guess he means basics of music, there's no chance in hell someone can call WIWI a return to roots for COB.
WHAT THE FUCK :lol: I guess he means basics of music, there's no chance in hell someone can call WIWI a return to roots for COB.

People can write whatever they want just to make them feel smart or something... It's probably just someone who has listened to 3 or 4 old bodom songs and decided that WIWI sounded similar or something..
People talk a lot of crap anyway..
What? BD is bad, too pushed, but HCD or HB or FTR (besides ETID which sucks sound-wise) or even AYDY sound pretty good, AYDY lacks a bit of strength on guitars but sounds good, and of all of them HCD is to me one of the best tones I've heard in metal :ill:

Well, it really depends on your perspective on the matter. When I listened to music through my portable CD player alone, I used to think many albums sounded good when they, in fact, didn't. As an audiophile I now tend to be quite picky about records' sound quality, and I grant you Bodom albums just don't sound very good on high-end setups.

Tone is not an audiophile parameter as much as a personal, artistic choice of the band. You may like it or not, but it doesn't make a record good or bad per se. I can tell you my favorite Bodom tone so far is on HCDR, but compare its overall sound quality to - say - Eric Clapton's Clapton or Lee Ritenour's Wes Bound... there really is no comparison. I don't enjoy the music on either of the aforementioned two albums, but it was just to make my point clear :)
Hmm..maybe that explains why I think all the albums sound good. I have no hign end audio equipment to listen to them through...just in my car or stero at home.'s ok to like Clapton...he is the fucking man.....old man....but great non the less.
The more revealing your setup, the less forgiving it is with imperfect records (which are, I am sorry to say, the vast majority).'s ok to like Clapton...he is the fucking man.....old man....but great non the less.

Of course, I've got nothing against Clapton. I just don't like that specific CD :)