Religion/Christianity.... you thoughts ?

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Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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It's been a while since we have had this conversation. Not to try and do Hawk's job, but let's be respectful to one another here.

I will not even start the post because though I am not religious at all, I am a "spiritual" person, so I ride the fence on many issues.

Well, don't know exactly what you mean with "spiritual", but I guess I'm like that too. I try to do things in a "good" way.
On the other hand I'm VERY narrow-minded about Religions. I get angry or agitated when people try to talk to me about it. Religion to me is the dirt of society, just let me know one war that didn't start around religion...(okay Hawk, I guess you can come up with one in your history-mind :loco: .
Now it's Muslims trying to rule the world, than it were Christians...World hasn't become a bit better with religian... so fuck it !!! (sorry, can I use "FUCK" Hawk?)
You see Bryant, you got me agitated with your Religion thread :D
carnut said:
Well, don't know exactly what you mean with "spiritual", but I guess I'm like that too. I try to do things in a "good" way.
On the other hand I'm VERY narrow-minded about Religions. I get angry or agitated when people try to talk to me about it. Religion to me is the dirt of society, just let me know one war that didn't start around religion...(okay Hawk, I guess you can come up with one in your history-mind :loco: .
Now it's Muslims trying to rule the world, than it were Christians...World hasn't become a bit better with religian... so fuck it !!! (sorry, can I use "FUCK" Hawk?)
You see Bryant, you got me agitated with your Religion thread :D

Ha ha ha when I say "spiritual" it means that I do believe in a higher power. I don't have a name to call the higher power, though just to save confusion, I will say "God." I don't worship God, know who or what God is, nor do I try and force "God" on anyone else especially given the fact, I know nothing about the said "God," I just know it's there. I can feel it.
One of the reasons I started this post was to debate points made by agnostics/athiests AND believers (no matter the religion) and prove that indeed, the strife that religion has caused, is indeed a necessary evil in itself and if not for the balance of different religions and those not heavily influenced (we are all somewhat influenced) then we would have chaos on this planet.
Religion is in essence a form of control, more often than not. Control is important in society. Therefore, religion is important in society simply because great philosophers have not found a way to replace it when addressing the common man/woman.
I am ready for debate...........

as far as my own religion goes....i dont really know where i stand. The only really thing thats set in stone for me, is that i hate god....i believe there is a god, and i believe he created everything, but i hate the bastard. (I definately have my reasons, and i believe they are good reasons, but i just dont care to talk about them right now)

but yeah, even though i hate god, im not about to rip on some one who worship's him........though i have in the past :loco:
I was raised in an organized monotheistic religion. Eleven years between school and highschool. Attending the cult "religiously" (my grades depend of it) every single praying day.

Today I came from the cementery to see my Dad's grave, 15 years had passed since my old man passed away and my faith in the monotheistic deity with him.

My view of life is that the human being needs to believe in something is part of the work of the mind. That something not necessarily has to be a superior being, I believe in fate/destiny. I believe that whatever it comes it was written from out first day. No praying, no sightseeing, no force can alter the path of things to come (call me a fatalist if you want).

Undoubtely I'm against ALL organized religions, I believe that religion as an organization has brought nothing but war, torture, famine, hatred and death to mankind. One god, many gods, no god is the same, they're all want to enforce their view upon their peers (call me a cynic if you want).

I hope not to offend anyone. I know for a fact that talking about religion, politics and football brings nothing but trouble on a forum.

My apologies to everyone.

Hawk please delete this message if I got over the line.
Silent Song said:
. i harbor no hate towards nonchristians. .

Do I have luck ;)
Sorry , I may come over rude to religious people in my reply, but I'm not a rude person at all, in fact I'm sure we could be good mates talking about Metal !!

Bryant said:
. Ha ha ha when I say "spiritual" it means that I do believe in a higher power.
So, than I'm not "spiritual". I think a god is just a personification of a feeling we have, like god=good, devil=evil etc...I don't believe in any higher powers, just in feelings that roam around and mess up our heads most of the time :ill:

Wyvern said:
. Hawk please delete this message if I got over the line.
I went much further over the line than you did, so you can stay ;)
#1_Droogie said:
as far as my own religion goes....i dont really know where i stand. The only really thing thats set in stone for me, is that i hate god....i believe there is a god, and i believe he created everything, but i hate the bastard. (I definately have my reasons, and i believe they are good reasons, but i just dont care to talk about them right now)

but yeah, even though i hate god, im not about to rip on some one who worship's him........though i have in the past :loco:

Whoa !!! Dude !! You can see and hear and post on a message board. You should feel blessed !! Many people can not deo that.

Bryant said:
No problem with that dude. What happens when you die ?

Aha, the "what happens" question...For what I believe it will be the same as'll be in dreamland forever, trying to avoid nightmares and running after beauty queen -dreams :loco:
Silent Song said:
Posted extensively my thoughts here:

the short version is i consider myself christian, and try to follow the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ. i recognize that i'm far from perfect and make mistakes all the time. still i try my best to follow His example. i harbor no hate towards nonchristians. and i'm a massive fan of metal.

That takes balls to say my friend. I damned sure will not look down on you for your beliefs as long as you respect me for the same.

I'm personally not religious at all, but with that said, if you're religious, and you believe it, and it helps you get through life, more power to ya, and i will respect it. But i am spiritual, and i have my own personal theory. One that i came up with because it makes sense to me, as crazy as they may sound.

I believe everyone in this world has a spirit. It's the essense of our individuality, it gives us our personalities. And when we die, our spirit leaves the physical body and "moves on". Sometimes, when a person dies, it might've been under shady circumstances, or they have a very strong connection with something or someone or they just refuse to believe they're dead, or whatever the reason, i don't know,so they'll stay behind. Hence, ghosts. Yes, i'm a believer in the Supernatural.

Whether there's a heaven and hell, i won't know until I die. Whether my theory is right or not, again, won't know until i die.Again, it's just a theory i came up with.
Your reply described my way of being perfectly!!
So I'll just leave it at..I agree with your post 1000%!!!

Silent Song said:
Posted extensively my thoughts here:

the short version is i consider myself christian, and try to follow the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ. i recognize that i'm far from perfect and make mistakes all the time. still i try my best to follow His example. i harbor no hate towards nonchristians. and i'm a massive fan of metal.
Bryant said:
Whoa !!! Dude !! You can see and hear and post on a message board. You should feel blessed !! Many people can not deo that.


yeah in that sense, youre right......but im cursed with a defection that only 1 in 320,000 people get, and it makes my life a LIVING HELL. Im not going to sit here and explain it, if you want to know about it, then pm me, but trust me, it aint no common thing ive got, and i wanna know why that bastard picked me out of 320,000 fucking people. So that (and a few other MINOR reasons) is why i hate god
Religion is something the human being can't live without imo. There's a need for something spiritual with all the unanswered questions we live with. To some people, some kind of God is the answer. Not mine though. I don't have any religion as in christianity or whatever. I can't say it's bullshit, I can't say religion is a weakness, but well.. it's something made up. With reason though.
Dodens Grav said:
I believe that was the main intention of this thread? On a sidenote, I was raised as a Christian and in fact I'm still active in my church, though I'm an atheist.

I believe this is the most interesting answer so far. How do you cope with that counterpoint?

carnut said:
I went much further over the line than you did, so you can stay

I don't think so, you just stated your feelings in a more passionate way ;)

And I love the fact that the system here allows someone to say fuck, most boards will automaticly ban the word. Which makes me mad because I believe profanity is a great way to release energy without resourcing to physical violence.

If we sware a lot more there will be less wars and more R movies (I'm tired of PG-13). I wish Mace Windu really talk the talk in Star Wars, what's the point of having Samuel L. Jackson wielding a light sabre if he can't talk like in "Pulp Fiction" or "Die Hard 3"?

I disagree (in a sweet way) with those who believe religion is necessary. A BELIEF is necessary, a religion is not. I have my beliefs I don't need anyone to share them or make an organization out of them. Live and let live, ain't that a neat creed? :cool:
Wyvern said:
If we sware a lot more there will be less wars and more R movies (I'm tired of PG-13). I wish Mace Windu really talk the talk in Star Wars, what's the point of having Samuel L. Jackson wielding a light sabre if he can't talk like in "Pulp Fiction" or "Die Hard 3"?
i think it was not Samuel L Jackson in the newer star wars... i think it was Laurence Fishburne, or something like that....he played Morpheus in the matrix movies. :p
#1_Droogie said:
i think it was not Samuel L Jackson in the newer star wars... i think it was Laurence Fishburne, or something like that....he played Morpheus in the matrix movies. :p

Sorry my son but I know my actors and is Samuel all the way...but the profanity:Smug:

P.S Jackson is too intelligent to get entangled in the Matrix.
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