Religion/Christianity.... you thoughts ?

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tedvanfrehley said:
Here's what's funny....I wouldn't give a ten cent crap if anybody in here said that Christianity sucked...but people get their panties all wadded up if anybody dares to tell them their own opinion of God is and how we are all spiritual beings. It's just my take. You don't have to agree...but to be offended by it?

Maybe I just have a thicker skin than some? Or I get more fiber in my diet?

i wasnt offended by your opinion of your God.. i was offended by saying that he is in me when i dont believe in him .. to me to have him in you , you have to believe in him which i don't... i dont know .... why you got your panties raddled.. because i wasnt mad about it.. being offended and being mad are two different things.. but you have to see it in my eyes... if i was a buddhist or satanist and said Buddha and Satan are in every one's spiritual being.. would u take offense or say yeah you are right... Buddha and Satan are in us and Praise them both... for me to have any god in you you have to be a follower of such religion and to say you God is in all of us non believers is a polite way of shoving your religious beliefs down our throats... if what i say makes you mad then oh well because i wasnt mad to begin with... that is my opinions like you have yours... talking about religion is like talking politics not everyone will agree on the same topics and sometimes one will get their panties raddled more then others but in this case i wasn't but it looked like you did <shrugs> .... i had a bad day at work yesterday and i refuse to get mad today.... have a nice Sunday and Mother's Day everyone.... :wave:
I cant see how people keep their faith in Chirstianity. I dont try to blast holes into the christian religion, I just ask questions. Unfortunately, the answers tend to be against the fundamental principals of the religion.

Heres the deal. God is all knowing and all powerful, it says so in the bible, which we all know is gods divine word and is always correct (snicker). That means he created everything, and knows everything. That would also mean that as he created us, he also knows everything we have, are, or ever will think or feel. So, that would mean God created most of humanity, down through the thousands of years we have been around KNOWING that they would reject him and spend the rest of eternity in hell. Man, what a loving god! Christians get real vague around the pre-judgement questions about their belief.

Listen people, its all BULLSHIT. People are christians because they couldnt hack it or grew up in a social setting where it was forced upon them. NEVER believe in anything out of fear.
like I said...
Religion, politics, and the existance of the Great Pumpkin. Three things you can't discuss. Linus was right.

And again, I never got mad...I'm not forcing anything. If you say Buddha or Satan is in all of us including me it's your right. Express it...have a ball. That's my point - IT DOESN'T BOTHER ME - tell me to fuck off if you want. I'll still have just as much sleep tonight.

BRYANT has a set of balls for starting this thread. But you just can't discuss religion. People that aren't religious feel just as strongly as those who are. In a way, TO NOT BELIEVE takes just as much faith as it does TO BELIEVE.

To be an atheist is putting faith in the fact that hell doesn't exist.
I believe in a higher power, i believe in an afterlife, i believe in spirits and the supernatural. I DO NOT have faith in the idea of religion. It's much too corrupt and shady these days. WAAAY more questions than answers and when they try to answer the questions, it only gives birth to yet more questions. If you're into religion cool. If it gives you light and helps you through life, i can respect that. But me personally, can do without religion. I have faith in a God, and i think that's all i need.
tedvanfrehley said:
the existance of the Great Pumpkin.

Of course Helloween rules!

To be an atheist is putting faith in the fact that hell doesn't exist.

Then I can't be an atheist since I live in it :cry:
tedvanfrehley said:
Here's what's funny....I wouldn't give a ten cent crap if anybody in here said that Christianity sucked...but people get their panties all wadded up if anybody dares to tell them their own opinion of God is and how we are all spiritual beings. It's just my take. You don't have to agree...but to be offended by it?

Maybe I just have a thicker skin than some? Or I get more fiber in my diet?

Ted your about as offensive as a Ham Sandwich :loco: I have nothing against your Beliefs ... if you say god is me,... I mean god is In me than maybe your right? ... Maybe your not? I dont really giveashit either way to be honest ya know why? cause I think TEDVANFUCKINFREHLEY is a cool motherfucker etherway! .. anyways shit if I go to hell atleast I will be in good company :grin:
I've spent almost 15 years contemplating the 'question of religion'. Fifteen years spent long and hard
delving into every facet of faith & belief, every facet of the histories of the major religions - particularly the three Abrahamic faiths - as well as the philosophies that have created and shaped each. And after all of that time, I've come to the conclusion that they are, in fact, the invention of man. As are the god(s) they claim to represent.

Now this is not the typical anti-religious 'metal head' ranting & raving. My love of metal (and it's many dark themes) has nothing to do with my philosophical predilection. In fact, I often find metal's 'darkside approach' comical and at times juvenile. But that's a story for another day.

Anyway, to the heart of the matter:
There are two ultimate priorities or goals that dictate the behavior (both conscious and subsconscious) of all living beings. These two are:
1) procreation (the continuance of the race/species)
2) self-preservation (no explanation needed)

There's a reason why the sex-drive is so pervasive and strong: without it, species die.
Humanity's fascination with sex is entirely natural - and necessary. Again, without it,
we may not have survived to the present day.

Self-preservation is an even larger matter, in my view. And it is tied directly to proceation, of course. Our will to live, to continue, to survive, is SO STRONG that we'll do anything to sustain existence. Generally, when someone comes after a person with a knife, seeking to kill him, people tend to do one of two things: run like hell, or fight to survive! But rarely do we wantonly choose death (of course abberations appear: the depressed committing suicide, etc).

This maxim is, in my opinion, the ultimate driving force behind all of the world's religions.
Tis the reason why we have heavens of eternal life, reincarnation (ie: eternal life), Valhallas,
and Lands of Nod, East of Eden, etc.
It's also seen very clearly in our works of fiction: hence Jedi knights who's spirits retain life after death, vampires who stalk eternity, demons, poltergiests, Patrick Swayze's "Ghost", etc ad infinitum.

These simple factors have created the unswerving psychological need of humanity to instill thoughts of eternal life into it's religions. Mankind simply can not accept the fact that his life is finite. That it will end. He can not accept the fact that his loved ones will die. The inability to come to grips with this simple fact is the seed that's grown into the belief systems of today.

But that's only part of it....

Coupled with these factors is the age-old goal of humanity to organize into tribes or societies.
Early man, over long periods of time, came to the realization that working in unison with
other individuals, as opposed to constantly warring among eachother, would lead to his OWN prosperity, would act to sustain and preserve his life and that of his offspring.
For example, I may be a poor hunter, but John Smith excels as it. He may be awful at
constructing huts, but it's my speciality. Hence, working together then solves the needs of
both of us - again lending to our own self-preservation.

Now when one abhorent individual causes problems within the tribe (ie: stealing the berries and roots that I picked and causing anger & in-fighting) the elders or leaders will exact punishments upon him. Anarachy leads to the disruption of social order and violence - hence placing the preservation of the tribe and it's individuals, in jeapordy.
So laws are devised. And punishments. These are nothing more than an attempt at controlling and limiting behaviors that are detrimental to the tribe's prosperity.

What better way to help enforce the laws than by decreeing "supernatural" punishment? If jail or stoning on earth doesn't deter crime, than eternal damnation & burning might! Hell, anyone?
The concept of hell also helps to placate the mind of a wronged victim who doesn't feel that 'earthly justice' was administered accordingly. Sure, your daughter was just killed, and the perp is going to prison, or being executed, but worse still is the everlasting torture he'll receive in hell!
These concepts are ultimately a form of psychological-self defense....helps the mind rest easier.

Anyway, I do believe that the three Abrahamic religions are the most detrimental to the overall well-being and health of the individual mind and of society in general.

I can go on for hours about this...
SoundMaster said:
I've spent almost 15 years contemplating the 'question of religion'. Fifteen years spent long and hard
delving into every facet of faith & belief, every facet of the histories of the major religions - particularly the three Abrahamic faiths - as well as the philosophies that have created and shaped each. And after all of that time, I've come to the conclusion that they are, in fact, the invention of man. As are the god(s) they claim to represent.

Now this is not the typical anti-religious 'metal head' ranting & raving. My love of metal (and it's many dark themes) has nothing to do with my philosophical predilection. In fact, I often find metal's 'darkside approach' comical and at times juvenile. But that's a story for another day.

Anyway, to the heart of the matter:
There are two ultimate priorities or goals that dictate the behavior (both conscious and subsconscious) of all living beings. These two are:
1) procreation (the continuance of the race/species)
2) self-preservation (no explanation needed)

There's a reason why the sex-drive is so pervasive and strong: without it, species die.
Humanity's fascination with sex is entirely natural - and necessary. Again, without it,
we may not have survived to the present day.

Self-preservation is an even larger matter, in my view. And it is tied directly to proceation, of course. Our will to live, to continue, to survive, is SO STRONG that we'll do anything to sustain existence. Generally, when someone comes after a person with a knife, seeking to kill him, people tend to do one of two things: run like hell, or fight to survive! But rarely do we wantonly choose death (of course abberations appear: the depressed committing suicide, etc).

This maxim is, in my opinion, the ultimate driving force behind all of the world's religions.
Tis the reason why we have heavens of eternal life, reincarnation (ie: eternal life), Valhallas,
and Lands of Nod, East of Eden, etc.
It's also seen very clearly in our works of fiction: hence Jedi knights who's spirits retain life after death, vampires who stalk eternity, demons, poltergiests, Patrick Swayze's "Ghost", etc ad infinitum.

These simple factors have created the unswerving psychological need of humanity to instill thoughts of eternal life into it's religions. Mankind simply can not accept the fact that his life is finite. That it will end. He can not accept the fact that his loved ones will die. The inability to come to grips with this simple fact is the seed that's grown into the belief systems of today.

But that's only part of it....

Coupled with these factors is the age-old goal of humanity to organize into tribes or societies.
Early man, over long periods of time, came to the realization that working in unison with
other individuals, as opposed to constantly warring among eachother, would lead to his OWN prosperity, would act to sustain and preserve his life and that of his offspring.
For example, I may be a poor hunter, but John Smith excels as it. He may be awful at
constructing huts, but it's my speciality. Hence, working together then solves the needs of
both of us - again lending to our own self-preservation.

Now when one abhorent individual causes problems within the tribe (ie: stealing the berries and roots that I picked and causing anger & in-fighting) the elders or leaders will exact punishments upon him. Anarachy leads to the disruption of social order and violence - hence placing the preservation of the tribe and it's individuals, in jeapordy.
So laws are devised. And punishments. These are nothing more than an attempt at controlling and limiting behaviors that are detrimental to the tribe's prosperity.

What better way to help enforce the laws than by decreeing "supernatural" punishment? If jail or stoning on earth doesn't deter crime, than eternal damnation & burning might! Hell, anyone?
The concept of hell also helps to placate the mind of a wronged victim who doesn't feel that 'earthly justice' was administered accordingly. Sure, your daughter was just killed, and the perp is going to prison, or being executed, but worse still is the everlasting torture he'll receive in hell!
These concepts are ultimately a form of psychological-self defense....helps the mind rest easier.

Anyway, I do believe that the three Abrahamic religions are the most detrimental to the overall well-being and health of the individual mind and of society in general.

I can go on for hours about this...

LOL where did ya cut and paste that from?
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