Review the last movie you saw thread

lol ... hey they are good movies

Come to think of it Where Eagles Dare was the first movie I went to with out my parents, went with my cousins in COBAR in 1970 ...
I've seen the opening of Where Eagles Dare. The opening music is the same music they used on the Piece of Mind tour (seeing as the opening track was, yes, Where Eagles Dare).

Got a copy at home but haven't watched the whole thing yet.
A few nights ago I watched You Don't Mess With The Zohan, which I enjoyed. Reviews of the film were right when they said it was the funniest Adam Sandler movie in years (tho I did rather enjoy Click), but it still doesn't compare to his classic work. Rob Schneider however, was fucking fantastic. He is often either hit or miss in his roles in such comedies, but this one he really hit it. Good stuff.

Last night I watched December Boys, Australian moving starring Daniel Radcliffe. A coming of age teen boy type movie which was slow and not as deep as I was expecting, but worth it for the lovely scenery of the SA coast.

Today I watched Bubba Ho-Tep. From what I had heard about this film, there was no way that it could have been any good as it just sounds too ridiculous to even be amusing. I enjoyed it more than I expected I would, but I am not sure that it deserves the cult status that it has generated. 3 stars.
Bubba-Ho-Tep is just silly campy fun.
Not a great movie but fun if you aren't expecting greatness and love cult-inspired movies.

of course it's only really good because of Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead/Army of Darkness, every Sam Rami film ever made) and he does make a good Elvis.
the explanation of how he made it into the nursing home is also a hoot.
Planet Terror is great!

It's a huge shame that after the initial US release they separated Planet Terror & Death Proof into 2 separate features... Definitely the best way to see them is together as "Grindhouse" with the extra fake trailers and even an ad for a Tex-Mex restaurant (located next to the theatre haha!) between the 2 movies, but the cinema industry just wasn't willing to take a gamble on people wanting to sit through a double-feature, even though that's how all movies were shown for a long time. Only The Astor in St Kilda shows it in its proper form (and still putting a session on every few weeks or so - worth seeing there for sure!).
Oh and last movie I watched was Robocop (at The Astor as well actually). Hadn't seen it since I was a kid so it had been a looong time and I'd forgotten most of it. It's funny how accurate that film was in 1987 in predicting how unsalvagable Detroit would become in the near future, seeing as though the population continues to decline and there are hundreds of houses for sale for under $1000 there now (some starting from $1 for house & land) that still can't find buyers.
Oh and last movie I watched was Robocop (at The Astor as well actually). Hadn't seen it since I was a kid so it had been a looong time and I'd forgotten most of it. It's funny how accurate that film was in 1987 in predicting how unsalvagable Detroit would become in the near future, seeing as though the population continues to decline and there are hundreds of houses for sale for under $1000 there now (some starting from $1 for house & land) that still can't find buyers.

I actually watched the director's cut of Robocop last night.

hadn't seen the non-TV version in ages and forgot how violent it was. It was actually considered bloody for it's day.

still, it's a very interesting and pretty well done film, despite being trapped in the notion that the 80's aesthetics would carry on into the near future. A lot of the ED-209 special effects dated terribly too (but they were dated when it was made) and Robocop moves in such a weird way (at one point he even does the Robot) but it's a fun film for the 80's action junkie in us all.

interesting fact about the film too is that they didn't have a lot of actually content for the man parts of the film due to budget limits so they put the ads and new items in as filler and most of the ideas of them were conceived by Frank Miller -who did't receive credit and later would have his scripts for Robocop 2 & 3 butchered beyond recognition.
Robocop is great, and very brutal. I have been meaning to watch it again myself actually, haven't seen it for years.

you can pick up the two disc "definitive edition" at JB hifi pretty cheaply (about $13 or so) as well as heaps of other classic 80's action films.

still have to get Running Man and waiting for the definitive edition of Predator 2 -which is the best predator film ever!:headbang:
I have Running Man on DVD. I hunted high and low for it for months, even years for it. Couldn't find it anywhere, so I ended up special ordering it. Now everywhere I go I keep tripping over the damned thing.
Halloween (Rob Zombie version) - I thought it was excellent. Some parts were implausible, but as a slasher film it was really good. I liked the way it showed Myers as a demented kid to give a bit of a background story.

Juno - good film about a teenager who gets pregnant. Half of you have probably seen it already.
I don't like how they try and give monsters a background. I don't care why Mike Myers is a psycho. I don't want to know why Hannibal Lecter is a cannibalistic nutjob.