Rites of Darkness Fest III (first 5 bands announced)

Although this is way too early to be doing such a thing, it would be awesome to organize some sort of UM Rites of Darkness thing akin to the UM MDF meet. I will definitely attend to this festival, it's only a state away after all and the line-up is just incredible.

I would definitely be down for this. The lineup is already way too good to miss. Guess I better save some vacation time for December.
Master Yoda, I think you have the most compatible taste in metal with me compared to any other user on this board. Having said this, how the fuck could you possibly miss Demigod with the SoSE line-up? HOW?! There should be zero hesitation on your part
I don't think it's a matter of distance or him as much as it is potential conflicts with finals. It's the same thing with me, but thankfully most of my finals usually consist of simply turning a final paper in. The whole trip really wouldn't cost that much either, though I can see myself dropping an exorbitant amount of money on merch due to the awesome vendors that are bound to be there.

brooks: I think that's a great idea that should be pursued when our attendance is more definitive. It would certainly be cool to carpool for this to save on gas money.
Ha! I could easily go to this depending on what I'm doing next December. I could easily do a road trip out to Texas, plus I have family in San Antonio. We will see. I would definitely like to go.
Mmmm Vasaeleth.

Edit-->We totally posted that at the exact same time. I think this is a sign that Finnish death metal fans are forever.


You know, there are ways to take the finals earlier (or later) than scheduled. You just have a good enough reason.
Well, I'm from Albany, NY, and I'll be going...

so nobody has any excuses.

I mean, literally, this is probably going to be your ONLY shot, EVER, of seeing the majority of those bands. And all together, at ONE fest? Like... are you stupid? haha

I'm personally flipping shit that Vasaeleth and Blaspherian are back, because I couldn't make it last year. Then, to top it off, the Austrailian war assault of IMPETUOUS RITUAL and GRAVE UPHEAVALLLL!!! Man... if only there was a way to bring out Denouncement Pyre and Abominator, holy fuck I would kill myself afterwards.

And we got Interment, Demigod, Adversarial....mmmmmm :rock: