
Dictionary Definition of a Courtesan: "A skilled and
socially adept provider of sexual intimacy, erotic companionship,
and sacred healing, particularly when highly compensated and
respected, for example in a court or high society setting."
schenkadere said:
Yay. 2112 is an absolute classic and a must for any metalheads collection.
For sure.
Amazing band. I still haven't seen them live yet. I want to so badly though.

By the way, who is that chick from your signature?
Calamitas1786 said:
that's Rachael Ray. She's pretty fuckin hot...until she starts to talk!
For sure! I used to watch her show on mute. But she used to be a little chunky though. She must have lost some weight. She looks amazing in that pic.
Honestly, I prefer her 40 dollar a day show over her cooking show. If I ever hear her call Extra Virgin Olive Oil as "E-V-O-O" again, I will go on a rampage. It's not like it saves so much time to actually say those 4 words, especially when she never shuts her mouth.
Metal head87 said:
For sure! I used to watch her show on mute. But she used to be a little chunky though. She must have lost some weight. She looks amazing in that pic.
Honestly, I prefer her 40 dollar a day show over her cooking show. If I ever hear her call Extra Virgin Olive Oil as "E-V-O-O" again, I will go on a rampage. It's not like it saves so much time to actually say those 4 words, especially when she never shuts her mouth.

I like to take shots every time she refers to her audience as "guys" or "you guys". I'm hammered before the first commercial break. And the E-V-O-O shit needs to stop, we fucking know what it is and you spend triple the time trying to shorten it, then finish it up with "that's extra virgin olive oil!". Christ.

I like the 40 dollars a day show, but she tips like 80 cents a meal. I'd spit in her food. Then watch as she groans and says its "yum-o!"