Russian Movies

kukushka (cocoo) - a movie about russian/finnish war of 1939-40. extremely good.
igla (needle) - about a drug addict's life in the late 1980s. features all of the band Kino as actors
kavkazskaya plennica (prisoner of caucus mountains) - a comedy about stealing a bride... its old.
A movie about the giant clusterfuck which was the invasion of Finland seems very interesting indeed. It's crazy how little we know about that shit over here.

Are there any good Russian rock/metal/any other kind of music documentaries?

Do people in Russia like Dr. Zhivago?
'Cocoo' is not about Russian-Finnish war. It just shows some place on the Russian-Finnish border during WWII. It's quite a new movie but there are some good older things like: 'Dogheart' (based upon Bulgakov's novel)
'Solaris' and 'Stalker' by Tarkovsky
'Alexander Nevsky' by Esenstein (an old but really great movie)
'Adam's Rib' (a tragic comedy about four very different women of four very different generations)
Do people in Russia like Dr. Zhivago?
Some do while others don't. Personally I'm not very excited by this. :)
I've got about 300 CDs with old SOVIET and not very old RUSSIAN movies. I prefere watching them above all others tho:))))
"Sluzhebniy Roman" rules and rocks, "Garazh" - rocks and damn rules " S Lyogkim Parom" - wooooooooo!! "Priklyucheniya Sherloka Holmsa i dr. Watsona!" yeaaaaaaah!! "Polyot Navigatora!" wwwwoooo! "Cherez ternii k Zvyozdam!" "17 mgnoveniy vesny!!", "V poiskah kapitana Granta", "Polosatiy reys", "Priklyucheniya Shurika", "Stariki Razboyniki", "12 stuljev", "Pyos Barbos i Neobichniy Kross", "Mesto vstrechi izmenit nelzya", "Mimino", "V boy idut odni stariki", "Moskva slezam ne verit", "Utomlyonnie solncem", "Sibirskiy Ciryulnik", "Zharkoe solnce pustini", "Osobennosti nacional'noy ohoty", "Kukushka", "Dzhentel'meny udachy", "Chuchelo" and billions of others:))))
Now I am gonna watch "Beregis' Avtomobilya!" :))))))))
My favorites Russian films:
about love:
Обыкновенное чудо / Ordinary miracle
Ирония судьбы или С легким паром! / Irony of fate or with light steam!
Вокзал для двоих / A Railway Station for Two
Москва слезам не верит / Moscow does not Belive in Tears
Жестокий романс / A Cruel Romance
Служебный роман / Business romance
Я шагаю по Москве / I am Walking Along Moscow
Чародеи / Wizards
Труффальдино из Бергамо / Truffaldino from Bergamo

Обыкновенное чудо / Ordinary miracle
Кавказская пленница / Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures
Бриллиантовая рука / The Diamond Arm
Иван Васильевич меняет профессию / Ivan Vasilievich changes his occupation
Покровские ворота / Pokrov Gates
Тот самый Мюнхгаузен / The Very Same Munhgauzen
Кин-дза-дза / Kin-Dza-Dza
Двенадцать стульев / Twelve Chairs
Здравствуйте, я ваша тетя! / Hello, I am your aunt!
Джентльмены удачи / Gentlemen of luck
Операция Ы и другие приключения Шурика / Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures

Солярис / Solaris
Москва слезам не верит / Moscow does not Belive in Tears
Зеркало / The Mirror
Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих / At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among his own
Звезда пленительного счастья / The Star of Fascinating Happiness
Кавказский пленник / Prisoner of the Mountains
Вор / The Thief
Любовник / The Lover
Марк Захаров / Mark Zakharov
Эльдар Рязанов / Eldar Ryazanov
Леонид Гайдай / Leonid Gaidai
Георгий Данелия / Georgi Daneliya
Александр Роу / Alexander Rou
Ян Фрид / Yan Frid
Hell yes I like it! The lists posted above will provide a valuable resource if and when I start to get some decent cash flow. (The fact that you bothered to type the titles and names in both Russian and English will also help me when I study Russian.) I generally use my time to research music, but I love the whole idea of inter-cultural communication. Your site seems like a great resource and the more translations you have, the more univerally useful it will be. Speaking for those who research movies like I research music, I say please translate as much as you can. :]

I see you've listed love, drama, and comedy... how about war, action, and horror?
Ok, you do not have to buy, I have rent links on my site.
Thank you very much for encouragement,
will try to translate the rest as fast as I can.

As to Russian films in the genres you listed, here it goes:
Александр Невский / Alexander Nevsky
Баллада о солдате / Ballad of a Soldier
Брат / Brother
Война / War
Кавказский пленник / Prisoner of the Mountains
Отец солдата / Father of The Soldier
Сто дней до приказа / 100 Days Before The Command
Торпедоносцы / Torpedo Bombers

Белое солнце пустыни / White Sun of the Desert
Д'Артаньян и Три Мушкетера / D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers

Вий / Viy or Spirit of Evil
Fuck!! You are right chap!! I always thought it was RE... LOL
Soviet and Russian movies aren't an easy nut for a foreigner I reckon. It's entirely different from Holywood production. Soviet movies had no violence at all. Even actions were built on a psychological picture of stories behind movies.