RX10D or RR-3?

I'm on the budget end of the scale here and own a Jackson PS4, but considering the price, I love it... and I also preffer the neck to alot of Ibanez' I have played over time, including my friend's seven string Universe. Still need to get a tremolo rod though (darned 2nd hand), up point is that somebody already did the work for me and replaced the bridge pickup... to what looks like a Seymour Duncan but im not sure.

> hey buddy!
> what'z yer gear?

My good ol Jackson performer ps-II that i had for 5 or 6 years now, my 24fret rhoads that i'm finishing to build, Boss GT-3, Telec 10 band stereo EQ, whose output is connected directly to my linux box sound card (with the GT-3 set to line-out) and the sound card is connected to a sony stereo amp that blows the sound through about 15 speakers + a 200 watt subwoofer :grin:

oh i do have a 75-100 watt conventional guitar amp, but i just use it as a preamp really..... i dont like all my sound coming from the same box.

/* EDIT */

oh i was thinking of getting a Roland synth guitar console + hex pickup, when i have the money. those things are fucking awesome......!!!!! (but expen$$$ive)

> save for an Ibanez.

honestly i'd prefer a 24 fret Ibanez to a 22 fret Jackson. but i like Jackson's better overall, personally.
why the hell do they even make 22 fret electric guitars anyway????
>why the hell do they even make 22 fret electric guitars anyway????

i guess so you can bend the sring up to the 24th fret, but thats dumb

@ delt - hey can you look at those pics and let me know if I'm able to put a 24 fret neck on it. Thanks. if you cant tell let me know and ill send you a pic of the joint on front and back
vex: no problem dude, but it,s a LOT of work, and you really have to do it carefully, and with GOOD TOOLS, at least the way i did it.

The easiest and most straightforward approach would be to simply extend the neck pocket by about 2/3" and bolt the 24fret neck that distance further in the body - ie. so that the 22th fret would be at the same place it is now. but that would pretty much compromise playability on the upper frets.

I did the opposite - move the whole bridge cavity towards the neck. Much harder to do, but i'm happy with it because it gave me the best results in the end.

now i have to taint the fretboard black and add bindings to it (: (:

then i have to redo the paint job on the body, PROPERLY this time grmbl±@£%¢¬¤¦#@%¤......
i'm tainting the rosewood fretboard on my RR black. it's drying right now before i put the second coat. then when it,s dry i'll start the proccess of adding the bindings (: (: (: !!!!

can't wait to see the re-assembled instrument how its gonna look like with this "new" neck .... !!
Damned, I played that guitar RR3 yeasterday and the access to frets 19, 20, 21 and 22 really sucks !
Everything else rule, but I don't even know form now on if I buy a RR .. too bad ..
Moreover, in fuckin' France the case cost about 360 bucks and the simple protection about 170 ... Gotta go in the USA, dollars is really down these days !!
Alexi had got that guitar before ?????
ids say save for the RR1 cuz access to higher fret on that guitar is a lot better than on the Japanese Models
stoned&drunk said:
Hey guys, you know if i can get Floyd Rose installed my neck through RR5??? And get 24 frets? And the same question as needled, get the bewels painted... and removed those stupid pickguards...
is there anything u want to keep on that guitar? :lol:

I think it would be less work to find a nice tree in the forest, chop it off, and do a guitar on your own...

seriously; you gotta do a compromise somewhere, or order a custom.
that's a whole lot of modification and really not worth it.
i posted this on the Sinergy board a while ago, when i was modifying the body of my "razorback rhoads" --->

before painting, i shaved off about 1 or 2 mm of the wood and rounded it off even more, access to the upper frets is awesome with this modification..... my index plays on the 23-24 frets with no problems at all.

I just did the same to the neck plate with really hard sandpaper, since it was sticking out a bit from the rounded-off area.

Can't wait to reassemble this baby once the bindings job is done on the neck.... i'm going fucking crazy without my Rhoads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This little modification on the neck-heel area improves playability on the higher frets - as you can see i just rounded off the corner to give better access and angle. Doesn't look like much, but it feels a lot better when playing around the 22-24th fret.




Those shots were taken with a crummy half-defective web cam which seriously needs an intimate meeting with a baseball bat, so please excuse the shitto quality, once again :ill: :grin: :grin: