I like this type of music a lot, but all the good bands that I know of in this genre have already been mentioned. Keep them coming however
I can stongly recommend the following:
Alquin - The Mountain Queen
Bo Hansson - Lord of the Rings
Focus - Moving Waves
Mithrandir - For You the Old Women
Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra
Pentacle - La Clef des Songes
The early Antonius Rex and Jacula stuff for some necessary evil :Smokedev:
and of course the obvious stuff like:
Early Camel
Early King Crimson
Early Genesis
I also really like some of the more contemporary scandinavian bands with that 70's sound like Anekdoten, Anglagard, Landberk, Paatos, Morte Macabre, Dungen (actually anything with Reine Fiske in it
