Sarah Palin & Rob Rock

B. Hussein..

And there it is. His middle name. Because clearly that has everything to do with who he is, he shares a last name with an Iraqi Overlord.

Of course, maybe I have you pegged wrong, and you're thinking of King Hussein of Jordan, a major advocate for democracy, civil liberties and human rights.

I am so sick of that name calling bullshit.

Up&Away said:
Smart enough to con all the ophiles into believing his promises. Yet, he hasn't come through on any of them.

The problem is that we are stuck in this antiquated two party system whereby all politicians, regardless of their true desires, are perpetually poisoned by lobbyists and the massive corporate fist. This will never change so I say Drink more, eat less and lots and lots of sex...
At least Sarah Palin wouldn't give all of Nebraska free Medicaid in exchange for 1 vote on a shitty healthcare bill ...

... she'd probably make the entire nation fund Alaska's prosperity instead.

This thread is absurd, but at the same time, I'm not gonna lie -- it's damn fucking hysterical. The fact is liberals hate conservative ideas and vice-versa. That's how it always has been and always will be. Another thing is all politicians are hypocrites and just want your vote, more than they want to actually help the country. I hate to be so cynical but it's true. There is no such thing as a good politician anymore...if there ever was a time.
I keep trying to back away, but the stupidity on both sides draws me in like a black hole. In reference to that, I'm sure, soon, I will be unfortunately merged physically and completely with Sarah Palin, as I am currently circling her Event Horizon.
This thread is absurd, but at the same time, I'm not gonna lie -- it's damn fucking hysterical. The fact is liberals hate conservative ideas and vice-versa. That's how it always has been and always will be. Another thing is all politicians are hypocrites and just want your vote, more than they want to actually help the country. I hate to be so cynical but it's true. There is no such thing as a good politician anymore...if there ever was a time.

I don't believe there ever was. The only thing that changed is the way the media portrays them.

@Nailz: I'm experiencing a similar phenomenon. I know I shouldn't keep reading this thread...yet I keep coming back to it.
Wow, a lot of people were "hooked" by this. I have plenty to say but this forum isn't the place. Politics & music forums don't mix people....

Oh yeah, Rob Rock is an excellent vocalist and he has recorded vocals on at least 10 albums I enjoy very much. I could care less what his political or religious views are and I won't be thinking about any of that the next time I crank up "Rob Rock - (2005) Holy Hell - 04 - Holy Hell.mp3"

And how, exactly, is that any different at all than every single one of the politicians that has come before him over the last 100 years? And do you honestly feel McCain/Palin would have been any different in that regard?

I don't think McCain would have signed off on a $787billion stimulus bill that has not only proven to be ineffective at recovering the economy, but whose spending elements were largely dictated by the Apollo Alliance -- and were designed to support the Alliance's left-leaning agenda, not to create jobs.

If Obama had listened to Rep. Louie Gohmert's idea of "spending" that money in the form of a moratorium on income, FICA, and Medicare taxes, we'd have already pulled out of the recession months ago.

At least Sarah Palin wouldn't give all of Nebraska free Medicaid in exchange for 1 vote on a shitty healthcare bill ...

... she'd probably make the entire nation fund Alaska's prosperity instead.

No need for that; Alaska swims in money, which is why every resident gets a portion of the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend each year. (They need it, 'cause things are pricier up there. :))
I find it funny that this hatred between opposing views is EXACTLY what the Powers That Be want you to pay attention to. It doesn't matter WHO is president, as this country is really run by large corportations & banks. Obama, Palin, McCain, etc are all just puppets...and if Big O pardons jailed former governer George Ryan, I will personally send him crime scene photos of the charred children in a squashed minivan Ryan is responsible for....

(Geroge Ryan was convicted of corruption for being involved with a scheme where people bought their way to a CDL, without ever having to be tested. These people don't deserve to be on our roads driving trucks that they can't control. There was a multiple fatality accident in the town I grew up in, and the driver who caused it had "purchased" his license in this scheme)
I find it funny that this hatred between opposing views is EXACTLY what the Powers That Be want you to pay attention to. It doesn't matter WHO is president, as this country is really run by large corportations & banks. Obama, Palin, McCain, etc are all just puppets...and if Big O pardons jailed former governer George Ryan, I will personally send him crime scene photos of the charred children in a squashed minivan Ryan is responsible for....

(Geroge Ryan was convicted of corruption for being involved with a scheme where people bought their way to a CDL, without ever having to be tested. These people don't deserve to be on our roads driving trucks that they can't control. There was a multiple fatality accident in the town I grew up in, and the driver who caused it had "purchased" his license in this scheme)

Goddammit, I KNEW there was a reason I always have liked you. I could not agree more!
I find it funny that this hatred between opposing views is EXACTLY what the Powers That Be want you to pay attention to. It doesn't matter WHO is president, as this country is really run by large corportations & banks. Obama, Palin, McCain, etc are all just puppets...and if Big O pardons jailed former governer George Ryan, I will personally send him crime scene photos of the charred children in a squashed minivan Ryan is responsible for....

(Geroge Ryan was convicted of corruption for being involved with a scheme where people bought their way to a CDL, without ever having to be tested. These people don't deserve to be on our roads driving trucks that they can't control. There was a multiple fatality accident in the town I grew up in, and the driver who caused it had "purchased" his license in this scheme)

I agree with you wholeheartedly as well. Politicians do what whatever power and money needs for them to do...and the American people generally get screwed in the process.

I find it funny that this hatred between opposing views is EXACTLY what the Powers That Be want you to pay attention to. It doesn't matter WHO is president, as this country is really run by large corportations & banks. Obama, Palin, McCain, etc are all just puppets...
