Satan in Metal


Burger King Diamond
Sep 18, 2008
Washington State
What are people's opinions about Satanic lyrics?

It's kind of interesting to me because I see metalheads criticize the use of Satan in lyrics, imagery, whatever.
As strange as it might seem, I think its funny. Actually listening to Venom's Resurrection as we speak on which there's a song called "Black Flame (Of Satan)". Its just fucking hilarious!
On a more serious note I think its totally alright with satanic lyrics. If thats how the band wants to approach, then why bother arguing
It depends on how they're presented. But other than Mercyful Fate (and Sabbath occasionaly) satanic lyrics just tend to annoy me :lol:
I think most of the bands that use Satan in their lyrics are just lazy or trying to be badass. I much prefer it when bands are more original with their lyrics. I mean if you're gonna try and piss off christians, surely you should write lyrics about how fucked up their religion is, instead of going on about the same old mythical cliche. And the people who genuinely believe in Satan in the biblical form are just as stupid as the christians themselves.
I think most of the bands that use Satan in their lyrics are just lazy or trying to be badass. I much prefer it when bands are more original with their lyrics. I mean if you're gonna try and piss off christians, surely you should write lyrics about how fucked up their religion is, instead of going on about the same old mythical cliche. And the people who genuinely believe in Satan in the biblical form are just as stupid as the christians themselves.

And why is that? Have you read the Satanic Bible? There's various forms of belief in regards to Satanism I believe. Just because you dislike Christianity (which I myself do) or Satanism does not mean it gives you the right to outright insult people's beliefs without taking the details into consideration.
And why is that? Have you read the Satanic Bible? There's various forms of belief in regards to Satanism I believe. Just because you dislike Christianity (which I myself do) or Satanism does not mean it gives you the right to outright insult people's beliefs without taking the details into consideration.

I'm sorry if I offended, but surely, if you genuinely believe in Satan from the bible, that means God from the Bible also exists, and you would presume the Bible to be the truth. And if the Bible was truth you'd have to spend eternity burning in hell if you worshipped Satan. Seems a bit ridiculous to me. I think most people who "worship" Satan do it as a protest against Christianity, and don't actuallly take it 100% seriously, which I respect, but I don't understand why anyone would actually seriously worship Satan.

Maybe I was a bit out of line to call them "stupid", that was meant to be a slightly tongue in cheek comment, not designed to offend.

I've read up on the Satanic Bible and Church of Satan, and they state that they do not believe in or worship the Devil or any supernatural beings, I was not refferring to that part of Satanism, as in my first post I said "And the people who genuinely believe in Satan in the biblical form are just as stupid as the christians themselves."
Well it certainly shouldnt offend you if he insults it. I mean with the name satanism of course its gonna get bad talk. Satanism is believing in yourself, and putting yourself at number one... but the beliefs can go too far on that one. I hate it to be honest. I hate all religion. Its so fucked up.

Satan in music? I cant care, if the songs good, the song is good. But it is a bit silly and gives me bad impressions straight away. Especially with a lot of black metal.
Well it certainly shouldnt offend you if he insults it. I mean with the name satanism of course its gonna get bad talk. Satanism is believing in yourself, and putting yourself at number one... but the beliefs can go too far on that one. I hate it to be honest. I hate all religion. Its so fucked up.

Satan in music? I cant care, if the songs good, the song is good. But it is a bit silly and gives me bad impressions straight away. Especially with a lot of black metal.

Yeah I admire the ethics of Satanism, not the beliefs. But I don't see why people would need religion to be able to live that way. In my eyes, pretty much all religion is for the weak.
Satanism is more a way of life than a "religion" imo.
Also, I don't see the problem with satanic lyrics. I love all the lyrics Sportlov has written, even if they aren't really serious, and I don't think any band is, except for maybe Dissection and some similar band really are.
Well it certainly shouldnt offend you if he insults it. I mean with the name satanism of course its gonna get bad talk. Satanism is believing in yourself, and putting yourself at number one... but the beliefs can go too far on that one. I hate it to be honest. I hate all religion. Its so fucked up.

I'm not offended, I'm just stating an opinion that he shouldn't jump to conclusions etc in my view so don't worry about that haha. I am not religious in any form, it's just that Satanism intreges me (if thats even how you spell that word).

I agree with the ethics of Satanism, it's all about putting yourself first and I think that is good but I also agree with Zelaxe that is more of a way of life than a religion as such. I'm not a fan of religion at all, but each to their own and everyone has their own beliefs, I have no right to slander their views but I will state my own opinion.

But yeah, Satanic lyrics in music doesn't bother me, yeah some of it is stupid and over the top but if it's well done and not just YEAH I LOVE SATAN, SATAN SATAN SATAN, then yeah, go ahead, s'all good.
"Religion is the Opium of the Masses" Said Carl Marx

I don't mind what the lyrics are about tbh. I don't listen to much music that has really "Bad" lyrics but i find its a nice change to people singing about normal stuff.

Doesn't Jeff right all the "controversial" Slayer songs? Like Ji-Had
Rock and metal has always been dubbed as 'the Devil's music' if thats what you're getting at. If its solely on lyrics, its just a topic to write about - a common one, but thats all it is.
I agree with what Dan said, if the song's good, the song's good. I don't care if the lyrics are about Satan or not. Nor am I offended by Satanic lyrics or imagery.

I think people need to remember that the large majority of bands who write lyrics about Satan do not class themselves as "Satanists" - It's just theatre, it's an act. Just like corpse paint, and things like that. Of course there are exceptions...

I love all the lyrics Sportlov has written, even if they aren't really serious, and I don't think any band is, except for maybe Dissection and some similar band really are. Jon Nödtveidt from Dissection (one of my very favourite bands). He was deadly serious about his lyrics. :lol: