Satan or Hussein, who's insane?

Papa Josh said:
First off, bro, I don't spend money on weed, I get it for FREE. So, don't come at me with your shit unless you have your fact's straight.

Again, check yourself.

My apologies then. I just can't understand people that accept unemployment pay or any other form of charity when they are perfectly capable of getting a job (I'm not saying that you are doing that.). I live in a town I hate and work at a job that I am bored to death with. Why? Because I want to support my wife as she goes through graduate school. Sometimes other people take precedense over me.

You strike me as the type of person that is all words and no action. You want society to pave the way for you. You want things to be handed to you, even though you continue to find ways to screw yourself out of any luck you might have had.
Papa Josh said:
Exactly, I want out of this city where a threat of blowing up chemical plants is very high.. We agree a bit on the tycoons.. and I know you're not the problem, but I don't know if I would want you on a jury... :grin:

:lol: I always tell my girlfriend that I want to be on the jury of a high profile case. And if the other 11 jurors want to aquit the guy based on some shaky evidence, I'll hang that jury and they'll have to bring another jury in.

Guilty until proven innocent.

Fear me.
Papa Josh said:
Bush should be held accountable for war crimes and crimes against his own people. It's interesting that the fedral government excecuted a man today for kidnapping, rape and murder and Bush, as always, ignored pleas on his behalf... he has a good record for that in Texas. What makes it more interesting is the man's defense... brain damage from exposure to Iraqi nerve gas in part one of the "Gulf War."

It seems our government wants everyone to understand the danger of these chemical agents, yet when one of their own has been subject to it and its effects, instead of attempting to rehabilitate this person, they kill him. Humane?

Was it humane when he took her by force, raped her then brutally beat her to death with a tire iron, yet we are suppose to feel sympathy for him cause he served in a war and got nerve gased.

He avoided a debate with Hussein because Hussein would've shown the world what a fool America has for a leader...

It would of been interesting to see them both duke it out, and I do think Bush would of stood his ground quite comfortably.

I'm sorry if this bothers anyone, but he needs to be taken out... Why is it our government only assassinates good people like JFK or MLK, Jr.?

Good question. But I thought you don't support excecutions. Why support assassinations?

The fact is that war is gonna happen, I don't think it's a surprise to anybody. Knowing this if Saddam really did gave a damn about his ppl he would go into exile, but we know he won't.

So the war will happen, I just hope it ends as fast and as painless as possible. This does not mean I support the war, cause I don't.
The majority of US citizens want this war, latest polls were between 60% and 70% I believe. I havne't heard any since Bushy's speech last night though. Judging from the current market rally I would assume the numbers to increase.

ABout the rest of the world dissapproving, well... we are a sovereign country, just like everyone else.
I don't want the war but if there's gonna be one, I want it hard, quick and rather freudian...

last democratic president to successfully kick ass = Franklin delano Roosevelt. since that time every president and his soldierwannabe cabinets have hindered our war machine and lessened its effectiveness. let the damn generals do what they've been trained to do.
liz, I *knew* you'd know the answer to that question...I was hoping someone else would as well! Though I'm sure they wouldn't admit that it's been well over 80 years since a democratic leader in the USA effectively protected our interests abroad.
Weapon X said:
So the war will happen, I just hope it ends as fast and as painless as possible. This does not mean I support the war, cause I don't.

Hey - 14 people in the forum? That makes it a party does it not? :)

Just to comment on this, unfortunately the war will not be painless. Saddam already has a contingency plan - probably along the lines of blowing up oil fields and killing as many Iraqi people as possible that he considers his opposition.

Worse still, he is capable of anything between exile or death. He will use more human shields, and probably use chemical weapons against any of the Iraqi rebels willing to join the fight against him.

I do not support any war. However, I understand that Saddam is a maniac that needs to be taken out.

The one thing that has not been discussed yet is the people of New York. For those that live in the middle of nowhere, well with all due respect, you are less likely targets than the people of NY (as seen through recent history). When this war begins, downtown Manhattan could end up looking like the Gaza Strip. The terrorists are already here and timing is everything to them.

This war will incite further terrorism. I'm not sure how anyone could argue that right?
JayKeeley said:
Hey - 14 people in the forum? That makes it a party does it not? :)

Just to comment on this, unfortunately the war will not be painless. Saddam already has a contingency plan - probably along the lines of blowing up oil fields and killing as many Iraqi people as possible that he considers his opposition.

Worse still, he is capable of anything between exile or death. He will use more human shields, and probably use chemical weapons against any of the Iraqi rebels willing to join the fight against him.

I do not support any war. However, I understand that Saddam is a maniac that needs to be taken out.

The one thing that has not been discussed yet is the people of New York. For those that live in the middle of nowhere, well with all due respect, you are less likely targets than the people of NY (as seen through recent history). When this war begins, downtown Manhattan could end up looking like the Gaza Strip. The terrorists are already here and timing is everything to them.

This war will incite further terrorism. I'm not sure how anyone could argue that right?

Your last staement concerns me most at this time.
I can't disagree that an attack on Iraq (or any other 'enemy' Middle Eastern nation) might incite additional terrorist attacks, but how can any of you think that they wouldn't happen anyway?

And what would you have the United States do? Say "We're sorry, please don't attack us. You just go right on ahead and do whatever you like, even if that means building nuclear weaponry, continuing to advance you biological/chemical agents, and hell, sell 'em to the highest bidders if you want!"

Sorry, but the time for diplomacy and peaceful resolution through the flapping of gums is long past. The time to eliminate ONE of these fucking disgraces is right now. And I live within 14 miles of New York City. My family, friends and relatives live and work there. They're not worried, and neither am I.
JayKeeley said:
This war will incite further terrorism. I'm not sure how anyone could argue that right?

The other thing that's worrying is that more anti-Arab/Muslim (or anything that's perceived as Arab or Muslim) sentiments will start popping up. Remember after 9/11 when people were attacking anyone in a turban?! Watch out if you have brown skin.
markgugs said:
And I live within 14 miles of New York City. My family, friends and relatives live and work there. They're not worried, and neither am I.

I don't get it... why are you not worried? Is it because you don't think there will be more terrorism or because you just don't want to live in fear of it?
I think that was fairly isolated to a few incidents and then blown out of proportion by the media, go figure (the liberal media, I might add).

For the record, there has been strong anti-Arab/Muslim sentiment in this country LONG before 9/11.

Though I understand your concerns...
If Houston is threatened in a big way, I have two places to go. No worries here. Plus, I live far away from the chemical plants and the ship channel.
haddsie said:
I don't get it... why are you not worried? Is it because you don't think there will be more terrorism or because you just don't want to live in fear of it?

Yes and no. I *do* absolutely refuse to alter my life and succumb to the wishes of terrorists. However, like I stated very clearly, future terrorist attacks would in all likelihood happen WITH or WITHOUT the United States attacking a Middle Eastern nation. Would you rather we sit back and wait for them to happen, or perhaps take out 1 of the world's greatest threats?

Most people forget that these people are TERRORISTS. They wield the weapon of fear and intimidation to create and incite "terror." Normal rules do NOT apply to them nor are they important as they seek to achieve their goals. They *hate* American ideals with a passion and will stop at nothing to take us down. Sorry, but it's "us" or "them" now.
Plus, I believe in fate/destiny. If I die, it was my fate. You/I can hide or whatever, but we will not live one more moment longer.

Some of you may write me off as a wack-job, but oh well, I never claimed to be sane....