Scott Ian: Anthrax's Singer Issues Paved the Way for the Damned Things

Someone on this board other than Trashard loose is time by reading this guy???? He always said the same boring things!
Have you listen to POT blablabla, Bush is bad blablabla, Belladonna is god blablabla, Rob beanie and purple guitar is gay blablabla, Bush is grunge blablabla.
He never said constructive things, always bitching. Excuse me but I cant stand him no more!
Every one on this board have something that is special, and said interesting things and are class act!
This guy is the only one (maybe 6er too, but it's pobably the same person) who is always negative about everything other than is own person and ways of thinking!
But this guy never have an intelligent conversation, always bitching people who dont share is point of view!!
It's sad, because is post used to be interessant to read!
Excuse me for my English!

Well at least I am consistent. I have praised many things Anthrax has done. Just not since about 15 years ago. I don't know who 6er is believe it or not. I wasn't around here at that time. Though from what I can gather he sounds pretty fun. Don't take me so seriously dude, I am just expressing my opinions. My opinions are mine, I will always speak them if asked, sometimes when not asked. I can come across as a prick, I get it. But don't take it so seriously, its just a forum, and I am just one person speaking my own opinion. That is what forums are for.

Think how boring it would be if everyone agreed with everything. And I never said Bush was bad or Joey was great. I love how people try to turn that on me. I do prefer Joeys vocals to John Bush's vocals. But I don't hate John Bush nor do I love Joey.
I've grown to love Maidenboy.
Well, I now don't want to stab him in the eye with a fork.
Well, maybe once or twice, but not as much.

Seriously, if Maidenboy wasn't posting here, the place would be dead, at least we still get some good banter with guys like him. :kickass:
I've grown to love Maidenboy.
Well, I now don't want to stab him in the eye with a fork.
Well, maybe once or twice, but not as much.

Seriously, if Maidenboy wasn't posting here, the place would be dead, at least we still get some good banter with guys like him. :kickass:

I agree. I find his posts to be funny, mostly consistent and filled with emotional outbursts way beyond what you hear in emo music.
There have been hundreds of CD's I have donated to the streets in the past 10 years or so.

So thats why i keep finding copies of vol 8, stomp, and justin bieber cds all over the sidewalk every time i visit long beach! :lol: :lol:

Some kid finds it, puts it on a random track and its "Toast to the extras", right back to the street it goes!
IMF is likable in an odd sort of way. I have to admit you gotta admire the dude's sticking to his principles and beliefs. There i said it and I have converted into the "not a bad guy" category.
It's all cool. Respect everyone's opinion and whilst I don't agree with a lot of IMF's views, he is still part of this board.

Viva le difference! Otherwise this would be a very boring place.

I think the thing that annoys me more is all the old posters who left when Joey came back on board or even after the first reunion. Really miss some of those older posters on here.
So thats why i keep finding copies of vol 8, stomp, and justin bieber cds all over the sidewalk every time i visit long beach! :lol: :lol:

Some kid finds it, puts it on a random track and its "Toast to the extras", right back to the street it goes!

hahaha :kickass:

You know whats funny. I swear I have never even heard a Justin Beiber song. I just have seen him on commercials and talk shows. I will have to go check him out now, I am fairly curious!