Scott Ian: Anthrax's Singer Issues Paved the Way for the Damned Things

Back to topic - I still don't get this: Scott says that if Nelson hadn't quit and John Bush had decided to do it fulltime, there would be no TDT.

But I thought the day John decided not to be part of it they got Joey they always wanted and with whom they could finally move forward? Wouldn't that be even bigger excuse not to focus on anything else than Anthrax then? I'm confused.
Listening to Ian is like clapping with one hand!! I lose respect for him more and more each day, but at the same rate there was a time when info was not so readily availible (dam internet!!) and I would just wait for the next album not really knowing all the backstage bullshit!! Ian should listen to some of his own lyrics...

"Who are you gonna live your life for?
Conformity will trap you like a locked door
Independence means owning your decisions
Authority will put your ass in prison"

He is such a fucking poser it makes sick!! He has tried to follow every fucking trend there is and has no integrity. What has he brought to the metal world that was not ripped off from somewhere else!! I love Anthrax, what it once was, but Ian is so invisible to me because I can never see him, constantly seeing through him...
He is such a fucking poser it makes sick!! He has tried to follow every fucking trend there is and has no integrity. What has he brought to the metal world that was not ripped off from somewhere else!! I love Anthrax, what it once was, but Ian is so invisible to me because I can never see him, constantly seeing through him...

I tend to agree with you here. He really does follow trends and has not much of any real impact in the metal community. He is not very credible. But I guess it doesn't matter as long as the next Anthrax album is good
Listening to Ian is like clapping with one hand!! I lose respect for him more and more each day, but at the same rate there was a time when info was not so readily availible (dam internet!!) and I would just wait for the next album not really knowing all the backstage bullshit!! Ian should listen to some of his own lyrics...

"Who are you gonna live your life for?
Conformity will trap you like a locked door
Independence means owning your decisions
Authority will put your ass in prison"

He is such a fucking poser it makes sick!! He has tried to follow every fucking trend there is and has no integrity. What has he brought to the metal world that was not ripped off from somewhere else!! I love Anthrax, what it once was, but Ian is so invisible to me because I can never see him, constantly seeing through him...

I've never been a basher of Scott publicly although agree with much of what you say.

One thing I've always found interesting, is that I vividly recall when V8 came out and the track Stealing From A Thief..... Scott at the time hounded on people who he said lived their lives online, downloaded stuff, basically saying they didn't have a life etc etc..... I still have the interview somewhere from a Metal Hammer mag when he was promoting the record at the time.

Need I say any more, other than that seems rather hypocritical.......?
I don't mean to come off sounding like a dick, but through all the years, it is the same old shit. Maybe Milano finally has me brainwashed, or whatever, but it gets old. I would like a new album and am sick of waiting. But the fact that I am here whining must mean I care right?? I just know out of the tracks I have heard, Fight em is the only one that caught my attention, and I hope it is not the best song on the album, ya know?? The other tracks were to similar to their latest stuff, and I really would like to hear something more in line with what got me into them in the first place...
Back to topic - I still don't get this: Scott says that if Nelson hadn't quit and John Bush had decided to do it fulltime, there would be no TDT.

But I thought the day John decided not to be part of it they got Joey they always wanted and with whom they could finally move forward? Wouldn't that be even bigger excuse not to focus on anything else than Anthrax then? I'm confused.

Bingo. Someone finally said it. Obviously his heart isn't IN working with Joey as much as it would have been with John. So he decided to kill time working with a new band and taking his sweet time on the Joey record, cuz he just doesn't care too much about it one way or the other.
Then he should have found another singer he does want to work with, rather than just someone he can make the most money off of. The main reason they got Joey back had to have been the big four, having Bush there would have been wrong because the music they did with Bush was not thrash. But no matter how much money they make they are continuing to fuck up the band's name.
Pretty sure if the Big Four thing did not happen, Anthrax was done... at least it seems that way. The only reason we even have a chance at seeing a new album is because there are more Big Four shows planned. I kinda wonder if Anthrax was dead in the water after the Dan Nelson experiment, but then someone talked them into sucking it up and doing the Big Four with Joey...
Then he should have found another singer he does want to work with, rather than just someone he can make the most money off of. The main reason they got Joey back had to have been the big four, having Bush there would have been wrong because the music they did with Bush was not thrash. But no matter how much money they make they are continuing to fuck up the band's name.

Why couldn't they do the Big 4 with Bush? They had a big hit with Bush and SOWN, and it's not like Metallica have been a thrash metal band for a LONG time.
Why couldn't they do the Big 4 with Bush? They had a big hit with Bush and SOWN, and it's not like Metallica have been a thrash metal band for a LONG time.

Yes, but Metallica still has the same frontman as they did in their thrash days. And SOWN was a hit at the time but hasn't aged well at all, it's definately not considered a classic like their earlier albums.
Bingo. Someone finally said it. Obviously his heart isn't IN working with Joey as much as it would have been with John. So he decided to kill time working with a new band and taking his sweet time on the Joey record, cuz he just doesn't care too much about it one way or the other.

What Deege said.
Yes, but Metallica still has the same frontman as they did in their thrash days. And SOWN was a hit at the time but hasn't aged well at all, it's definately not considered a classic like their earlier albums.

So what? It's not like with John Bush they only played his era of material. They still did all of the old stuff live. Plus, James Hetfield lists John Bush as one of his favorite singers of all-time...I bet Metallica (the deciders of this entire tour) would probably prefer John Bush being on tour with them.