Searching for someone to mix an album.

Yeah, there are a lot of traps to fall into. For example in the beginning right before the blast beats the OHs have a bit of silence which annoyed me but at least it's relatively easy to fix.

Nice work yourself. Very big sub-bass going on.
Thanks :) Yeah, it's way too much, probably because it's not the best of ideas to be mixing from 21:30 to about 00:00 :hypno:

How did you find mixing the guitars, by the way?
A pain in the ...ears ;) They have a whole bunch of problems but to be fair I think they also sound in a way raw and powerful. Very weird stuff going on in the hi-end, though and way too much gain.

What do you mean by "hi shelved"
EQ in hi-shelf mode. I basically cut most of the hi-end.
i also downloaded your tracks and will gladly do a demo mix for you :)
it might take me a few days due to my busy university schedule right now, though...but reading your comment above i guess that won't be too much of a problem.
ROCKS GUYS! :rock:

heres my version :

Preview :
if you like, heres the donwload with higher quality:

did something the vocals needed (i think)
the guitar sound is someone posted earlier a little grainy
the snare needs some work, as drumagog did shitloads of wrong triggering...
but that can be done of course, just takes some time, hehe.
and no quantizing for this demo as im lazy right now :-)

could be mastered way hotter (now - 8db rms) , but i liked it that way

if you like pm me!
laterz danny
Did someone try to edit these drums prior to you uploading them? There's definitely alot of glitches in my files...anyone else notice these or is it just a corrupt download?

Either way working on a mix.
Ok so here is my quick try. Needs a lot more of cleaning/editing but this is a rough idea. Those guitar feedbacks!, need to be careful about those, also a lot of de-essing is needed in the vocals. Drum tracks seem difficult but workable and i really like the Bass Tone! Guitars are Ok but too much gain and sort of grainy sound (strange but absolutely nothing going on over 7-8000. Master not too hot but can get way hotter. Went for a bit more natural drums and a tad darker overall sound

Pm if you like
The way this is tracked, I think it would be killer just to have a really raw version with all the feedback and shit, I thought it sounded cool. Just thought I'd throw it out there, I love me some feedback.
you have some weird samplerate probs going on, probably soundclick. Check it!

Hey cheers for letting me know this isn't the 1st time this has happened, its weird the track sounds fine to me but to others it sounds bad i get the feeling it cud be somethin to do with being in diff countries im not sure out my depths a bit here, i think ill jus make em available for download from now on lol.

Jus wondering what does my track actually sound like to you?, does it jus sound weird or are there speed problems or w/e


Aight, here's V2 of my rough mix:

Got a little bit of time to work on it today, which is nice. Still not done though, and there are some elements which are giving me the shits (though I don't think some of them can be overcome without re-tracking).

I'm trying to keep the drums as raw as possible, but it's very hard because they're all over the place, so a LOT of automation is needed. A lot of boring automation, which you'd need to pay me to do, so I'll leave it out for these 'demo mixes' :lol: