Senderos Del Rock Review!


Epic Kirsty
Jan 2, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland

I'm so hyped. Haha.

SO. I decided I would make y'all jealous with a brief recap. I say brief. Fuck that. I'm bored! and Alan get a lift to the airport in Glasgow at 7am and we arse about for a bit and sit in the wee airport canteen until our flight. All goes well and we arrive on time. We arrive in London and get hooked on those machines you put 10p in and try shove other 10p's out. Then I won Alan a wee apple toy in the 'grabber' machine and he won me a cat. Haha! So we get our flight to Zaragoza and touch down 2 hours later!!!

Aeropuerto de Zaragoza looks like a shed. It is TEENY. It has no shops. So we go out front since we have no bags to collect and get a taxi. He takes us to our hotel and charges us €29. We have a hard time understanding each other due to language barriers!!! We eventually get to our hotel, and get our key (number 222...x3 and you get 666). Anyway, we just drop off our bags, I put some makeup on and off we go since it is 8pm already!

This is where things get shit. NO ONE speaks English. NO ONE. We have a map of where we are supposed to be going and we try about 4 people before the woman in the garage tells us which general direction to go. And by chance we see a bus whizz past that says 'Casetas' which is where we want to go!!! So we wait at the bus stop for about 20 minutes and it is FREEZING cold. About 5 degrees.

We get on and the bus costs €0,85 each. Bargain. The bus driver tells us when to get off (we showed him our map!) and we get off. I recognise some of the street names from the map but we stop and try to get directions once more! A guy tells us it is 'cinqo'. Which is basically 5 streets down. So we go and we walk up the 5th street and then I navigate us to Av de la Constitucion. Or whatever and we look for number 16! And I can hear music so we follow that. Then we spy some metalheads and we follow them and at LAST we are at Senderos Del Rock!

We go to the guys at the front door who tell us 'taquillas'. Which I guessed means tickets. So we go to the box office and spend about 15 minutes trying to communicate the fact we are on the guestlist. He asks my name "Kirsty Young". He thinks it's a place. ARGH! So we tell him that we are "Kirsty and Alan for Firewind". And a wee woman in the back goes "AHHH, Alan, Alan, dos". So the guy looks. There are only 4 names on the guestlist. Turns out the problem is that my name was spelt "Cristi" and Alan's was spelt "Allan". Haha. So we got our free tickets and we went and got an amazing hot dog and then went in.

EPIC. Dragonfly was the first band we caught. They were good but we only caught 2 songs.

Then next on was Azrael. They were AMAZING. The guy was wearing zebra print leggings and obviously no underwear. Everytime he jumped or grabbed his balls EVERYTHING moved. O________O. They sang and spoke in Spanish so I didn't understand them but I was impressed by their guitarists and their stage presence and I would definitely listen to them again.

Next was Dark Moor! We only saw about 3 songs before BobKat text me and told me and Alan to wait outside. So we go outside and I text him back. "Better be worth it I'm fucking FREEEZING". So about 10 minutes later he comes out and talks to us. It feels SOOOOOOOO good talking to someone else that speaks English!!!!! We talked to him for about 15 minutes and I showed him Han's text :p Naughty girl.


Anyway, Bob went to make a phone call and me and Alan went back inside and watched the rest of Dark Moor! WOOOO! Then A band called Saurom came on. And I was mighty impressed! Spoke Spanish again. But hey. They were AMAZING. They had pyros and everything. Truly a good show!

Then we managed to get into the front and wait for Firewind...

After about 20 minutes of setting up they came on. OH WOW. I don't even remember how their setlist went. But they played Allegiance, Insanity, Destination Forever, The Fire and the Fury, Deliverance, Brother's Keeper, Between Heaven and Hell and Tyranny. They might have played Falling To Pieces but I don't remember O_O

I caught Apollo's water and Bob's plectrum. Everything was just a blur because I was so happy. It went by so fast! Apollo was on FORM by the way. He was fucking AMAZING. <3333333 Maybe I'm just biased, eh? But Alan thinks the same. OOFT. Saw Gus' tattoo. Heh. Looks really cool. So just before they sang Tyranny, Bob came over to Apollo and said he would like to say hi to 'the crazy people all the way from Scotland'. Wonder who that could be!!?!? And then he pointed at us ^_^ LOVE THEM! But after Firewind we stood at the front for a while. I asked for a setlist and ended up with Saurom's setlist. Oh well!

We were walking to the exit and a guy runs up to me and Alan and asked "You are the Scottish?" and we go "Yeaaah......" and he gave us Mark Cross' drum stick! Haha! Awesome!

So me and Alan sat outside for a while, got another hotdog and started the journey home. We walked like....2 miles before we got to a hotel and asked them to call us a taxi. We got to the hotel at 4am and fell into bed after asking for our key.

We awoke in the morning, packed our stuff and left at about 11am and got a taxi to the auropuerto. Our flight was late. We were panicking as we had a connecting flight in London at 4pm. So we got into London at 3pm and ran all the way to the checkin desk where they said we had to go to the queue and pay £2. So we ran over to the queue and it was MASSIVE. We got skipped forward and FINALLY got our boarding passes and we had to run all the way to the departure gate. With the exception of taking our shoes off at the security check. Eventually got to the gate with a mere 3 minutes to spare. And we flew to Glasgow :)

Then we waited half an hour on a train into the City Centre and then we got a taxi back to mines where I fell asleep on my sofa. EPIC.

I loved every second of being away. Can't wait for Copenhagen next week! Just hope our flights are on time!!!!!

I'm gunna post some pictures in a new message!

xx Kirsty

Ok that was just a linguistic rant haha. No rant, just playing around. Sounds good, looks like we'll be having some crazy fun at PPS!

Oh pssst *what did Hanna say??* :p