the trash or continue?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008

I began to work on the mix and tryed to embed some of your work. So far there are the solos of Goddamn guitar, The Shred, Keregioz, Skinny Viking and my droning. Tell me what you think about it yet. Help me to get the best possible mixing result. I still have the opinion, Carlos´s Solos would be better, if it´d be more distorted, but I felt free to work with it for now.

Here we go:

Goddamn guitar, The Shred, Keregioz, Skinny Viking and Felix

Metaltastic´s and Azistenostora´s Solo are yet to come. I´m looking forward to it :)


I´m desperate. Working on this little piece of music for month now, recorded vocals for it, rejected it, made plans to do an instrumental with this material. I did and now I´m here:

or soundclick

To make it short..what would you do to make something special out of it? I´m just about to throw it away. I don´t think, it´s worth all the headaches.
keep working on it Felix ... there are some really good ideas in there

I'll admit you almost started losing me because it was a bit too repititive with the drums and chord progression but I got sucked right back in at the 1:18 mark and my interest stayed for the remainder of the tune
keep working on it Felix ... there are some really good ideas in there

I'll admit you almost started losing me because it was a bit too repititive with the drums and chord progression but I got sucked right back in at the 1:18 mark and my interest stayed for the remainder of the tune

Thanks dude. It´s good to hear that :) The mix certainly is absolutely subobtimal yet and the Krank revolution Jr. (for rythm track) KILLS ME! Squeaky as fuck! I should record it with the JVM :bah:
def keep working on this song i see a lot of potential coming out of this...maybe less palm muting (around 25 secs) can open it up and give you some new ideas?
def keep working on this song i see a lot of potential coming out of this...maybe less palm muting (around 25 secs) can open it up and give you some new ideas?

Thank you very much, dude! What would YOU do, to improve it? Okay, there will be some more solos, but maybe you guys have some ideas for improvement. What do you think about kind of "spoken words" at 1:23?
I love the beginning (the main riff).

What I think is the only thing really boring here is the lead melody and too basic rythms I guess. Every other part is actually a pleasure to listen to.

At 1:15 when the lead goes hier, it's really epic. Idem in the end. I'm not too fan of the darker side of these parts but I guess I don't really often like those type of dark passages and prefer the epic/happy ones.
first: no spoken words. let me contribute something this time, please. this track is just awesome and pure win in my opinion.
Ok honestly here is my 1st impression of something different, and its small cause I'm really digging what you did already ...

somewhere around the 1:10 mark, you need a more exciting changeup or build into the next section starting at 1:17

really, thats it. Just something to exaggerate that change over. This is keeping in mind that you had already said more solos were to be added. Try some kind of upward progression in the space between 1:10 - 1:17, have a few more of the solos thrown in, and then see how you're feeling about it
ab 1:22 : mördergeil!

i just think that the introriff lacks a bit of taste...maybe you want to try out some different rhythms?
ich find halt einfach nur die 16tel am anfang a bissl langweilig, die melodie selber is eh leiwand vA der flotte dreamtheatrige teil :headbang:
Aaaargh I just discovered you guys wrote something about my stuff. I had already resigned myself to the fact that the thread is lost in the endless shallow of the Andy Sneap forum :D

First..THANKS to all for your help and the good tipps.@Skinny Viking, I will take it into account, what you said. @Emdprodukt, my friend. I will send you the backing track tomorrow. For this tune, absolutely no highspeed soloing is needed (I did this enough at 2:11) Possible lead contributions could be started at 1:47 --- til my solo and some slayer typical whammy bar shit at 2:35 - 3:00. For the solo what started at 3:00 I have planned to ask our sneapster Keregioz (he´s awesome)!
Yeah it definitely has potential. I may be mistaken, but isn't this the same track you posted some time ago with vocals? If yes it's much better now.

Yes dude! I didn´t like my vocals on that, it was much too thin. I think to do an instrumental is the better choice. Now you´re here I can ask you directly, would you like to do the last solo beginning at 3:00 to bring it to an end? You know why I ask you. You are a proofed "bring it to a great end lead guitarrero" :lol:
damn .. too bad :)

I was gonna ask if maybe I could take a shot at something there but I don't ever use a whammy bar

oh well, should be interesting to hear where it all goes

I´ll send you the backing track as well, dude. We should reach an agreement anyhow about different solo contributions :lol: But basically this instrumental is perfect for some lead contributions. At the end, it certainly should be a piece of quality! You guys rock :headbang:
I´ll send you the backing track as well, dude. We should reach an agreement anyhow about different solo contributions :lol: But basically this instrumental is perfect for some lead contributions. At the end, it certainly should be a piece of quality! You guys rock :headbang:

awesome man ... I mean all I can say is I'll try my best to contribute something that fits ... if you dig it thats great, if not, there is no question that there are better players than me on this forum ;) hahaha
Yes dude! I didn´t like my vocals on that, it was much too thin. I think to do an instrumental is the better choice. Now you´re here I can ask you directly, would you like to do the last solo beginning at 3:00 to bring it to an end? :lol:

Of course, I'll give it a shot! that 3:00 to 3:24 or to the very end?
Do you have anything specific in mind or a suggestion about how you want it to end? PM me if you want to discuss it...

You know why I ask you. You are a proofed "bring it to a great end lead guitarrero"
Ok, now you're putting me under too much pressure :erk: :)