Shining Star's "Enter Eternity" album (with Lance King)


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Who knows about it? And what can you tell me?

Other than seeing it listed at Laser's Edge, don't know anything about it...

Rock on!
That's the one...a Brazilian guitar player. Evidently, this has been tied up at the record label for some time and just now seeing the light of day...
I have this CD courtesy of LANCE KING(Christmas present from the man himself). This band was supposed to be LANCE's full time band after he left BOP, They recorded this CD a few years back, but due to Legal problems with the Record company it never saw the light of day. Lance was then approached to join PYRAMAZE, and this became his new home. in 2005 the legal problems were rectified and now the CD has been released thru NIGHTMARE records If you like Balance of Power and PYRAMAZE you will definetly love this one. It is Power/Progressive Melodic and LANCE is in rare form. It is an awesome CD and well worth a buy. So if you like LANCE KING's style then by all means go to Nightmare Records on line and purchase it. I play it at least once a day, its that good.

me too me too ditto John's statements. It's great !!! I got a few CDs from Lance for Christmas and I didn't really investigate much when I threw them in the player, that one started and I was all "HELL YEAH, another Lance project" !!

It's great!!!
I also recieved this CD from Lance as a Christmas gift (signed) and can recommend it as well.
Ditto here, too. Best Christmas present I got this year - Thanks Lance! I like Shinging Star quite a bit and it's quickly becoming my favorite Lance King project. I recommend it! Highly!
Lance King Freakin Rocks!!! He is such a great guy. He promotes the bands from his label to the max!! I ordered Avian's CD "From The Depths Of Time" which he is on also. It rocks!

So I went and ordered the new Shining Star "Enter Eternity" and Lance sent it to me along with two other great titles from

I got Ascension Theorys "Answers", think VandenPlas, Dream Theater, Threshold, Shadow Gallery. Its very good!

And also Warmachine "The Begining Of The End" which I like better than I thought I would. Reminds me of Iron Mask/Sonata Artica/Stratovarius/& Iron Maiden.

And he sent me a second copy of Avian's CD. And I will make sure someone that loves music gets it!
LANCE is the man, can't wait to see him and JONAH, TOKE, MICHEAL, NIELS, AND MORTEN tear up the main stage on Friday night.