Shit you get sick of hearing

I hate hearing unprovoked bashing of any music, no matter how unpleasant I find it. It just gets annoying getting into a conversation and all of a sudden someone goes "have you heard of this band? They suck dick!"
My dogs bark all day, every day, at anything or nothing. If they see a cat out the window, they bark; if someone walks down the road by the house, they bark; if a truck goes by, they bark; if they can hear the neighbors' kids playing in their pool, they bark; when my mom or dad get home from work, the dogs bark some more and they bark at my mom when she's feeding them, but she just tolerates it rather than train them to shut up or not eat.
^Why don't you get one of those shock collars that go off when they bark? It's not nice, but it does the job well. A friend of mine only had to keep it on his dog for a couple of months and now the dog only barks when it should.
^Why don't you get one of those shock collars that go off when they bark? It's not nice, but it does the job well. A friend of mine only had to keep it on his dog for a couple of months and now the dog only barks when it should.
The shock collars are pretty expensive as far as I know, but it doesn't really matter because my mom won't let us punish them anyway. Any time my brother or I try to correct their behavior, she makes excuses for them because "they're dogs and they don't know any better." They don't know any better because you won't let anyone train them! :mad:

A couple months ago, one of the dogs was barking out the window for about fourty minutes non-stop and would jump back up and continue about 20 seconds to a minute after removing her from the window, so my brother muzzled her and our mom made him take it off and started yelling at him with shit like "how would you like it if someone put you in a muzzle?" Kind of a stupid argument considering that my brother doesn't jump on the couch and scream out the window at people riding by on their bikes.
People with a desire to relate every topic of conversation to some inane, meaningless story about themselves. There's one dumb bitch on my floor who does this constantly, I'm on the verge of breaking her jaw.
People with a desire to relate every topic of conversation to some inane, meaningless story about themselves. There's one dumb bitch on my floor who does this constantly, I'm on the verge of breaking her jaw.

My stepmom does this, what's worse is I am pretty sure she makes up most of these stories. It is enraging.


Yeah, people tell me that all the time. No, I'm drunk.
I think I do the stories thing. Oh well. I don't do it that often though. To be fair, some pretty weird mr bean like things tend to happen in my life.
In fairness, hearing metalcore and deathcore is really annoying. >_>


I hate when people tell long elaborate stories about themselves that I just don't give a shit about.

I hate being expected to be courteous and keep my mouth shut when people talk about bands I don't like.

There's a lot of shit I hate hearing from people. Sometimes I think I really do hold people to impossible standards.