Facial hair on the chin w/o facial hair on the lip = retarded, imo.
Which is bad because it seems to be very fashionable these days and it's pissing me off. It looks stupid.
audiophileguy, Belligerent, darrkon, Faith No More, Hertzy11, howudoin1861, no country for old wainds, Onder, ShredHeadJHJ, Systematic Riffage, tanya6, Thanatopsis123, ThisIsACoolName, whiskey funeral
That's right, we are compiling a faggot list. Check for your name.
But doesn't God hate faggots?
Dude. Rhapsody are the shit. Don't mess.dude, it's starting to look like power metal hair. If you have any dignity left than you'd shave that wavy shit off, pronto! do it before you're balls start to shrink and voice becomes more effeminate
You mean a mustache?...or the opposite.
Exactly. Krig's hair is just a mega jew-fro which is the gayest look ever when long.