Should I cut my hair???

Should I cut my hair?

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Yeah seriously, unless you find it overwhelmingly uncomfortable you should let it grow out. You clearly look cooler with long hair.

You should probably get rid of that fucking facial hair though.
It's really wide and puffy, and doesn't have much shape to it. If you kept it shorter and narrower, or maybe just went with a goatee, it might work.

Imo of course.
Facial hair on the chin w/o facial hair on the lip = retarded, imo.
Which is bad because it seems to be very fashionable these days and it's pissing me off. It looks stupid.
dude, it's starting to look like power metal hair. If you have any dignity left than you'd shave that wavy shit off, pronto! do it before you're balls start to shrink and voice becomes more effeminate

I would switch the votes because honestly, everyone wants the worse option for Krig. And there you go - cut it.
I like the long hair
Just grow the goatee into either a full beard, or cut it into an actual goatee.

EDIT: Plus, only faggots said you should cut it.
audiophileguy, Belligerent, darrkon, Faith No More, Hertzy11, howudoin1861, no country for old wainds, Onder, ShredHeadJHJ, Systematic Riffage, tanya6, Thanatopsis123, ThisIsACoolName, whiskey funeral
You might consider doing something about that face first, heheh.

Edit: seriously though, I would cut it if my hair was like yours--way too tough to manage when it is that frizzy/curly for little, if any, aesthetic payoff.

My hair is somewhat curly when short, but for some reason when I grew it out it straightened out pretty well.
dude, it's starting to look like power metal hair. If you have any dignity left than you'd shave that wavy shit off, pronto! do it before you're balls start to shrink and voice becomes more effeminate

Dude. Rhapsody are the shit. Don't mess.
Alex Starpoli always looks hilarious with that sorta sheepdog thing going on.

...or the opposite.
You mean a mustache?
Mustaches are so 70s...

Exactly. Krig's hair is just a mega jew-fro which is the gayest look ever when long.

Not at all.