It's a sad day in the life of King Drunkard my friends...

Long hair is perfect for Maine, because it is cooler here. In the winter it keeps your neck warm. In the summer, if it gets too hot, you put it into a ponytail. There are also a lot of hippies in Maine also.
The bottom line is that long hair on a man is unprofessional. It's not like a crisis. It might suck, but dear god, to go into the real world you have to do some sort of conformity to society, and that's all there is to it. It's not as big of a deal as you guys are making it out to be.

This is a stupid post.
The bottom line is that long hair on a man is unprofessional. It's not like a crisis. It might suck, but dear god, to go into the real world you have to do some sort of conformity to society, and that's all there is to it. It's not as big of a deal as you guys are making it out to be.
Or you could move to a normal country were this isn't an issue at all and nobody cares. Seriously BIG LOL @ this being a problem in the US. x)
So, you all feel the need to conform to the typical identity of "metalheadism" by growing your hair long? I listen to metal because I find the music aesthetically appealing. I hope you guys don't immediately ostracize me upon our first meeting because my hair's too short. :cool:
I have long hair because I like long hair. If I didn't listen to Metal, I would still have long hair. That doesn't mean I'll never cut it or that I dislike short hair, or that I even give a fuck.
I wanted long hair before I was into metal. My mom made me get a haircut all through middleschool so I could never grow it out.